If we think in the same way, it is difficult for us to change perspective. But even the change of perspective is only a question of technology. For example, helpful Humour, posture and questioning techniques.


Change your perspective!

Is the glass half empty or half full? We know that it would be better, the glass of life, from difficult Tasks, of challenging crises optimistic and decided to consider half full.

But this way of thinking is often difficult for us. Perspective techniques make this perspective change so important for all living situations. One of these techniques even comes without words.

Smile and humor

What would be the worst thing that a manager Customer or colleague could do to you? Formulate a sentence for this. One is enough. Say it under your breath. How does that feel? Of course: bad. And now say the same sentence with a Mickey Mousevoice - or any other funny or distorted voice you can think of. Sing it, squeak it, screech it, whisper it. How is your mood changing?

Incidentally, you can achieve the same thing with a purely facial change of perspective: Smile! Now. No, not again stop! Hold the smile for 60 seconds - it's tough. Beginners rarely do it. The vegetatively released endorphins bring about the hormonal change of perspective, so to speak. Humor is one of the oldest reframing techniques: When Uncle Karl burst the back hem of his trousers at Leni's niece's wedding, he was so embarrassed. But already at the next family birthday, who told this story to everyone's amusement? Uncle Karl. He says, "If they're going to laugh, please, because I'm telling the joke!" Perfect change of perspective.

Accounting techniques

The US scientist Dr. Juli Henderson is one of the world's leading luminaries of the so-called Embodiment (reading tip: “Embodying Well-Being”, AJZ Druck und Verlag). She has discovered and tested dozens of physical exercises that can be used to somatically force a change in perspective, so to speak.

Are you facing a major professional challenge and are you feeling a bit "frustrated", frustrated or "down"? Then you yawn. Once again. And again. Or shake like a dog after a bath. Once again. And again. Or bounce up and down like a bouncy ball. The not so crazy thing from a somatopsychic point of view: All these exercises cause an immediate mood change. The only requirement: your perception is sharp enough change recognize (and thereby reinforce) them.

Question techniques

When everything happens, when everything goes down the drain, we can still stop the fall into hopelessness with a question and turn around. Guess them? Of course, what can I learn from it? Especially from disasters, we often learn more than from success - if we want to learn. Another change of perspective is:

What is the Sinn behind it all? Four hours without result with one customers negotiatewho has already made a firm commitment and then doesn't sign it? What's the point? Good question. A saleswoman once told me: "The next time I'll notice after an hour if there's no more closing."

And another perspective question: “What do I feel like doing? And what would be good for me? " A choleric superior confessed to me Coaching: “A delinquent Employees to fold it up - it kills the day! But then I ask myself: You're in the mood for that now - but is it good for you? And then I'll leave it. At least more often than when I don't ask the question." Perfect change of perspective.


Do you find a task difficult? She verlieren the desire to work? Before you push yourself harder or do anything stupid, change them Perspektive! There is nothing to lose - and everything to gain.