Cross-national language skills are in the area of ​​jobs and careers for many today People become a crucial factor. But which languages ​​are most likely to be in demand and which ones Industries are best suited for an international career? We give an overview.

language career

Which languages ​​are the most important for an international career?

In a study by the “Economist” and the language travel provider “Education First” were over 500 international Executives surveyed, which is more than 50 percent in Companies with an annual Income over 500 million US dollars work on how foreign language skills are important to them. Among them the manager of the human resources department of ABB (Energy– and automation technology) in Switzerland and the vice president of RW³ (training for international relations in corporations) in the USA.

A full 64 percent of respondents said it still is Problems in the Communication with foreign companies due to language barriers. Especially in finance Consulting and the IT industry will be multilingual Employees searched. linguistic proficiency are therefore not to be underestimated for the career, but the question arises which languages ​​are most important for an international career.

1. English

Especially in the area of Economy no language is more important than English. It can even be said that an international career in English is possible without learning English Businessarea is almost unthinkable. Fortunately, there is a correspondingly large one selection at language schools, where Business English is also taught very purposefully – for example within the framework of language travel - can be learned.

Since English is the international language of business, good knowledge enables you to start a career anywhere Welt. In particular, the areas of business consulting and management in general benefit from a good knowledge of English, since the exchange here, if the mother tongue of the respective country is not spoken and spoken, usually takes place in English.

2. Spanish

One can argue about whether Spanish or French should take the second place, the numbers but the Spanish wins by far. The language is spoken worldwide from 400 to 500 million people. Spanish is mainly spoken in Europe, Central and South America.

As far as an international career is concerned, the opportunities here are growing steadily, especially in the USA. Meanwhile, about a sixth of the population has Spanish roots and there are whole branches of Latin American workers. For example, the social professions, such as hospitals or nursing homes, work primarily with people whose mother tongue is Spanish. So if you want to work as a doctor in the USA, Spanish knowledge can be a great advantage. The same applies to the areas of politics and international management, since here the relations with the Mexico bordering the USA are an important factor.

3. Japanese

Surprisingly on the third place the Japanese lands, the after current studies at 4,33 percent of the international vacancies in Germany is assumed. In total, Japanese is spoken by approximately 127 millions of people around the world, including 200.000 in the US.

In Germany, there are now far more 1000 larger Japanese companies that maintain relations with Japan and the USA and place positions in international management and trade. It is well-known in this respect that technical companies are celebrating great success in Japan and with whom the country is also internationally in demand.

4. French

French is ranked fourth among the most popular languages. Particularly in Europe, French learning helps to start in international jobs. The language is spoken on four continents by approximately 141 million people, with particular emphasis on Europe as an internationally important labor market.

Especially in France itself, knowledge of the mother tongue, whether in Everyday life or in relation to an international career, highly appreciated. In addition, French is the working language in the Brussels institutions of the EU. If you are aiming for an international career at the European Court of Human Rights or in EU politics in general in Brussels, knowledge of French is essential. The same applies to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. In addition, French is also the second official language in some African countries.

5. Italian

Italian is spoken by approximately 65 million people around the world, the most important business centers where Italian is spoken as mother tongue, Italy itself (56 million native speakers) and Switzerland (525.000 native speakers). In Slovenia and Croatia, Italian is also the official language.

If you consider that Germany is by far the most important trading partner of Italy, there are opportunities in the area of ​​international careers and international management. An important starting point is, for example, “MERCURIO”, the German-Italian business association that establishes and deepens business relations between the states.

6. Russian

The Russian belongs to the Slavic language family and should be a great challenge for the German language through Cyrillic writing. However, Russian is spoken by about 240 million people around the world, whereby acquired knowledge promises good opportunities as far as the international career is concerned.

In terms of international trade and international management, relations with Russia 2012 had a high point with a turnover of 80 billion euros. Although the figures have declined somewhat in recent years, stable economic relations still exist. As is known, the Russian economy is particularly strong in the oil and natural gas sectors, so if you are looking for a career in these fields, you should think about acquiring Russian skills.


In an increasingly globalized world, English skills are often no longer sufficient for a career in foreign trade or international management. Particularly larger companies in Germany and also worldwide rely on networking with foreign partners.

However, this also includes employees with excellent knowledge of foreign languages, which are offered by languageCourses, eLearning offers were deepened. Anyone who can mediate here has already taken an important step towards Objective made an international career.