Creating experiences and memories for wealthy target groups: Our print and online magazines go hand in hand with international sales, over 20 years of experience and a large network.

Keywords: deceleration, workation, bleisure travel, health tourism, corporate health, MICE, business trips, business lifestyle

Create experiences & memories

People want to have fun, enjoy and relax. – even if they travel for business, like numerous studies show: You get to know a hotel or a destination in a positive way and then return with the whole family or extend it with a wellness stay.

Bleisure Travel is the name of this trend, through which tourism providers are opening up a new, affluent target group. And more: This is also interesting for companies that want to pay their employees for holidays to relax and motivate them.

Personal contacts & experiences count

For this target group in particular, however, time is a precious commodity and they don't have enough of it to spend time and effort clicking through websites or social media. Therefore, it is above all specialist media and personal recommendations that decide on the selection of the travel destination. This is exactly where our print and online media come in:

It is above all the many years of experience, the personal contacts and the great cohesion in the team of publisher Simone Janson that ensure the success.

AI & media international – The publisher

Print, online, social media, interactive AI – this is what the publisher offers:

Print magazines at a glance

Our authors, all proven experts in their fields, cover topics such as healthy eating, sport, travel, fashion, art and sustainability. Work-life balance, nature or deceleration. The titles each have different focuses. You can older editions in the archive order.

These are our 5 print magazines at a glance to leaf through.

  • 4 X Travel & Lifestyle – Best of Edition, 29402646: The best of all magazines →Browse
  • Pleasure@Work, ISSN 27516652: Good food, wellness, deceleration. health →Browse
  • CreARTiv, ISSN 27516695: Creativity, Art, Style, Green Lifestyle, Sustainable Travel →Browse
  • WorkACTIVE, ISSN 27516679: Workation, sport, bleisure travel, teams, experiencing nature →Browse
  • SuccessTTT – Travel / Taste / Trends, ISSN 27516687: Lifestyle, fashion, design, cuisine, business trips →Browse
Good life: travel, lifestyle, health

What is Bleisure Travel & how can we help you?

Studies show that (B)leisure trips are attractive for many people because of their high leisure value at low costs as a way to relax and recharge with exciting activities, while companies specifically set incentives here as a brand. Under the motto “Experience success” our media & travel concepts present suitable offers. Go at it print magazines, Online Publications, Social Media and Books Hand in hand, in sales international channels, Tourism associations and thousands of subscribers.

That's exactly why we design reader trips that are exactly right for you and support you in planning with the latest technology.

Our Reader journeys make personal success tangible: Among our offers, which we market in combination with our books, readers will find a variety of ways in which they can put the inspiration from our media and books into practice, for example in the form of decelerating wellness trips, enjoyable creative activities -experiences or exciting sports adventures. Not only will you gain important experiences that will help you in life, but above all you will also create unforgettable memories for a good life.

The locations are in countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Liechtenstein, Portugal, Italy, France, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Canada or Ireland. All posts appear Online in our Bleisure Travel section, in which you can also find tips from LinkedIn founder or TV Stars find. Selected topics are also included in the print magazines published. On request we also design Bleisure Travel Offers in cooperation with various partners.

Experience success: This is how the interactive AI travel planner works

In order to enable our readers to organize individual trips, we have developed the AI-based, interactive Travel planner

The interactive AI travel planner is an innovative solution that helps you take your travel experiences to a new level. Using artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms, the interactive travel planner offers tailored recommendations and personalized itineraries to take your individual needs and preferences into account. Whether you are looking for meeting locations, bleisure adventures, relaxation, business travel destinations or cultural experiences, the interactive AI travel planner is here to help you make your travel dreams come true. Immerse yourself in a new way of traveling and be inspired by the possibilities of the interactive AI travel planner.