Trust is an elementary value of our life. But often prevented Anxietythat trust is created in the first place. By actively engaging with fear, we can take that power away from it. A benefit also for everyday working life.


Psychological mechanisms

Although we know what we should actually do to help our big and small Set to achieve, we often don't. What prevents us? Here act psychological mechanisms. Only when we understand why we do something and how do we find ourselves more easily and can develop our potential.

Fear is a fundamental emotion - it keeps us out of dangerous situations. But if it gets the upper hand, it blocks our actions. Too much fear of making contacts and making friends leads to isolation, fear of failure in the Job can become the trigger for actual incompetence.

7 tips for less anxiety and more confidence

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But it does not help to eliminate the fear, rather we have to learn to deal with it.

  1. Make the fear a friend: Instead of staring at the snake or staring at our fear like the rabbit paralyzed, we should make it our friends. This positive intention changes the point of view. We accept fear because it protects us and we deal with it more closely. This in turn awakens and strengthens our courage, our potential comes to life and we can take the initiative to take the next step.
  2. To be aware of yourself: No matter what background, what background, what profession we have, our basic needs are - although different pronounced - the same. Your satisfaction determines how happy we feel and how we treat ourselves and others - anxious or self-confident.
  3. (Self-) confidence: Many are too critical of themselves. Constantly questioning yourself through unconscious beliefs like "I'm not good enough ..." prevents trust in your own abilities. It is better to be aware of your own (even small) successes. It helps to write them down and so they remember in black and white what we have achieved and score on the account of our self-confidence. Confidence in yourself is strengthened.
  4. On reciprocity: Those who have overcome fear can build trust in others. This trust is reciprocal. There are always two that belong to it. It is only when the one man gives it that the other can possess it, if it escapes the one, the other loses it. Connected and triggered by individual feeling, it acts subjectively in one direction or the other. Tied to personality, trust can be neither objective nor neutral.
  5. To be conciliatory: Trust builds on honesty and respect. If we do what we have promised, the confidence of our counterpart grows. The consistency of statement and action creates the feeling of reliability. Congruent people are perceived authentically and trustingly.
  6. Trust is emotional: Trust can win, lose, lose, abuse, enjoy. It can be given, grasped, expressed and expressed. Trust creates proximity and strengthens us - personally and in dealing with others.
  7. No business without trust: Without trust, no company would function. Especially in the business world, which is ruled by hard facts, it can become a decisive factor. It simplifies cooperation in everyday life. From communication, because you can speak openly to each other, to decisions, because they are made more quickly by trusting each other.

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