Disability insurance isn't just about getting the cheapest Insurance to get. What is more important is that you actually have a contract with the Society get that offers good insurance conditions. You should pay attention to the following conditions:

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When are you disabled?

When concluding a contract, pay attention to when you are deemed to be unable to work according to the contract. In most contracts, an occupational disability exists if the policyholder is absent for at least six months for health reasons such as illness, physical injury or loss of strength Job cannot exercise.

If the contract contains the addition that after six months' continuous incapacity for work, the continuation of this condition is deemed to be incapacitated for work, the payment is then made retrospectively for the first six months. Attention: Some insurances, however, only recognize the disability after three years.

What do you have to do in case of disability?

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In the case of an incapacity for work, you must show exactly what is the cause of your disability. In addition, you must specify in detail how your professional activity at the time of the incapacity to work and how much you earned.

Finally, you must also submit medical information about the cause, at the beginning, the type, the course and the expected duration as well as the degree of occupational disability or the extent of the need for care. Make sure for surethat you are free to choose the doctor who certifies your occupational disability and that you do not have to undergo certain medical treatments in the event of an occupational disability.

Degree of disability

Depending on the contract, there are differences as to the degree of occupational disability pension is paid. There are three models that you can choose from when concluding the contract: With the first model, no pension is paid up to a level of 49 percent, and from 50 percent there is a full pension.

In the second model, there is nothing to a degree of disability of 33 percent, then graded up to 66 percent, there is a partial pension, over the full pension. In the third model, there are 25 percent nothing, then graded up 75 percent of a partial pension, over the full pension. Not every insurance company offers every model, some insurance companies can also offer different models - ask for it. When nothing special has been agreed, the insurer shall use the 50 percent rule.

sample calculation

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If you have agreed an 50 percent rule, but your doctor only attests you a degree of occupational disability of 45%, that is unfavorable for you. With the other two models, you would have been better off because you would have received at least a partial pension here.

However, if the doctor certifies that you have an 55% disability, you will receive a full pension on the 50 percent model, but only a partial pension on the staggered models

Why your pre-existing conditions are important

If you take out disability insurance, it's bigger Significancewhich previous illnesses your medical history shows. Then
In order to determine the contributions and conditions for the entire contract period, each insurance company also checks the health ones beforehand risks.

Then, based on your health characteristics and medical history, you will be assigned to a community with an equally assessed so-called risk profile. For that you need a number of Ask for Health answer in writing in the five to ten years before submitting the application.

Be sure to give all your previous medical conditions!

If there are any health problems, such as allergies or cardiovascular disorders, you will usually have to provide more details on an additional questionnaire about the type, severity and duration of the complaints. You should also prescribe minor diseases, if they are documented anywhere. If you provide false information, the insurer may refuse payment in the event of a disability.

The insurance company can also check your details with your doctor, because you must grant them the right to do so with a declaration of release from confidentiality. If you would like to arrange a particularly high disability pension, you should expect the insurance company to require a thorough examination by your family doctor anyway - but they will also come for you Costs.

Exclusion of certain pre-existing diseases

When many or difficult pre-existing conditions exist, many require Companys a risk premium in the form of higher contributions. It is possible that the health impairment is too substantial to offset this with a premium supplement. In some cases, applicants are also unwilling to pay an increased premium.

Pre-existing illnesses and / or consequences of accidents can then be excluded from the content of the contract.
For example, you have a herniated disc. It is then agreed that diseases of the spine and all causal related consequences will be excluded from the entitlement to benefits. The insurance therefore does not pay if the occupational disability occurs for this reason.

But: The exclusion of certain pre-existing conditions is always the worst Alternatives: If you become unable to work, it can happen that your incapacity to work is linked to the previous illness that has been ruled out. It is better to get offers from other insurance companies.

What should you consider when it comes to costs?

Before you take out disability insurance: Make yourself clearthat an occupational disability insurance is a risk protection that only pays in the event of damage. As a rule, you will not get your contributions again. However, there are also insurances with payment of the profit if no occupational disability has occurred. However, this variant is a bit more expensive. In addition, the surpluses (e.g. from equity funds) are usually not guaranteed.

And you should also keep this in mind: an insurance against occupational disability is considered a private expense. So you can't claim the cost as a business expense from the tax subtract, because the risk lies mainly in the private sphere. You can these prevention only to be taken into account as other pension expenses in the tax return - up to a maximum of 1500 euros per year. In total, only 2.400 euros can be claimed annually as pension expenses. The amount of your disability insurance contributions depends on various factors (and of course on the insurance company).

The following factors also affect the price:

Amount of the desired pension

The amount of the pension that is to be paid in the event of disability is entirely determined decide the amount of your contributions. The more pension you want to receive, the higher your contributions.

your age

This is also important: the younger you are when you take out an insurance policy, the lower is usually your contributions - on the one hand, because you deposit longer, on the other hand, because you usually also have fewer pre-existing conditions ).

Price of an occupational disability insurance: Depending on the benefit duration

That too Age, up to which the disability pension is paid at most (duration of benefits), plays a role in the amount of your contributions: the longer the disability insurance pays, the more you pay.

In contrast to this, you can agree separately on the duration of insurance, ie the age at which the insured event occurs, in the case of many contracts. For most insurance companies, the maximum insurance or benefit age is 65 or 67 - the age at which you normally retire. And you should also agree on this period.

Attention: The following examples are not binding! They are merely intended to illustrate the extent to which the contribution levels depend on the various factors. The numerous insurance conditions, which are explained below, also play a role in the calculation of premiums. Especially cheap offers often also contain disadvantageous conditions. So look carefully!

Calculation example 1

If you take out an 29 Euro Disability Insurance Plan for 1.000 Euro Monthly with a benefit and insurance period up to 65 years that meets all the important conditions (see below), you can get them for 53,62 Euro a month.

Calculation example 2

For a life-long period of service (incapacity to work until the 66 year, but the insurance pays for a lifetime), you would have to pay 110,33 Euro per month.

Calculation example 3

If you take 40 years of occupational disability insurance, which only runs until the 5 year (benefit and insurance period), and the monthly pension payment is 2.000 Euro, you pay 95,17 Euro per month. With a term of up to 62 years already 307,22 Euro would be due in the month.

Curiosities: insurance liability for rejected BU?

Anyone who thinks that he can later hold an insurance company that has refused an application for occupational disability insurance, if the occupational disability actually occurs, is wrong.

Stuttgart Higher Regional Court has ruled that an insurance company that had previously refused insurance against disability would not be required to pay damages later. One of the reasons for this is that there is no obligation to contract for the insurance company.

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