It is said that those who save are in need. But that's only half the story when it comes to financial planning. The right investments are at least as important in the financial market. 25 tips.

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Find the right investment with financial education

The finances and expenditure in view, saving in the right place, you know that. You have gained an overview of income and expenses, your financial planning and the iron reserve are in place or you have decided the first ones steps done this way. So it's about time to start thinking about investments.

Because saving is only one side of financial planning. At least just as right: Invest correctly. But before you now shares, fund or real estate think before you invest, you should understand how our monetary system works - become the monetary sovereign. Increase your financial Education. Only then can you be responsible decision for your investment and skilfully avoid crises.

Why banks do not help

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Unfortunately, banks are not reliable here Adviser, as a commercial enterprise, the focus is on selling your own products or products that are particularly lucrative for the bank. Don't worry, you don't have toStudy complete, you can learn the basics, take a little time and Energy help to read a guide. I would like to give you an initial overview of the various investments.

For the short term, your capital is best invested in call money or time deposits. However, better not abroad, where the risks are high and the legal situation is uncertain, as I know from my own painful experience. I also only recommend concrete gold, i.e. real estate, if it is used by the owner or if it is profitable in terms of location or price. In both cases, however, one's own capital is unfavorably bundled and thus exposed to a "cluster risk".

The most important forms of investment in view

In the following, I would like to give you a brief overview of the various forms of investment, so that you can gain a better understanding of the possible investments and gradually become the money-sovereign.

