Closing with the self-blocking in the profession

Mindfuck Job is already the fourth book in Petra Bock's successful Mindfuck series. This time it's all about how and with what we block ourselves in the job. A very catchy practical book, awarded as a trainer book of the year 2015.

In her fourth book in the “Mindfuck series”, Petra Bock describes the self-blockades that many People prevent them from leading a fulfilling professional life. She summarizes the most important self-blockages in so-called “mindfucks” – inner dialogues that ultimately lead to self sabotage .

As with “Mindfuck”, Petra Bock draws from the full and connects successfully Elements of transactional analysis and the Coaching. With many examples from her coachingEveryday life Petra Bock shows how new strength can be released just by recognizing the act of self-sabotage.

Small mistakes that affect our lives

"Our Brain sometimes plays tricks on us, big and small: for example, when we are misled by our expectations. 100 examples that show what you can do about it.

It's always exciting to see how small mistakes we make in our expectations and actions. As a rule, it's rather small things, but in their entirety they have a great impact on our lives.

Psychological traps lurk everywhere in everyday life

The author Jana Nikitin and Marie Hennecke listed 100 such psychological traps in their book – today's book of the week. Exciting, interesting and entertaining!

Would you ask a co-worker for a favor again if they said “No" said? Probably not, because you automatically expect another rebuff. But it is too short-sighted. Because the probability that a “yes” follows is clear higher, because otherwise the "discomfort" of the refusing colleague would also increase.

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Where brain and perception play a trick

The authors selected by the editors Jana Nikitin and Marie Hennecke do not need more than a double page each to describe their astonishing, sometimes amusing results. Here one selection:

“100 Psychological Thought Traps” is a clever and exciting book,
that with its interesting excursions into the knowledge of the Psychology
Catchy shows how much our small and large decisions are made by
psychological contexts are influenced. Very useful and

The big lie of the unlimited possibilities

And now we're discussing a book that provides helpful thought-provoking ideas for dealing with the multi-option world. Good brain food for them Boy Generation that doesn't just want to continue as before - and of course the same for the older ones.

More than a dozen different types of yoghurt in the fridge, 30 new partner suggestions in the Internet-Dating site and are there more than 50 potential last-minute bargains available for your planned summer vacation to Mallorca? Is this the beautiful new freedom?

Decisions about life and death

Not at all, states Renata Salecl in her clever book “The Tyranny of Freedom”. The sheer unlimited freedom of choice solves none Problems, but creates new ones. According to the author, “fears and anxiety are reinforced because with the apparently larger selection and variety of everything, the pressure to make decisions increases and with it the risk of making wrong decisions.

The "more possibilities" is not evenly distributed, but follows the strict ones Regulate social stratification: “In reality, economic constraints prevent people of all countries from having any real freedom of choice, with the result that a wrong one Choice catastrophic consequences."

Red card for the affluent society

In her analysis, Salecl proves that the commandment to make decisions encompasses all areas of life. The consumption anyway, the choice of partner (“hook-up culture”) to dealing with life and death. For who only sufficient Money can “hide the signs of aging and find a way to delay or even stop death.”

The popular science book "The Tyranny of Freedom" shows the affluent society the red card. In the spirit of Ulrich Beck's individualization theory, Renata Salecl explains that the seductions of mass consumption do not make you happier, but produce new constraints and at the same time make differences in status visible:

Choose correctly and learn to say no

Some suffer from too many choices in the supermarket, others have none at all and are left looking at an empty plate. A very good book that encourages you to write your own Behavior should be reconsidered and, if in doubt, realigned. Note: We are not alone on the Welt.

Aggression expert and criminologist Prof. Jens Weidner turns the tables. He no longer tries, as he did at the beginning of his career, to break the habit of aggressive behavior in young violent offenders, but shows those who usually lose out on the job how they can defend themselves. Exciting and instructive for everyone who has their husbands and theirs on the job Ms. have to stand.

