Within the Job Search can convince you through authenticity - provided you know what you want. But good behavior is still required. It applies the Balance a DAK Bungalow.

Etiquette in job interviews: balance between authenticity and manners

Openness does not mean disrespect

I actually took it for granted, but I guess it can't be said often enough: if they Rede of it is that Candidate While interviewing should be frank, it doesn't mean that you should be disrespectful towards her.

Of course everyone should job interview be conducted respectfully. For me, openness rather means that you don't pretend, that you don't slip into a role and authentic remains.

Sign an honest picture

Also, painting an honest picture of yourself doesn't mean talking about the last party with your friends or the current one during the interview Crisis reported with the life partner. These topics do not belong in this place. Draw an honest picture on all relevant topics.

If family situations are relevant, mention them. But only if it's on topic. Ask Always, if you pretend in the first few hours and paint a wrong picture, how long you can keep it up.

The simple rules of behavior

With all honesty and openness, the simple ones should of course, and that should also be a matter of course Regulate of behavior are not lost. That means quite simply:

This could be called forever, but as mentioned, it should also be self-evident.

Show interest

The job interview decides on the future professional situation and also on professional ones that lead beyond it steps. So show an interest not only in the position and the benefits you may receive, but also in those around you. With these People will you be in Future likely to spend more time than with friends or partner. Eight hours a day.

The social component is not only important for your daily well-being, but also for yours Career. Get a picture of the other person to see if the wavy line is correct. After all, you want to be challenged and encouraged. But keep in mind that you're staying on a respectful level. In the interview, you don't want to make new friends straight away, you want to enter into a professional relationship.