Artificial Intelligence & Quality Assurance

We refer to all media published by us as works - websites, books, magazines, eCourses.

Expert knowledge goes hand in hand with AI and neural networks

We take our responsibility to provide informed, well-researched content and the trust you place in us very seriously. In our publishing house, professional knowledge and technical innovations go hand in hand. We are proud that our experts work in close collaboration with advanced AI technologies. This combination of human expertise and innovation allows us to publish works that meet your needs in every way.

And we are proud to be able to present you with texts that take the possibilities of conveying information to a new level. The use of innovative AI technologies allows us to effectively analyze and process complex content, resulting in improved accuracy and efficiency of our publications. We would like to emphasize that our highly qualified experts continue to be significantly involved in the creation and review of our texts. The AI ​​tools merely serve as a supporting element to facilitate and optimize our work. We also make an important contribution to the innovation development of society as a whole.

Our work makes an important contribution to innovation and social development

With every input, the quality of information improves and thus also helps other users who work with artificial intelligence. In this way, we support the further development of neural networks through our work and thus become part of the innovation process ourselves. And what's more: Since our works appear in German and English, we also contribute to improving understanding between nations, cultures and languages, as we consider intercultural communication to be particularly important in a globalized world.

Artificial intelligence works in a similar way to neurons in the brain: information is transmitted through them in the form of signals. Each neuron receives input signals, processes them and then passes on an output signal. The connections between neurons, also called weights, play a crucial role in processing information.

This is how artificial intelligence and neural machine learning work

The learning process of a neural network is based on adjusting these weights. Initially, the weights are initialized randomly and the network makes a prediction based on these weights. The error is then calculated based on a comparison with the actual results. This error is used to adjust the weights and minimize the error. This adaptation process is carried out iteratively by repeatedly feeding the network with training data. By repeatedly adjusting the weights, the neural network continuously improves and can make increasingly precise predictions.

Another important aspect of neural machine learning is the ability to generalize. This means that the network is not only able to learn the training data, but is also applicable to new, unknown data. This is achieved by the network recognizing different patterns and features during training and generalizing them to respond to similar data. The way neural machine learning works makes it possible to solve complex problems and recognize patterns in large amounts of data. This technology has already achieved impressive results in many areas such as image recognition, speech recognition, generative text creation, translation and even autonomous driving.

Quality assurance & compliance

As part of quality assurance, it is important to emphasize that AI does not replace the human factor, but rather simply complements it in a meaningful way. Human expertise and experience remain essential to validate and interpret AI results. The combination of human intelligence and AI enables optimal quality assurance and contributes to continuous improvement.

In order to provide our readers with additional, further offers and inspiration, we work in accordance with our compliance guidelines with selected network partners who provide the products for our numerous projects. You can find out more about this at

If you encounter irregularities despite all quality measures, we ask you to support our quality management by contacting write. Despite taking the greatest possible care, we cannot accept any liability for any damage caused by our work. You can find out more about this in our disclaimer below