Help yourself to Set to reach! You are worth it! Because what do you want from life, from Job, of relationship and Family? What do you desire in relation to yourself, your Personality, Their Character and authenticity? And why don't you have it yet? Because there are always some obstacles!

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Sleeping Beauty must save itself!

Well, when the fairy tale prince rushes by and saves you. But even more beautiful would be if Sleeping Beauty saves itself! Because that works probably then a bit more reliable than with randomly riding princes.

Who is always reliable, always close by? Who knows you better than your best friend or best friend? Herself! It's great when you have a best friend, a reliable partner or a good coach. But even these three cannot always be with you. Not always when it matters. Then you should have your husband or yours alone Ms. stand (can). Yes, I know you do that all the time anyway! But how?

Stand alone can stand in the way instead of yourself

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Most of the time we get in our own way. Anxiety, Doubt, skepticism or pessimism (When should I still do that? I'll never make it! I should actually, but....) are never based on facts, but on a one-sided perception.

This is a killer attitude, because it leads to passivity, even helplessness, at most still half-hearted attempts: you see again only one side of the medal. Hide the other one again!

Focus on your own abilities instead of killer setting

Direct your awareness from their own weaknesses away on their own abilities and possibilities. No matter how small what you can do before an obstacle seems to you: Just do it! Even the smallest thing is better than whining and doing nothing.

Don't wait until the times or the circumstances getting better! Or until you are "in a better mood", i.e. a constructive attitude comes naturally. Actively seek a better attitude! Get yourself in the mood!

With Self-Supporting Sentences in 3 Steps to the Goal

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But how do you coach yourself now? For example with “Self-Supporting Sentences”: First aid sentences, “Now I coach myself” sentences. As always with examples: let inspiration, not copper. Adjust one of the following thoughts until it fits you.

1. Typical Self-Supporting Sentences

Typical Self-Supporting Sentences include:

2. Make your own power set

Found something? Nothing? Make your own power set! So what are you going to build up in the future? The great thing about such thoughts is: We know exactly that we do not really believe one hundred percent.

But the mere thought builds us up somehow. And the more often we think of our compositional slogan mentally, quietly or semi-aloud, the stronger it acts. And so, over time, a wonderful catalog of constructive attitudes emerges.

3. Catalog of constructive settings

New attitudes help us break out of the impasse of passivity. This is how we find new ones ways, which open up new perspectives for us and, above all, give us the opportunity to act in a self-determined manner.

Is not that a wonderful feel-good catalog?

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