Who in the Job want to get ahead, must today others Regulate follow than a few years ago. Yourself right” too merchandise”Is a key asset in any job. Sales trainer Carsten Beyreuther has put together 10 career tips.

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1. Charisma

Nine out of ten People have no fixed goal Eye, They just want Money to earn. That's why they have no charisma, no charisma. They don't know what they want to do, how, when and with whom in the long term.

Many are customized opportunists, average. Therefore, try to set a motivating, fixed goal for the long term that you will not lose sight of. Do not deviate from this goal, but occasionally allow for corrections if this makes your goal faster.

2. Life Balance

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Take care of yourself when heading for a destination. What price are you willing to pay for your goal? No children? No Family? Leaving friends in old surroundings? Working 16 hours a day? The price you pay must not make you pursue your goal with bitterness.

So align your goal with your life priorities. If that succeeds, the requirements for professional Success optimal. Only if the Life Balance true, you will with the course of your Career satisfied .

3. What does your supervisor have of your success?

Ask yourself: What does the other get out of letting you rise. Give the manager the chance not to be afraid of your success. Declare your success his success: promise him more Turnover, additional customers or work relief.

A high qualification on paper does not mean that they can also make this qualification available to the employer. Testimonials and references are positive, but everyone knows that most testimonials are written after the mouth of the employee. Ask yourself whether you can actually deliver what is written on the certificate and how it will benefit you Executive will have.

4. Failure to stand up early, accept help

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Most people have Anxiety before admitting mistakes. Errors usually come to light anyway. However, being able to admit mistakes is an important part of being social Expertise. Of course you have to learn from your mistakes.

If you keep making the same mistake, you've got the wrong job. In case of doubt, ask for help in good time and also accept it, then the repetition of mistakes can be avoided. Keep in mind: Nobody is perfect. Who prefers perfectionspiegelt, will fast expose and lose that Trust from colleagues and superiors.

5. Besswisser do not make a career

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of those who think they already know everything. With a willingness to learn and an openness to new things - as well as for Criticism - you will become a credible partner for your colleagues as well as your superior.

Remain open to good arguments, but don't accept interpretations that don't support Background, but based on assumptions. Critical people are the best management consultants because they are free. Use this potential to improve yourself

6. Do not accept authoritarian behavior of supervisors

Some people are in their Appear very dominant. And yet they lack the ability to use their environment for theirs Set to activate. Instead of ruling with convincing sympathy, they then rule by spreading fear.

This authoritarian Behavior of superiors can only mean one thing: if you cannot help your superiors to reduce their own fear of failure through your work, there is only one thing left: pull the ripcord early on and, if possible, change jobs before you abandon your own principles and bend over backwards.

7. Attractiveness

There are studies that show that attractive men and Women are more successful at work. Whereby women often find themselves in the unpleasant situation that their male negotiating partners are suddenly more interested in the person than in the product. Here, on the one hand, it is important not to deliberately downplay the attractiveness, but rather to actively use it, but on the other hand klare and draw clear boundaries.

People who doubt their looks are advised to find their certainly true appeal, their charm, and not to be guided by vague feelings. Is your self-esteem the sum of interpretations? Do you really look like a monster? It's nonsense! Everybody is lovable somewhere and can rise from zero to a hero.

8. Just do what you really love - be there with your heart

Do something you love and you never have to work. Be a believer. I ask some of the question: "If I gave you 20 million euros and you had it at your disposal, what would you do with it?" Then there is a lot, just not what you are doing professionally.
What is an Acceptable Job? What are the markets? Products? Services? What do the people I love expect from me?

The Choice of the profession is mostly an opportunistic choice, not one that comes from the heart. But a career only works if I put my heart into it. I said to my son: No matter what profession you choose, do what you like Fun do, you can't disappoint me. You don't have to torture yourself at work. Success should be achieved with fun and ease, not with effort.

9. Stay authentic and believable

Credibility in the profession is not only through Education manufactured. Credibility means making the right decisions based on life experience. 10 years of life experience is like 40 years Study. Those who come from Harvard first have to prove that theory works in practice. A 34-year-old family minister tries hard but doesn't have enough life experience. It therefore lacks authenticity and credibility.

What do people with too little experience do? They build a facade that the experienced person quickly sees through. The Solution for Boy People means: Bringing in life experience from the outside, for example through a mentor who you can talk to again and again. Even a 35-year-old has to grow first. Older people are storehouses of knowledge, mentors who should not be thrown away like scrap iron.

10. Ask questions and actively listen, also what is said between the lines

Professional success also depends on Conversation from: getting the job or at work ideas better to merchandise, convincing others, etc. If you want to get ahead, you have to needs and expectations of those people who are to be won. Make your conversation partner feel important. It goes with every conversational tactic, many Ask deliver. Listen carefully to what comes in response, active listening is important, and also what is said between the lines!

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