  1. Passbook: There are special accounts for these investments. They only allow two types of payment: deposits and withdrawals. The good old Sparbuch, in which the cash deposits are recorded and which the customer takes home, has lost its former function as a safe and profitable investment medium. At the moment, there is only a minimal interest rate on deposits. In many cases there are periods of notice and maximum amounts for availability.
  2. Daily allowances: Instead, there is the electronic scrapbook, which can also be used as a daily money account. Daily money is money that is spent only for a few days.
  3. Appointment and time deposit: Term money is created up to a certain, fixed time. Time deposit is another name for term money. All other forms of investment are investments because they involve an entrepreneurial risk.
  4. investments: Under the heading "Capital investments", a participation in a company, a closed fund or similar is generally understood.
  5. False bank participations: We “participate” by opening a bank account. We are creditors of the bank with our money. In fact, the private account holder at the bank is converted into a lawless, high-risk entrepreneur.
  6. Real participations in partnerships and corporations: Real investments are possible in partnerships and corporations. A participation in a company differs from the loan by the entrepreneurial commitment. While you as a lender have only the right to the agreed interest and the repayment of the capital, a participation includes the right to vote or the right to profit or loss participation.
  7. Loan: Loans are available in any type and form. In legal terms, it is a contract of indebtedness in which the lender grants the borrower money or objects for use for a certain period of time. Customary forms of the loan are physical loans or money loans with the variants of final loans repayed at the end of the term with an amount of annuity loans in which the amount of interest and repayment to be paid annually remains the same because the accrued interest is used for the repayment. In the case of redemption loans, the redemption amount remains constant; interest is calculated from the residual amount. This means a declining amount to be paid, since interest rates are reduced with every repayment rate. Mortgage loans are secured with a real estate right on a property. Mortgage loans
  8. Certificates: Certificates are debentures, ie loans to the bank. Instead of an interest rate agreement, you close a bet.
  9. derivatives: Derivatives are highly speculative art products in the form of contracts which derive their economic value from a reference value. This can be securities, raw materials as well as financial art figures.
  10. Government and corporate bonds: Bonds are interest-bearing securities. The issuer, i.e. the borrower, procures external capital in order to be able to implement certain projects. Whether old debts are repaid or investments are made or the money is simply churned out as a working capital loan - these questions usually remain unanswered. Issuers can be states and companies. If the issuer is a state, one speaks of government bonds. They have a huge volume and are therefore very liquid. They are rated by rating agencies. Issuers with first-class creditworthiness receive the best rating (e.g. “AAA”, the “Triple A” from Standard and Poor's). The better the rating, the lower the interest rate.
  11. Fixed and floating rate bonds: In the case of fixed-rate bonds, the investor receives a fixed interest rate fixed for the entire maturity. The floating rate bond has a floating interest rate that is linked to a reference interest rate. Investors are offered a broad range of options such as convertible bonds, warrant bonds, inflation-indexed bonds or linkers, zero-coupon bonds, redeemable bonds, annuity bonds, coco bonds (contingent convertible bonds) bonds), currency bonds are available from both states and companies. From high-quality to highly-risk bonds, called high-yield bonds, everything is available.
  12. State funds: The fund is similar to bonds. They are as numerous as paving stones on the street and in as many forms. Funds are entities that collect, invest and manage capital. State funds hold a global capital of far more than 4 trillions of dollars. Whether wanted or unintended, they influence the financial markets. This fund is not available to private investors.
  13. Open Funds: Investment funds are a special form of investment with different objectives. They function as large “money sumps” into which many investors deposit their money in order to invest it together. The “money collection basin”, the investment company bundles the deposits in a special fund, which means that the funds must be strictly separated from the company's assets. The investor becomes a co-owner of the fund's assets and participates in the performance (both in profit and loss). For his payments, the investor receives unit certificates, which are traded every trading day. Fund managers manage the money and deposit it, e.g. B. in stocks or bonds. The principle of risk diversification applies, which means that the entire fund assets are invested in many individual stocks, stocks or bonds. By spreading the money, the risk is reduced. Diversification is the technical term for this. Usually, these managed funds, as they are called, incur costs: the initial charge, management fees, custodian bank fees.
  14. Funds of Funds: Fund of funds do not invest in individual products, but in investment funds. A large number of investment funds are therefore united under one roof. In the case of open-ended real estate funds, it is important to note a special feature: the investment company is the owner of the real estate and is entered as such in the land register. The retail investor can participate in real estate through this design.
  15. Closed funds: The investor participates in a company (usually GbR or KG) by acquiring units. The company is planning one or more projects. If the required capital is available (drawn), the issuance of shares is closed (closed). The projects are of various types. The most common are real estate, ships, airplanes, containers, solar systems and also films. The advantages are an above-average and regular return over a long period of time. However, there are some serious drawbacks. As a matter of principle, the investment is subject to an entrepreneurial risk. This can lead to a total loss. As a co-contractor, you are liable.
