Employers have the right to terminate your employment. However, this is not always legally correct and employees are often entitled to severance pay. We tell you what you should pay attention to.

Termination Without Notice: Your Right to Severance or Compensation

Why do companies lay off their employees?

When Companies There are a number of possible reasons for dismissing employees. These include, for example, poor performance, lack of availability, missing Teamwork - or the Employees financially simply places too high demands on the company.

Although notice periods and, depending on the position, severance pay are common, there are certain circumstances where employers are not required to comply with all Regulate to hold in the termination; for example, an employee may be summarily dismissed for misconduct.

When are you entitled to severance pay?

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Conversely, if you are an employee who was terminated without good reason or without notice, there is a high probability that you will be able to receive severance pay.

The severance payment is calculated based on the length of your employment with the company. With a compensation calculator you can see what the compensation could be.

What are the deadlines for notices of termination?

As an employee, you have the right not to be dismissed immediately. This means that your employer cannot fire you without giving you time to look for another job.

Notice must be given to the employee so that the employer can legally terminate the contract with the employee. Notice of termination can be given verbally or in writing. The notice must include the date on which the employment relationship will end, but not the notice period.

If in a written contract a notice period is set, this deadline applies. If there is no written agreement or if the deadline is disputed, the following applies:

What is wrongful termination?

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If an employer terminates your employment without first notifying you or giving you a warning, or without giving you the opportunity to seek alternative employment, then there may be wrongful termination.

Employers often try to justify layoffs by claiming that an employee was "poorly hired" or that they wanted to do the employee "a favor".

When is the reason for termination discriminatory and illegal?

However, in some cases these reasons are not sufficient, and in some cases the reason for termination is illegal, discriminatory or unethical. and you should know your rights if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being fired.

In addition, if an employee is terminated without notice, there is a high probability that the employer will dismiss the employee on discriminatory grounds. Termination without notice is an employment law offense and if the employee can show that the termination was on discriminatory grounds, the employee is entitled to damages, including back wages, advance wages, compensatory damages, punitive damages, and attorneys' fees and costs.

Should German employees prefer a written termination agreement to a termination?

Better than legal steps is, however, to agree and agree with the employer on a negotiation basis Termination agreement to agree. A written termination agreement can be very beneficial for both the employer and the employee useful be. It provides a clear understanding of what is expected of each party and what they are entitled to in the event of termination.

The agreement should have a firm termination date, a list of all outstanding Tasksthat need to be completed and details of notice periods or compensation due instead. It is advisable to have the contract signed by an employment lawyer draw up to ensure that it is legally secure and, if necessary, will stand up in court.

What are the mandatory conditions for contract termination?

Below are some mandatory conditions that must be met before a contract can be terminated.

negotiation of your severance payment

In the event of termination, it is often the case that terminated employees are paid severance pay. The amount of the severance payment depends on how long the employee has worked for the company and how good the employee's bargaining position is.

It is important that a reasonable severance package is negotiated. You can get a better package negotiate, if you are requesting paid time off, increased severance pay, or other benefits. When negotiating with the company, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you want and need before you start negotiating. So seize your rights and negotiate a settlement.

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