More and more of us feel into job and privacy overburdened. Instead of being able to determine for ourselves what needs to be done, when and at all, we feel constantly at the mercy of trying to do all our Tasks and to fulfill obligations. 5 helpful books at a glance.

Being more productive - a matter of choice

According to the authors, moving big things has never been easier. At the same time, however, it has never been so difficult because there is so much in everyday work that ours awareness attracts.

This permanent torn situation can be fast lead to an energy crisis of the individual. There are only 5 decisions that we have to consciously make in order to regain clarity and security in our lives Everyday life bring to.

 5 make conscious decisions

Based on the Covey method, the authors show that it's just 5 decisions that lead to more productivity again:

  1.  do the important thing
  2. become extraordinary, not satisfied with mediocrity,
  3. the great things plan,
  4. the technology, instead of being controlled,
  5. keep the (inner) fire.

Decide more consciously and plan

The way to this leads to deliberate decisions. The authors point the way back to proven principles such as the Eisenhower matrix. Not letting oneself away from the path requires a pause and conscious decision-making. And this is exactly what encourages this book.

Current technologies are also discussed. The Covey methodology is thus in the modern Working world transported. Lots of charts, summaries and specific references to the Implementation make the book a useful guide. The 5 Decisions” is therefore a successful handbook worth reading for all employees who are looking for more or new productivity.

Time management for fathers

Time management is important. All the more so when you have children that you have to reconcile with the job. Today, however, this no longer only applies to working people Mothers: Organizational skills are also increasingly in demand among fathers.

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This makes a book like “Papa-Zeit ”by Peter Ballnik. In it, the internationally recognized psychotherapist gives many helpful and easy-to-implement tips that make it easier for today's fathers to build and maintain a good and deep relationship with their children despite a full-time job.

Career and still dad?

Parental leave or not - the fact is that the majority of fathers are 100% im Job stands and can only really be “father” in the evenings and at weekends. It is all the more important to use this short time.

The “father expert” Peter Ballnik gives working fathers in his book “Papa-Zeit ”52 tips for accompanying the children well and constructively. The spectrum ranges from camping to listening. And it ensures that children don't just know they have a father. But that they also know that their father is there for them.

Use precious time intensively

Psychotherapist Peter Ballnik, who specializes in fathers, packs his tips into real stories from everyday life. It's always about actions and actions that don't involve much effort and don't cost much Money can be carried out.

Practically, the tips are arranged according to seasons, because Ballnik sends fathers and their sons and daughters as often as possible to common ventures in front of the door. It is about spending time together, experiencing together and showing that you are there for the children.

Attention cannot be postponed

The examples are taken from real life. Beginning with the toddler, who thinks that the father is no longer interested in it, to the pubertierende son, to whom no one is right. Or the daughter who secretly kifft and smokes.

Difficulties are not always like this light to be cleared out of the way, as Ballnik describes it - but he always offers a lot of help and good suggestions. His credo and his admonition to all working fathers: "Attention cannot be postponed."

Good to understand, quick to read

In the last quarter of the book “Papa-Zeit” Ballnik presents the “father pyramid” he developed himself. It gives a quick overview of the requirements that fathers have to face – and are allowed to face. The foundation of the pyramid is showing affection, Trust to give, to spend time together, to show pride and to give security.

The second level is the so-called "signpost" such as being a role model, listening and talking to each other. The second top level is ultimately about deepening the conscience and not only preaching a loving partnership, but above all exemplifying it.

With the eyes of the child

And finally, with the top of the pyramid comes the difficult task of releasing the child into life, "giving him the fatherly blessing".

"Dada-Zeit” is an easy and quick-to-read book full of good tips for dealing with children. Not a thick tome, but a book that gets straight to the point. It is also tailored precisely to the requirements of working fathers. And a precious invitation that Welt to look at it from the children's point of view.

Making life as a work of art

Sometimes small changes can bring about big changes - at least that's what Helena Horn shows us with her book How Mondrian can change your life. Downshifting – the new simplicity”. The question naturally arises: What has Art to do with time management? A lot, we found.

