The compatibility from Job and family is still difficult in Germany – especially for Women. But there are ways out of the dilemma.


Academics attract careers

Many Boy Women have a very precise plan for their lives: after graduating from high school, perhaps go abroad for a year, study, have a career - family planning often takes a back seat. However, those who are already in the process of climbing the career ladder will fast realizing that the right time to take a break has actually never come. But if you do it right, you'll find your way back to the later Working world.

A study among young university graduates makes it clear that careers seem very important to many women: 82 percent want to combine career and children, 18 percent want to combine them all Energy for the career - and no one plans to turn exclusively to the next generation. This result is hardly surprising, for anyone who puts a lot of time and energy into his Vocational Training has invested would of course also like to make use of it.

Good reasons to stay at home

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Can after Study If no professional experience can be shown, it is all the more difficult to get started. But the interviewees also show optimistic, that these Choice between both Alternatives doesn't have to be hit at all: 88 percent are Opinionsthat children and a career can very well be combined with each other - even if raising children alongside a career could take a lot of energy.

In addition, academic couples who focus on their careers focus another decisive advantage: due to the presumably high Income it is quite possible to have the children raised by a third party - a nanny appears to be easily affordable. In practice, however, it often turns out that the balance between work and family is not always the same light falls. Even if this corresponds to an outdated role model: women in Germany very often stay at home for a while when they have children.

Why women stay home often

This fact is also due to very practical considerations, because most men have higher incomes. If one of the two partners has to stay at home, not infrequently the financial necessity decides. In addition, you can only make a career according to popular stereotypes if you are prepared to go beyond the normal working hours of 40 weekly hours.

In addition, it has been sufficiently proven that infants have a special relationship with their caregiver, who in many cases is still the mother. Finally, some experts are of the opinion that third-party care is harmful to the child, especially in the first two years of life. There are even studies according to which the social Expertise should suffer if the child is separated from its mother too soon. All of these are arguments that are not few Mothers convince them to take a longer break from work.

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Now that the mother has been at home for a while, starting a career is not easy at first. In many Industries even a brief resignation means that there is a lack of professional practice or that certain changes and innovations are no longer known. The returnees have to be trained again over a certain period of time.

In addition, there is the problem that the child may be accommodated in a daycare center or in a kindergarten, but still have to be cared for in the event of illness. Mini-jobs or part-time employment therefore appear ideal at first glance: Mini-jobs in particular are also convincing in that no Taxes and only low social security contributions have to be paid.

Easy job search via online job exchange

Also, because you only have to work a few hours a week, reconciling with family life is comparatively easy. The best way to search is online: Online-Job exchanges such as Jobbörse Direkt allow you to search for a job without spending a lot of time.

This is simply a one-time Curriculum vitae filled in. The potential employers then come to the Candidate and get in touch if there is a suitable job offer. The time-consuming writing of applications can therefore be dispensed with.

Earn experience

With one of these Minijob practice can finally be acquired again in everyday work. This freshens up the applicant Background up again; In addition, the first job after the baby break also helps with your CV. If you want to pursue your own career again, the entry is quite useful.

However, a part-time job is quickly seen as a career obstacle - so you should find out about further career opportunities early on.steps and consider further development opportunities. I recommend this post on the subject Studying and dual studies with a child.

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