Where teams work together, conflicts arise. bosses and Executives should act fairly. But they should never take sides. In practice this is not so easy.

Remain impartial and neutral as a manager: end and balance conflicts

Manager as judge? Don't take the buck!

One thing must be done in advance clear be said: a Executive, who lets his employees abuse him to play judge, maneuvers himself completely fast out. Because this black Peter is the worst card for the boss!

Being in a leadership position doesn't just mean making decisions and that Team to lead, but also to manage conflicts and find fair solutions. One of the biggest challenges for bosses is to remain impartial and ensure that they act fairly and objectively when conflicts and disagreements arise. In this post we will Significance of impartiality for managers and some proven ones Strategies show how bosses can develop this ability.

What does neutrality mean as a manager?

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In Companys conflicts are inevitable. They can occur between employees, teams, or even between managers and employees. The way these conflicts are handled can have a significant impact on the working atmosphere, employee satisfaction and ultimately the Success of the company. One of the most important skills that leaders should develop in such situations is neutrality and impartiality.

Neutrality and impartiality mean that managers take an objective and fair stance in conflicts. They should not take sides or allow personal preferences or relationships to influence their decisions. Instead, they should rely on facts, information and objective criteria to ensure a fair Solution a DAK Bungalow.

Why is neutrality and impartiality important?

Impartiality is an essential part of being effective Guide. When bosses remain impartial, they create an environment in which employees Trust have and yourself for sure feelto express their opinions and concerns. This promotes an open Communication and enables employees to achieve their full potential. In addition, impartiality helps resolve conflicts fairly and ensures that decisions are based on objective criteria rather than personal preferences or prejudices.

Neutrality and impartiality are crucial to gaining employee trust and creating a fair work environment. When leaders are perceived as impartial, employees feel heard and respected. They are more willing to express their concerns openly and to actively participate in conflict resolution. This promotes open communication and allows employees to express their opinions and ideas contribute.

Why managers should always have an objective perspective

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In addition, neutrality and impartiality help resolve conflicts fairly and equitably. If managers have an objective Perspektive and taking into account all relevant information, they can make informed decisions based on the needs and interests of everyone involved. This creates a sense of justice and promotes acceptance of the decisions made.

Let's take a look at this in practice: company party at Grundner Communications. After an afternoon in the high ropes climbing garden, you sit on outdoor chairs around the huge barbecue area and hold skewers over the embers. A pleasant atmosphere spreads. The guitar from Dr. Grass has disappeared in time, so that nothing stands in the way of a cozy end to the fire.

"Boss, you have to ..."

As approach Ms. Opdenhövel and Mrs. Seliger-Eggenbrecht the boss, who is calmly roasting his king prawns. "Boss, you have to speak your mind. Those from Controlling drink our coffee in our coffee kitchen, but don't take part in the Costs.” Mr. Grundner jumps out of his reverie. He doesn't even notice that the conversations around him have suddenly stopped. With long ears, everyone sitting within earshot tries to hear his verdict.

Mr. Grundner has a hard time. Like Solomon, he was to make wise decisions and to make it right for everyone. He does not know the whole background for a long time: the controlling always bring the biscuits for everyone. No matter how his judgment turns out, he can only put himself in the nettles.

Judges make their fingers dirty

Whether it's cookies or coffee, or the fact that 15 grams of merchandise printed for the main customer has become too heavy and therefore costs 1,2 million more postage, Mr. Grundner is abused by his staff to get their hands dirty ,

Information now has the unpleasant property of changing on the way through the hierarchical levels miraculously. Sometimes they even disappear completely. And differently. It depends on who owns the boss's ear and who has the intentions.

The secret of changing information

A “We in the editorial team should install a further correction loop before the print job for the catalog goes out” quickly becomes “The editorial team has once again completely messed up”.

So if Mr. Grundner, on the basis of incomplete or even incorrect information, decision If he wants to meet someone, he has to display supernatural abilities. And he won't be able to please everyone. There will always be someone who triumphantly says “There you go!” says, and one who withdraws in anger or offence.

What to do instead?

Do not let the Black Peter slump. Make it clear that it is not your task to serve as a court of justice for other hierarchical levels. If conflicts are not carried out where they are created but are transferred to a higher level, it is perhaps quite pleasant for the employees.

Because it is then the boss who must relate the position. And this with questionable information. At the same time, a major step towards the dependency and the lack of independence of the employees is done. Since you can only say: off into the kindergarten!

5 strategies to stay impartial:

So what exactly should bosses do to remain impartial?

  1. Awareness of your own prejudices: Everyone has prejudices based on personal experiences, beliefs and cultural backgrounds. As a boss, it is important to be aware of these biases and recognize how they can influence your own thoughts and actions. By being aware of these biases, one can try to overcome them when making decisions and adopt an objective perspective.
  2. Active listening: To remain impartial, it is important to listen to all employees and understand their points of view. Active listening involves listening carefully, asking questions, and ensuring you understand the concerns and needs of everyone involved. This makes it possible to make an informed decision based on the facts and the different perspectives.
  3. Use objective criteria: When evaluating performance, assessing conflict, or making decisions, it is important to use objective criteria. These can be, for example, measurable performance indicators, clear guidelines or agreed standards. By relying on objective criteria, one can ensure that decisions are fair and equitable and not influenced by personal preferences or relationships.
  4. Maintain confidentiality: As a boss, it is important to maintain confidentiality and ensure that information and conversations are kept confidential. This creates an environment in which employees can speak openly about their concerns without fear of negative consequences. By maintaining confidentiality, you show that you are impartial and gain the trust of employees.
  5. Maintain a professional distance: As a boss, it is important to maintain a professional distance and not include personal relationships in decisions. It is important to distinguish between personal preferences and professional requirements and to ensure that decisions are based on objective criteria.

Conclusion: This is why it is important that managers remain neutral

Impartiality is a skill that must be developed and maintained. It requires awareness, self-reflection and a willingness to let go of personal biases. By remaining impartial, bosses create an environment characterized by trust, openness and fairness. This promotes employee satisfaction, collaboration and ultimately the success of the team and the company.

What is important is a working environment that is characterized by trust and openness. Employees feel heard and respected when they know their concerns and opinions are treated fairly. This promotes open communication and allows employees to achieve their full potential. They are more willing to contribute their ideas and actively participate in resolving conflicts.

In this context, impartiality contributes to resolving conflicts fairly and equitably. When leaders take an objective perspective and consider all relevant information, they can make informed decisions based on the needs and interests of everyone involved. This creates a sense of justice and promotes acceptance of the decisions made. Employees are more willing to stick to these decisions and constructive an der Implementation to participate.

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