Art is more than just a splash of color on the walls of museums. Art can renew everyday life and Sinn donate for a lifetime. That also applies to People, which so far little Fun at exhibitions and thick illustrated books. Helena Horn dedicates her book How Mondrian Can Change Your Life to them.

12 eras and styles with life-planning messages

The author picks out 12 works from different epochs and styles in order to explain their implicit message for life planning and design.

Visual artists are, of course, here as Mondrian, Monet, Warhol, but also acting (Fellini, Chaplin), architecture (Bauhaus), cookery (Adria) and music (Stravinsky) serve as inspiration sources.

Just throw ballast

It is no coincidence that the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian gave the book its name. With his life's work, Mondrian stands for purism and clear structures. Horn translates the “new simplicity” to the everyday life of people in the consumer and affluent society.

Buying useless luxury goods does not make you free. But let go of old objects and habits. “Throwing off ballast,” says the author, creates a “great depth effect”: “With the process of tidying up, we shed our skin and partedly parted from our old identity.”

Set yourself free!

Clarity, calmness and deceleration are the central motifs of their reflections, which are plausibly derived from the different works of art. There would be:

Courage to re-adjust your own goals

These are fresh semantic links that whet your appetite. On art and on re-adjustments of one's goals and views.

Conclusion: "How Mondrian Can Change Your Life" is a clever, gentle book about the silent messages of art that you perceive when you listen carefully and look. Helena Horn did a great job.

Win the fight against delay

No doubt our inner Schweinehund sits deep: “Oh, I’ll do that tomorrow” we think and so the mountain of unfinished work keeps getting bigger – procrastinating wins. But what to do? Good help comes from Hans-Jürgen Kratz with this book.

Procrastination of things, also as procrastination or loosely referred to as procrastination, leads to Stress and overloads. While that is Problem It's usually quite small at the beginning and then it gets bigger and bigger. We all “procrastinate” from time to time. But when the "every now and then" starts to pile up, then it becomes a problem that needs to be addressed. With his book on this ever-current topic, author Hans-Jürgen Kratz gives his readers Quality of life .

Reasons for procrastination

In the first part of his compact guide, the author offers a self-test to Behavior questioned and evaluated accordingly.

Then he turns to the possible causes. Procrastination does not only affect one's own self-esteem, because of course there are also disadvantages in the reputation of colleagues or customers, if appointments are constantly overrun.

Step by step against postponing

From the third chapter it's about Strategiesto change their own behavior. The individual sections are short, easy to understand and offer a good compilation of (proven) practical tips.

The right setting of priorities, the exploitation of high-performance phases and, of course, rewards.

Procrastination from the point of view of the supervisor

A special feature of the practical booklet is without a doubt that it is the rather rare one Perspektive a third person. The chapter offers basic information on how to get the situation under control together with the employee. The manager takes on the role of the coach.

"I'm doing this now!" is a handy guide, the reading of which you can recommend to anyone suffering from deferment. And the book is thin enough not to have excuses why you couldn't read it. So: get started!

As a leader, better delegate

Delegating sounds easy, but it has its pitfalls when it comes to the details. How you in Future successfully delegate tasks to employees in a stress-free manner, explains Hartmut Laufer in “Delegating, controlling, criticize"

Is the employee overwhelmed with a task assigned to him, or was that Objective not clear Defined enough, then delegation turns into frustration.

Practical basics

That is exactly what Hartmut Laufer wants to avoid with his book. The author believes it is Guide a craft that can be learned. Unfortunately, there are no rules Vocational Training for this. Instead of experimenting themselves, readers can now turn to this book when it comes to delegation.

It deals with this special aspect in a condensed form, but also the Basics taken into account. Laufer succeeds in working out the actual essence of his subject without just bringing out a collection of keywords.

Objective and control

An Control of the work result is necessary out of self-interest, but it must not be as distrustful act. The author shows how this can be done, as well as a sensible one Criticism looks like the Motivation of the employee.

At the end of the book there is a whole series of working aids that are also available for download. The offer ranges from Preparation from goal achievement talks and their implementation to advice on how to avoid back-delegation. The book is one for the everyday management very suitable handout, which deals with the sometimes difficult topic of delegation and its aspects in a well-founded manner.

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