  16. Capital Life and Pension Insurance: The life insurance includes two insurance policies: a life insurance policy that is due on the death of the insured person. When the agreed expiry date is reached, the accumulated capital is due for payment. In most cases a disbursement can also be chosen as a pension. She was the German dearest child in the investment, the taxpayer model of the little man. There are still millions of contracts on 90. However, for some time it has lost its importance as a result of the resolved taxation and the low-interest policy, which has positively evaporated the returns on the savings share. That is not enough, the legislator has continually lowered the guarantee rate over the last ten years. The pension insurance does not cover the death penalty. The risk insurance covers only the death of the insured person.
  17. Precious metals and others: Among the precious metals, gold is the most popular investment. All others follow at a great distance. They have one thing in common: they do not yield any returns. In this respect it is not for me a real investment. Precious metals are mostly acquired by fear and are intended for emergency purposes.
  18. Property: The Germans' greatest dream is their own home. The overwhelming majority want it, but only very few approach the goal ambitiously. This desire is difficult to achieve with your own resources alone. A thorough analysis of the financial situation is essential: What financial resources are available? Which are realistically expected? What income will be safely available in the future? What monthly load is acceptable? You can calculate the monthly charge with a simple formula: For an annuity of 6% (5% interest, 1% repayment), divide the loan amount by 200. As an example, we take a loan amount of 300.000 €. Divided by the factor 200 results in a monthly charge of € 1.500. The factors are 4 for 300%, 5 for 240%, 7 for 171,43% and 8 for 150%. With the help of the budget plan, you can quickly determine what burden you can bear over and above the previous rent excluding charges. There are three things to consider with a property as an investment property: the location, the location, the location. That is the industry's most popular phrase, and it is correct. Please also note that there may be a risk of lumps here. You will never invest an amount of several hundred thousand euros in a single other investment, but always split the amount over several investments.
  19. Capital formation with the state: As the name suggests, the employee savings allowance (ANSpZ) is only granted to employees. The state subsidy is intended to promote wealth creation in the hands of employees. Like all government funding measures, it is tied to bureaucratic hurdles. A housing construction premium (WoP) can be used in addition to capital-building benefits. The Riester pension is a privately financed pension funded by allowances and deduction of special expenses. Basically, it is designed according to the statutory pension insurance, i.e. H. it may only be paid out as an annuity. The Rürup or basic pension, as it is correctly called, was introduced in 2005. It is intended for people who have not acquired a pension entitlement due to a lack of compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance. The difference to statutory insurance lies in the financing. It is not financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, but funded according to insurance principles. In contrast to private pension insurance, a lump-sum payment is not possible.
  20. Investment income and taxes: What has been going on in this area in the Federal Republic since the so-called “reform” on January 1, 1 can confidently be described as perfidy. Capital gains tax is a form of income tax collection. It is withheld from the investment income as withholding tax and paid to the tax office. With the general taxation of price gains, all shareholders are stamped as speculators. Dividends and price gains now carry a double burden. An example should clarify this. A profit of € 2009 is charged with trade tax, corporation tax and a solidarity surcharge of around 100 percent. So there are only 30 € left for the distribution. 70 percent withholding tax and 25 percent solidarity surcharge are due on this. Only € 5,5 remain for the share owner. As if that weren't enough, the state enriches itself even further with shareholders with the tax traps of share splits, spin-offs and withholding tax.
  21. Personal Loan: A personal loan is only given on the basis of the creditworthiness of the borrower, ie without additional collateral. If the creditworthiness is insufficient, the guarantee of another person or the transfer of property by way of security may occur. The material loan is secured by assets or property. Short-term loans are the disposition credit, called Dispo, the installment loan and the frame loan. The disposition credit is a credit granted on the current account for processing payment transactions. The installment loan corresponds to the annuity loan.
  22. Consumer and Investment Loans: there are both in the personnel and in the business area. Consumption is z. B. a loan that is taken out in the private sector for a vacation trip. In the business area, the working capital loan is comparable, which is not taken out for any particular investment.
  23. Leasing: A particular form of financing is leasing. In this case, a lease agreement is concluded, ie an atypical rental agreement. It differs essentially from the rent through the transfer of the maintenance and repair obligation to the lessee.
  24. guarantees: Bürgen means to be liable for the fault of a third party, if the latter can not fulfill an obligation to his creditor. Should you receive a guarantee, you must expect it to be claimed.
  25. Liabilities: are colloquially referred to as debts. Liabilities are repayment obligations to a third party. They are the opposite of fortune. Liabilities naturally sounds much nicer than the word debt. It contains the word guilt, implying something unpleasant, something humiliating, because there is a commitment to a third party.

A word on the subject of stocks

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With this extremely brief summary you have received a first overview of the capital market. Wait, there's something missing, you mean? Quite right, the topic of stocks.

Price increases are no accident. Only part of the profit made is distributed as a dividend (usually thirty to forty percent). The rest remains in the Society and increases hence the course. The fluctuations on the stock exchange have no influence on this. They are due to hysteria and speculation. Just let them pass. Don't follow every current. Fashions and trends also exist in the financial world. If you make a mistake, correct the mistake immediately. The longer you wait, the more expensive it will be to fix.

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