
For their successful, good life Information you really need: Government-funded publisher, awarded the Global Business Award as Publisher of the Year: Books, Shops, data-driven AI-Services. Print and online publications as well as the latest technology go hand in hand - with over 20 years of experience, partners like this Federal Ministry of Education, customers like Samsung, DELL, Telekom or universities. behind it Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, FAZ, ZEIT, WELT, Wikipedia.

angela_dietzAngela Dietz is the expert for healthy communication and leadership. Dietz studied biology, sport and educational psychology. She is the founder of MENSCHLICH ERFOLGREICH - the consulting company for developing a new way of working together. For over twelve years she has been advising well-known companies and training managers, employees, teachers, doctors and private individuals in healthy communication and leadership based on non-violent communication.

  • Healthy management hierarchies in companies: 5 tips for employee communication

    Healthy management hierarchies in companies: 5 tips for employee communication

    How does healthy leadership work and what "care instructions" are there for healthy leadership hierarchies? Empowering employees down to the grassroots requires several steps. Everyone involved must be heard Healthy leadership aims to keep an eye on the needs of the individual, the team, the entire company and the environment. That doesn't mean that...

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  • Lead Communicate Self-Love: Learning from Google

    Lead Communicate Self-Love: Learning from Google

    Companies like Google have been doing it for a long time: healthy communication and leadership also means finding the way to “power together”. The key to better leadership The lifestyle of healthy communication and leadership, based on the ideas of Nonviolent Communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg and its four steps, are the key: The key to…

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  • Healthy leadership & communication: Basics of employee motivation

    Healthy leadership & communication: Basics of employee motivation

    So what does healthy leadership look like? "Power together" does not mean that you, as a manager, generously delegate responsibility to your employees and thus overwhelm them. Threat instead of motivation Or put it so unhappily as follows: “I give you the responsibility for this entire project. It's challenging - dig in and don't let me down!" It sounds…

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