The belief in self-efficacy is one of the best-studied human traits in the world Psychology. But what does it mean exactly?

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Psychologically well researched

Does the person sitting across from us believe that they are in charge of their own destiny and that they are being driven by their own Behavior change themselves and the things around them for the better? If so, that's self-efficacy belief.

The fact that the belief in self-efficacy has been so well researched is mainly due to the fact that psychological research is primarily disease-related research and we therapists know that the Success therapy depends to a large extent on this resilience factor

Yes but…

You've probably ever been tight Contact now People had, a good friend, a partner, someone of yours Familywho was struggling to process a breakup or perhaps a layoff, for example. You then probably tried to show understanding for the situation, gave the person tips and advice on what they can do to make them feel better.

In this connection, you may recall that the person kept replying to you: “Yes, you are right, but I simply cannot forget him / her”, or: “I cannot do this, I have no strength for it and besides, it doesn't do anything anyway Sinn. "

Hopeless or lack of self-efficacy?

You probably gave up after a few, usually long, frustration, maybe you even gave up the contact with the person. It seemed to her no use.

What the person was missing was nothing more than a good self-efficacy, so the conviction that she can change something about her situation.

No sacrificial roll!

This factor is also important in two ways Significance. First of all, of course, because highly resilient people have a firm conviction that can be expressed very well with the following sentence: "I am not a victim, but a creator of my world!"

In line with this sentence, they rarely assume the role of victim. This would paralyze them, since they would then be exposed to external, uncontrollable factors Debt would give for not feeling well emotionally.

Always keep control!

What highly resilient people gain from their belief in self-efficacy is, in addition to a sense of composure in dealing with life's adversities, a sense of Control about themselves and the emotional state they are in.

They are almost always convinced that they have the “book of their life” in their own hands.

All a question of attitude

The second reason this factor matters has to do with you, the reader of this book, in a very direct way. Especially if you have your resilience want to develop further.

As an attentive reader, you will not have missed the fact that a large number of the seven factors mentioned here are linked above all to our attitudes, attitudes and the perspectives that we occupy.

Change the departed

We know from psychological and neurobiological research that people through continuous training can also change very deep-rooted attitudes and learn their whole life. The majority of the animals can not do this.

Nothing else will come with that Term “Personal Development” described. This path can be rocky and tedious, as these attitudes have often been consolidated over decades in the form of neuronal structures in our brains.

On the highway of habit

There they form the term of the neurobiologist Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther, heavily used and firmly concreted highways, which are automatically used when we encounter similar situations.

But sometimes they change completely fast, especially because the benefits of a new attitude suddenly and in an emotionally formative way before us Eyes was led. Things are suddenly going much easier than before.

The Journey is the Goal

Only if you believe that you can change your own attitudes, so if you build up your own self-confidence, you will also confidently put aside the setbacks that you will inevitably face in developing your personal resilience.

In other words: already working on your own resilience will make you a more resilient person.