Productivity and efficiency are in ours work life important. But how we can best achieve them depends on the right one on a case-by-case basis Method. 3 X 6 tips at a glance.

Organizing Productively: The 3 X 6 Best Tips for Structured Time Management

Structured planning or chaos - what makes you more productive?

A question in which the ghosts differ: who is more productive now - structured planning or spontaneous chaotic? And are planning fanatics in fact always more effective or are chaotic fellows even smarter?

One is clear: Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. A structured one Time management can help, but not always. Sometimes seemingly messy methods are just as effective. This may confuse some people: What is really more productive? The answer is: it depends on the situation.

Flexible adaptation on a case-by-case basis

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In everyday working life, you often face new challenges. New Tasks mean, however, a reorganization of his time. The superfluous ballast has to be thrown off and space made for something new. This applies to material things as well as immaterial ones.

There are therefore undeniably a great many benefits of  Planning of productivity - but the friends of chaotic spontaneity can record about exactly many advantages for themselves.

6 tips for more efficiency in everyday work

The following advice can help you Everyday life organize and increase efficiency.

  1. Tension and relaxation in change: Every phase of tension should be followed by relaxation. Everyone has to find out for themselves what works best - for example, lying on the sofa, doing yoga or walking.
  2. Avoid distraction through the internet and social media: Although Internet and social media are practical, they are very strong for distraction. Here it helps to lock popular pages just once.
  3. Daily goals instead of Lifegoals: Setting goals is good, but this should be achievable. Dividing goals into small steps and prioritizing will get you there much faster.
  4. Path with material ballast: Above all, your own car that you can borrow better. This also applies in other areas - less is more and borrowing is better than buying.
  5. Original food for more energy: Already a few modifications in the diet: can do wonders. Sweets are replaced by fruit and yoghurt, coffee by green tea. Basically, the less carbohydrates are consumed, the lower the midday low will be. After a few days, the body has gotten used to it and is noticeably more powerful.
  6. Creating order for new things: There's a lot of truth to the saying "out of sight, out of mind". If a lot has accumulated on the desk over the course of the months, then only rigorous tidying up and decluttering will help. When the view is clear again, ideas can flow unhindered.

6 tips for a structured work organization

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It can be helpful to organize the daily schedule in a structured manner - with the following tips:

  1. Step by Step: Anyone who plans usually knows what to expect, and can focus on doing one step at a time.
  2. Keep an eye on goals: Anyone who proceeds in a structured manner, as a rule, always has his goals in mind.
  3. Keep up: With the goal in mind, one overcomes many a dry spell, even if the work might not be fun at the moment.
  4. Reliability: Who plans, becomes thereby reliable and predictable. Especially when dealing with other people this is an advantage that should not be underestimated.
  5. Look forward to something: Improving my mood considerably and motivating me a lot when I'm doing something or working toward a goal.
  6. Safety: While that may be relative, planning can give you a sense of security and control because you think you have a handle on a thing.

6 tips for more creativity and flexibility in planning

But it can also be just as helpful to react flexibly to the vagaries of everyday life and not stubbornly cling to the seemingly perfect planning. 6 tips for a bit more chaotic planning.

  1. Kreativität: Who is creative, is usually also chaotic. Conversely, tidy desks should not necessarily make more productive.
  2. serendipity: Planning is all well and good, but all too often one misses the stubborn pursuit of his goals on the left and right sides of the road things that might be just as interesting and important.
  3. To be flexible: It always turns out differently - and secondly, as you think ... they say. Especially at a time when nothing seems safe professionally, it is necessary to adapt quickly and flexibly to new challenges.
  4. Relaxation: Planning, planning, planning can be quite stressful. Anyone who spontaneously just makes things happen is more relaxed.
  5. Trial-and-Error: As the marshmallow challenge shows, in the end, it may be more effective just to get started instead of spending hours developing the perfect strategy.
  6. Overcome fears: Finally, one learns to overcome fears if one no longer clings to his planning, but just let go.

Conclusion: Choose the right organizational tools from case to case

Which method is better must be decided on a case-by-case basis decide. Perfect is probably not a classification system and perfection simply does not exist. it likes useful Be able to plan and keep track of your goals, as long as you don't become completely inflexible in the process.

It's like a bike tour: you have a Objective in Eyes, which one wants to reach at some point. However, a lot of things can happen along the way that require flexible reactions. The right mix makes the difference.

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