Anyone who is considered shy or introverted or even has a language problem such as stuttering is considered an oddball and is rarely credited with professional success. But just such People can surprising Power develop. We therefore need more such role models.

Introverts, stutterers and nerds in the spotlight

Films about outsiders are very popular in Hollywood: recently seen “The Biggest Showmann” and a few years ago “The King's Speech”. Such films have long since been awarded at the best-known international awards ceremonies.

This shows that we are in a state of social change here: even as an introvert or stutterer, you can go far - and that's why we need such role models and maybe even the somewhat chatty Hollywood movies.

The Kings Speech - from the king who stuttered

“The Kings Speech”, for example, which I recently watched and loved. Because the content really matters Courage - and not only stuttering people, but also many more introverted natures who are in a noisy Welt voice want to obtain or even have to due to professional circumstances.

What exactly is it about? “The King's Speech” is a British biography by director Tom Hooper from 2010 in which Colin Firth portrays the British King George VI. represents. The film won four awards at the 2011 Academy Awards in the categories of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay.

Looking for a new job?

The real sticking point of the topic: The film deals with the career of the British King George VI. from the self-doubting stutterer to the dignified head of state, who had to give Britain and the former colonies courage during the Second World War.

Because George VI. suffered from the teasing his stuttering caused him from an early age: “Maybe he should get a new one Job seek!" advises speech therapist Lionel Logue to the future Queen Mum in the film.

Away with fear!

We have heard such sayings, whether we stutter or not, somehow everyone has heard: "Let it be better, you can't!" or "You can't do it anyway" are such typical well-meaning advice. And always from people who don't trust us with what we want to do anyway.

mine Opinions too many people conform to that judgment and let their fears guide them instead of just doing what they want. In other words: you just give up!

Beyond yourself

George VI was lucky - because he had none Choice. When his brother Edward VIII renounced the throne because of an inappropriate relationship, he became king – including public appearances. And that meant that the shy man was practically forced to overcome his fears.

In principle, I'm not a fan of the British royal family, but I think the film showed very well in moving pictures that even reserved, insecure people who believe in themselves can surpass themselves and achieve a lot. If only his Anxiety overcome!

"Because I have something to say!"

Or as it says in a review of the film so aptly:

We suffer with Bertie when he's at a Rede unable to utter a word at Wembley Stadium and join in the excitement when he delivers his speech to the nation announcing that England will take part in World War II.

In no scene is it that the film is not just about stuttering, but above all about finding your own inner voice: "Why should I waste my time listening to you?" “Logue asks the king. "Because I have something to say!" says the king.

Courage also for other stutterers

By the way, the film has now drawn circles and also makes other stutterers courage: Stuttering teenagers in the US hope for example that the film helps to dismantle prejudices against the talking. Unfortunately, they still exist.

No wonder that the 80th Academy Awards 2011 also called “And the Oscar goes to 'The Kings Speech'”. The film was awarded four of the five Oscars in the main categories: best film, best director, best actor and best original screenplay. Collin Firth had also won the Golden Globe for Best Actor.

To encourage and be a role model: Despite stuttering in politics

But stuttering also plays a role in German politics. Malte Spitz shows that even with this handicap you can be politically successful. He was from 2004 to 2006 Political CEO of the Green Youth and 2006 to 2013 assessor in the Federal Board of Alliance 90 / The Greens. From June 2014 to May 2016 he was a member of the national executive committee of Alliance 90 / The Green North Rhine-Westphalia.

In an interview he spoke about the multiple Oscar-winning film and about the way he wants to be in public with stutterers. The example shows: Only have courage and believe in yourself.