Conclusion with the cuddly course

Jens Weidner is a criminologist and aggression expert. In the past, he has used special anti-aggression therapies to help juvenile delinquents reintegrate into the Society helped.

In his book "Hard, but unfair" he chooses the opposite approach: No more snuggling up and quiet tears. "Aggro" and resistance are announced! Of course, this does not apply to criminals, but brave ones Employees im Companys. The “Duckmäuse” and “Ja-Sager”, who regularly lose out in the job to colleagues and superiors because they “let them do it with them”.

Aggro is doing well

That's the end of it! Weidner becomes the devil's advocate and pleads for uncompromising Resistance, if you finally want to assert your interests. Sometimes cardboard appointment planners fly through Office and leave unsightly discolorations on the face of the colleague (the bully).

Afterwards, he not only learned a headache, but also his lesson. And you will be rewarded with the certainty that you have finally given up the role of victim. “A little bit more aggro brings a lot. Above all, more self-respect. And that's just good for you! ”

Practice the “no” in the 4-eyes monologue

Weidner divides his “defend yourself” coaching into ten chapters with practical exercises and Tasks, many case studies and memorable guiding principles. You will learn how to “find valuable allies and opponents step by step Distance hold". How you are taken seriously and Bullying- Skillfully parry attacks. How to quickly counter malice instead of shedding tears.

And of course also how you finally say “No” when you think “No” anyway. “This is not rocket science, it just has to be practiced. Preferably in front of the bathroomspiegelIn private with yourself, so to speak. And the sound makes the music. Polite but firm is considered the ideal mix. "

Against the backdrops of professional life

You will end up with the “Aggro-Background be able to react anticipatively and are therefore well protected from nasty surprises, because your new knowledge makes your professional life predictable.”

Weidner knows them well, the "sneaky tricks of professional life" that many employees have Fun get lost at work. His book is part of the "active victim protection". Workplace dedicated: If you no longer want to be doormats for your colleagues, you will find the right set of pointed boots in “Hart aber unfair” so that you can kick them yourself in the future if you have to.

Shame on you - no more!

The softskills also include a very professional dealing with (supposedly) embarrassing situations. One thing you can learn and start with the evaluation of the situation. A beautiful guide to the sovereign handling of spilled coffee, Freudian promises and other mishaps, provides very vividly Gitte Harder in her new book.

Everyone knows them, the situations in which one (and woman, of course, too) wants to sink into the ground with shame. Sometimes a thoughtless statement is enough to expose itself to the laughter and ridicule of its fellow men.

Stay relaxed - even when things go wrong

Most of us get over it with ease, and over time even turn the odd mishap or two into a charming, self-deprecating anecdote to tell friends. Others nibble on the embarrassments of the past for years and develop downright panic attacks Anxiety before another faux pas in public. Gitte Härter dedicates her book “Embarrassing, embarrassing…” to these people.

The most important rule is: stop thinking in pigeonholes about your own claims to perfection. Anyone who believes "I'll never learn this" has the best chance of failing the next time. Better: Lower your own expectations, allow mistakes and admit them. This makes you relaxed, especially when you actually slide into an awkward situation.

Summonsurium of embarrassments

Gitte Härter prepares you excellently for these cases with sample sets that you can literally rehearse. For all situations in which faux pas lurk, from “clueless” to “caught cold” to “leaning too far out of the window”. In each of the scenarios, the author shows how you can confidently wriggle out of it.

This works well as long as you have internalized the underlying principle: If something embarrassing happens to you, please do not deny it, and certainly not with great gestures of your own inadequacy. Instead, you simply override the misfortune, defuse the alleged blame with a smile and a small joke or a short excuse. This is almost always sufficient.

"Embarrassing, embarrassing" is a kind and very upbeat book that you for sure will be happy to read. You will not be spared embarrassment afterwards either, but the small defeats of everyday life will certainly be filled with horror and Significance verlieren. "

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