Working through one's own daily schedule would often be easy - if it weren't for the psychological tricks of bosses and colleagues. Because they don't always have good intentions.

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Have you ever wondered if you are from your Executive be manipulated? Most People are unaware of the fact that their boss may be trying to bully them manipulate. Unfortunately, there is more to it than just being unaware of the manipulation. Many Employees believe that they will not be manipulated by their boss nice is with them and generally on their side. Correct? Well, they're wrong.

Even if Guide for some it is considered outdated: In our mostly hierarchically structured Working world have Tasks still to be organised, delegated and distributed. But some bosses have a flaw: They are narcissistic, manipulative and exploit our workforce.

Manipulation by bosses: Widespread, but not always negative

We've all dealt with bosses who are manipulative, especially when it comes to getting their way. There are a number of ways a boss can manipulate their employees, but they all have one thing in common Objectiveto get you to do something you wouldn't normally do. Whether he's lying to you, behind your back Shop completes or makes you do something you don't want - a boss is always trying to get his own way.

In fact, managerial manipulation is in many Companys on the agenda. Have you ever wished you could tell if your boss is trying to deceive you or if he's telling the truth?

Hierarchical Communication: The Problem with Office Politics

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There are numerous passive-aggressive, sneaky, and sometimes downright spooky tactics employed by office guys. But it can also be that your boss is simply misunderstood. Good bosses also consciously use manipulation to achieve good results.

One thing is clear: There are no easy answers to the thorny issue of office politics, but many believe that the “real” reasons for this Behavior of a boss are completely innocent if not flattering.

However, once employees have come to believe that their bosses may be dishonest and manipulative, employees increasingly learn how to spot signs of manipulation. You learned that a boss who is a Conversation keeps distracting from the work topic, tries to awareness distract or indirectly one message to mediate. They've also learned that if the boss frowns frequently, it can mean he or she is upset.

Checklist: Which psychological mechanisms are behind it?

With so many different management styles, it is difficult to determine which falls under the category of manipulation. This is because each person has different personality traits, so each person interprets things differently. However, one should always ask oneself which psychological mechanisms are at work in a given situation. The following checklist will help with this.

9 Flesh and blood manipulation tactics

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Some time ago, I wrote about digital do-it-yourselfers who eat up our time because they suggest we have to do things urgently. It's almost en vogue anyway, to that Internet to scold as a time waster. What is often forgotten:

Whether it's the Internet or not, the real manipulators are the flesh-and-blood manipulators who deal with all sorts of things Tricks force you to pay attention to them. And sometimes very clever in terms of communication. There are 9 different traits to look out for when it comes to manipulating Workplace goes.

1. Always this busyie

The boss who frantically and with loud voice asking for a favor to be performed uses such manipulative devices to get you to do something for him. Because some things only seem particularly urgent because the other person wants them to appear important, so that you give their wish absolute priority.

What helps: Don't be fooled by the pomposity!

2. Hidden threats and other nasties

But hidden threats are also part of the repertoire of such “manipulators” who know exactly where to hit. Statements like “Make a little more effort!” or “You have disappointed me deeply!” hit like a fist Eye, because not only the factual statement (“You made a mistake.”) is conveyed, but it is linked to an evaluation.

Because if you don't click this Criticism reacting, the other person automatically thinks you are lazy, immoral or a bad person, that is his implicit message. Sometimes criticism and demands are packaged in taunts and small mean things to give them special emphasis. “Your behavior is not normal”, “You are the first who responded with my request Problem has” or “But normally you do it differently”.

What helps: Let the allegations roll off and don't get into the discussion.

3. Implicit allegations

The tip is in such inconspicuous words as "natural", "normal" or "man", such as in the statement "You can hardly believe that!". More important, however, is what remains unsaid, namely the implicit Opinions of the colleague: "It's not just me who thinks so, but the majority - and anyone who doesn't share the view is somehow funny and wrong."

This implicit reproach hits particularly hard on people whose perfectionist striving is anyway to avoid inconveniences at all costs. Therefore, the temptation is great to bow to the alleged majority opinion, because who would like to be considered an oddball.

What helps: Often enough the social consensus is on pretty shaky ground and it just belongs to something Courage to refute the statement quite dryly.

4. Moral blackmail

There are other, less subtle ones Methods: the moral blackmail. They try to persuade you to do something because it is supposed to be the norm. A boss who says, for example: "Please hand in your report today - everyone else has already done it!" leaves no chance No accept. Because you don't want to be the only one stepping out of line.

This works great to reinforce criticism: "Everyone thinks you're not up to the task" - This statement draws on an alleged social consensus: the majority is always right - and who are you to question that opinion could ask?

What helps: You can very well question this opinion! Do not allow yourself to be compelled and just pass the indirect allegation back to the sender:

5. The trick with irreplaceability

Another method is to use flattery to persuade employees to do more than they should. "You are so knowledgeable - would you help me research this information?" Since many people are particularly happy if they are irreplaceable, they are of course happy to help.

What helps: Don't make someone else's personal problem your own when asked to do something. At most, give some self-help advice: “I recently read a very interesting book on this very subject – it would definitely be something for you!”

6. Manipulation by questioning techniques

A clever method of manipulation, which seldom misses its subtle effect and puts many people under pressure and takes them by surprise - and you're already working overtime instead of early after work.

Leading questions are those in which the questioner gives the answer himself and wants to convince you of the validity of his statement. "Don't you think so too?"

What helps: Simply answer courageously with “No”.

7. ruling

Decision-making questions go in a very similar direction – these are also intended for people who are fast überforderter feel, to render helpless. When it comes to such decision-making questions, you have the decisionwhether you want to fulfill a request has long since been accepted:

“We have one for tomorrow Meeting assigned to the working group. Do you want over her Projects speak?" And you're ready to work all night with extra work. If you now only answer the question, you have already accepted the demand.

What helps: First respond to the statement, then answer the question: “I don't have time tomorrow. But if we hold the meeting the day after tomorrow, I would also like to talk about my project! ”

8. Deliberate Misinformation

Employees are also often manipulated by the boss to deliberately give false information about the time, work and work behavior.

If you take a look at employee review platforms and read employee comments, you'll quickly see that the most common form of boss manipulation is this: "The boss gives me a task and I'm expected to do it." It's not uncommon for the boss to verbally agree to do something but work on something else instead.

What helps: For example, whenever you get a vague, cryptic email from your boss, be sure to open it because it's probably a hidden one Information contains content designed to undermine your work and cause you to perform poorly.

9. Manipulation through flattery

Another method is to persuade employees with flattery to do their superiors a favor: "You know so well - would you help me research this information?" Since many people are particularly happy when they are considered irreplaceable, they are of course happy to help.

What helps: Just say no. That will irritate, but also brings Respect .

Stop manipulation: what to do?

Of course it isn't Solutionto go on a direct confrontation course with the manipulative boss - at least if you love the job. For better or for worse, you will have to make compromises, because the boss ultimately has the upper hand.

The general rule is: Anyone who has a high salary paid, can also expect a lot from his employees. But surprisingly, it's often the other way around: the lower the salary, the higher the "utilization factor". Other factors must also be effective and this must be questioned: If you are aware of the manipulation techniques, you may be able to prevent one or the other case.

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