Heinz Jiranek

For their successful, good life Information you really need: Government-funded publisher, awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year: Books, Shops, data-driven AI-Services. Print and online publications as well as the latest technology go hand in hand - with over 20 years of experience, partners like this Federal Ministry of Education, customers like Samsung, DELL, Telekom or universities. behind it Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, FAZ, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia.

Heinz JiranekHeinz Jiranek, graduate psychologist and coach, is the owner and managing director of ifb-Jiranek - Institute for Industrial Psychology and has been working for various clients on communication, leadership and coaching for 30 years. Also shaped by his professional background as a therapist, he always focuses on the effect and never on the recipe, not on behavioral drill, but on the interpersonal process. More information at www.ifb-jiranek.net/

  • Dealing with feedback & criticism: attacking the personality

    Dealing with feedback & criticism: attacking the personality

    The ability to take criticism is so important: “You have to accept feedback reverently, at least it has to look like it. So just shut up and look upset." Or what does the ideal, constructive way of dealing with feedback look like? Humble and Grateful? Accepting with reverence and looking moved – this is how you can summarize the common idea of ​​dealing with feedback appropriately.…

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  • React correctly to criticism: Allow feedback

    React correctly to criticism: Allow feedback

    But how do you deal with feedback after the first slight? A very simple tool often helps – more than giving in to the impulse to object: the question. Questions and raising awareness As an instrument for self- and impulse control, you can use questions even if you don't want to know anything! When Odysseus tied himself to the mast...

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  • Change management & criticism: What bosses can change

    Change management & criticism: What bosses can change

    Changes that are questionable are all too often demanded or desired in the work context. Because you can't change a personality. The core of the personality It is generally assumed that the human being has a largely unchangeable core, which is called the personality and which makes up the individual. To do this, humans have a set of…

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  • Feedback in everyday leadership: 12 practical tips for constructive criticism

    Feedback in everyday leadership: 12 practical tips for constructive criticism

    In the case of feedback with positive and negative content, you have a great responsibility here, which you have to face up to as a professional. Do you really have to say everything? Feedback and Leadership “It is best to ask how people are doing frequently and accept the answer graciously and inconclusively. And when you…

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  • Feedback & Leadership: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

    Feedback & Leadership: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

    Critics should be careful with feedback, because self-fulfilling prophecies quickly emerge. The ancient Greeks already knew that. What actually is leadership? “As a manager, I naturally also have to give feedback.” “Of course!”, one would like to assure. But especially in the management context, where power, pressure, intentions to influence, the will to control and the image of humanity play an enormous role, there is a need...

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