We keep discussing on Best of HR - Berufebilder.de® also the chances of older workers in the labor market. The result: Older workers still have a good chance - if you take a few tips to heart.

Best of HR – Berufebilder.de®

Strengthen your own strengths

The Network Career-Experten, for example, asked its members whether it was more difficult to find a new job in the labor market after the age of 45. The unanimous Opinions of the experts: Older workers need their Power play out They are therefore, for example, in leading position or in customer-facing jobs. customers did not always want to have younger contacts, but rather those who were about the same age as themselves.

And the experts advise: Since lifelong Things to Learn and so that continuous further development has become the benchmark in many professions anyway, everyone who works in this way becomes more and more valuable on the market over the years. In teams, a “senior” member can bring calm and professionalism.

8 Tips from 8 Experts: How to find older workers a job

  1. Outplacement consultant Petra Perlenfein says: “Employees in this age reflect their strengths and values ​​more consciously and clearly. They have the strength and motivation to start a new job and feel a little more independent. ”
  2. The career consultant and former manager Martina Bandoly says: "Professional success is not a question of age, but of your own confidence in yourself!" Personnel consultant Franz Peter Staudt is one of the experts who answered the question about the difficulty with 45 + "yes and no" ”Answered:“ Yes, it is difficult if the jobs are unskilled. There the chances are rather slim and no when it comes to skills. No university graduate, no matter how good, can bring this along, as it can only be worked out through “practice”. I would always prefer a qualified 45er, especially in project and consulting work. ”
  3. HR consultant Petraplant is certain: “Employers certainly appreciate the qualities of older applicants. I have enough examples among my customers. ”
  4. Lawyer and business coach Anja Gerber-Oehlmann gives the tip: “It is therefore worthwhile to think about your own marketing skills early on, to maintain your networks and to be up-to-date in every respect!”
  5. Career coach Ulrike Zecher recommends: “Forget the digital application process. Better put your energy into an application blog. Promotes your visibility and strengthens your self-esteem. ”
  6. Head of Human Resources Gilbert Dietrich says: "Since lifelong learning and thus continuous further development has become the standard in many professions, everyone who works in this way will become more and more valuable on the market over the years."
  7. Coach Gudrun Happich is certain: “Applicants 45+ have no problem finding a new job or staying in the old one if they consistently answer the question: Who am I? What I want? Where and to whom do I bring the greatest benefit? Because when you have developed and / or found your ideal position, you develop the highest performance with passion and ease and are the most valuable person with the greatest benefit for every employer or customer. ”
  8. Professional reorientation expert Bernd Slaghuis also advises applicants aged 45+: “Be authentic in your application and don’t hide your age. On the contrary: Actively emphasize the valuable advantages you bring to the company over a younger applicant.”