Executives need to understand in principle that there is a newly compiled Team There is no predefined role distribution. The comparison of roles and motives results in a valuable model for permanently motivated teams.

Communication in job and career - success through diplomacy

Do you want to be a leader, a pioneer or a specialist?

In the case of newly established teams, each member initially approaches their role with their own self-image. Different Measures, such as an introductory workshop can define project roles and clear to distribute.

A fundamental distinction is made between the technical roles, as provided for in a project agreement, and what Meredith Belbin (www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/) describes as “complementary informal team roles”. The author differentiates between nine types, which she in turn classifies according to three categories: action-oriented, communication-oriented and knowledge-oriented.

Man and his motifs

Like McClelland's motifs (see also blog part 1), Belbin's model also requires individual strengths and weaknesses-Profiles. By combining both models, we see that they correlate surprisingly precisely.

The following overview shows the individual strengths and weakness profiles of the three motifs according to McClelland and determines suitable informal team roles, which the members of the motif types assume with some probability:

Team runners are made of motifs

Motive Performance:

Motif Friendship:

Motif Power:

With motive and team role to more success

Personnel responsible should coordinate the motive, informal team role and actual project roles as far as possible.

In doing so, they minimize the risk of demotivation, over- or under-exertion, loss of friction, lack of competence or conflict, and at the same time maximize the success of the company as a whole.