The offer of social media training is broad and confusing: not only social media academies offer further education, but also universities, private further training institutions or the traditional IHK. Time for an overview.

All Social Media Academy or how to keep track of: differentiation of social media training

Social Media Continuing Education: Counseling Dead Not!

I chose best of HR -® already often with the topic of social mediaFurther Training and meanwhile also advise those who are willing to do further training on this topic. So I have in my contribution practical tips for selection of a social media study found that a high-quality social mediaFurther Training doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. A new training course for social media managers seems to be emerging almost every day: whether IHK, private providers or self-proclaimed experts - nobody wants to miss the moment to position their offer accordingly. The question of what will become of all the graduates is less of a focus.

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Basically, one has to consider the following when considering the various training courses Ask put:

 Developments that are thought-provoking

There are currently tendencies on the market that every trained Eye should make you think: The number of participants whose Competencies focus on creating business pages in social networks limited, steadily increasing. As soon as it gets technical, even your own presence becomes very thin.

In return, the market is experiencing increasing dissatisfaction among entrepreneurs who have such a side and are wondering about added value. To explain them, to make them conscious and to fill them with content accordingly, presents many with a task that they can not fulfill.

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Anyone who starts their training should also try to expand and intensify their own experience from this moment: The lowest denominator for this is the active use of the well-known social networks. It is nice to be able to deal with Foursquare, but more helpful it is the Tricks and tricks for better engagement rates on Twitter, Facebook and Co. to know.

That's why it helps for sure also to complete an internship halfway through the training in order to get an impression of working with social media in a Companys to win. Which specific steps are necessary to yourself successfully positioning in this market, I will explain tomorrow in the second part of this post.

What is the market?

In “Nobody can do everything” I explained in detail Why the social media industry needs to specialize - namely because, like in any other area, there must be experts for different subject areas.

In The cross with the social media practice I finally didn’t work with the new master’sConcept of University Anahlt, which recently started offering a new and comparatively inexpensive social media course.

Content of the training: Quality is important!

Finally, I asked heretically the question whether Social media is the new nail design in the face of an expected flood of graduates, where the quality is far from clear. Paying attention to what you learn in further education is therefore becoming increasingly important.

In general, however, there is one development that is only rarely highlighted - also by me in my previous articles on social media training: The differentiation of the Discipline in different areas of activity. I would now like to provide this outline.

Online Marketing Manager (OMM): The strategist behind the executive

The OMM plans actions, is responsible for calculating the ROI and discusses with the customers Measures to online activities. He is either a social media manager with the appropriate training or - and not without reason - a graduate business economist with a focus Marketing.

This is based on the requirements to be met. In addition to calculating the ROI, this also includes precise Planning in numbers which Costs approach the customer, what result can be expected and what alternative options are available.

On the whole, he is the analyst with whom all threads have converged.

Mobile Marketing Manager (MMM): the hipster between OMM and SMM

The MMM plans campaigns that are particularly suitable for mobile devices. His task is also to implement existing campaigns for mobile devices and the OMM at the decision making for Implementation to advise on new measures.

In contrast to the SMM, it is concerned with the existing changes in mobile usage, ie apps on smartphones and tablets, as well as their usability to ensure.

An advanced training in mobile marketing is an advantage - but you should also have basic programming skills to be able to change or even to understand small things about applications, which changes when it comes to mobile applications.

Social Media Manager (SMM): The Rampensau

The SMM is increasingly taking on an executive role, ie it is responsible for the design of content in consultation with OMM and MMM. It fills the individual social media channels and interacts directly with the users:

It thus forms the bridge between the company and users - it is practically the focus for everyone involved. The training paths for this are still different + should primarily be based on the future occupational field.

Conclusion: The continuing education market is differentiated as fast as it is growing

In essence, the market is open to many professional groups and is still in vogue growth: The Candidate should, however, check for yourself which one Tasks they have grown and in which work they are also comfortable feel:

A programmer will not necessarily feel comfortable in the role of stage pig and becomes the strategist Problems for technical questions related to mobile marketing.

It is therefore important to make this differentiation and for many social media managers this means going forward clear better positioned by emphasizing their own specialization.

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