Everyone follows certain life motives and values ​​that guide him. And everyone should know which ones they are.

Recognizing life motivations, developing potential, developing strengths

This is how we gain knowledge about ourselves

Although most People are not used to about human Behavior from the Perspektive To think about life motives, knowing our 16 life motives can help them gain insights into who they are and why they do what they do. These life motives offer you a new way of analyzing your own behavior. When you know your motives in life, you can find out how your behavior and goals in life are connected to your motives in life. Because your life motives chart the path of psychological development you must take to become the person you want to become, they can help you think about what it takes to find value-based happiness.

The 16 life motives are also an effective tool for analyzing the behavior of the people around you. If we want to know how others will behave, we should find out what they want and assume that they will try to get theirs needs and to fulfill motives. Needs may not tell us everything we want to know about ourselves or about others, but what they tell us is extremely important for understanding behavior and happiness.

The 16 life motives at a glance

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And these are the 16 motives for life - the order in which they are presented here does not mean anything:

  1. Power - the need to influence others.
  2. Independence - the need for personal responsibility
  3. Curiosity - the need for knowledge.
  4. Recognition - the need for inclusion.
  5. Order - the need for organization.
  6. Saving - the need to collect things.
  7. Honor - the need to be loyal to one's parents and inheritance.
  8. Idealism - the need for social justice.
  9. Relationship - the need for company.
  10. Family - the need to raise one's children.
  11. Status - the need for social recognition.
  12. Revenge / competition - the need to settle accounts with someone or compare yourself to someone.
  13. Sensuality - the need for sex and beauty.
  14. Food - the need for food intake.
  15. Physical activity - the need for muscle activity.
  16. Inner calm - the need for emotional serenity.

The origin of the motives for life

Let's look at where the 16 motives for life come from and how they are influenced by experience and culture. William James and William McDougall argued that our motives in life are genetically determined.1,2 This means that we are not conscious decidewhat we want from life; rather, our deepest desires and needs arise automatically, and once we have met them, new, different needs automatically arise that we then want to meet again.

According to William McDougall, “Everyone is made to determine Setaspires to, aspires to, aspires to, and wants to achieve that are inherent in his species, and the fulfillment of these goals satisfies and satisfies the urge or craving that drives us. These goals … have not only all humans, but also … their close relatives among the animals. These are goals such as food, protection from danger, the Society other people, intimacy with the opposite sex, triumph over our opponents and Guide the group."

Animals also have motives for life

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Each of the 16 life motives we found seems to meet McDougall's criterion of being common to the human species as a whole. For example, almost everyone aspires to Success (as an indicator of the need for power), self-determination (as an indicator of the need for independence), Background (as an indicator of curiosity) and so on. There are minor exceptions to the universal nature of these goals, but we've found that almost everyone has these needs; Exceptions are rare. The 16 life motives are not only common to all humans, but also to our closest relatives among the animals.

The expression of nine of the life motives in animals is obvious - for example, the fact that animals explore their surroundings shows that they have a certain curiosity. Animals that hoard food are motivated by the need to gather; Animals maintain social contacts (as an indicator of the need for relationships), they raise their offspring (as an indicator of the need for Family), they defend themselves (indicating the need for revenge/competition), they copulate (indicating the need for sensuality), they show Anxiety (as an indicator of the need for inner peace), they eat and move physically. The connection between the other seven life motives and animal behavior is less obvious, but there are also observations that clear indicate a connection. For example, the practice among animals of licking their fur falls under the need for Order.

Every person is different

The need of young birds for awareness in the nest could be the origin of the instinctive human need for social Status be. The fact that all (or almost all) of the 16 life motives are also observed in animals lends credence to the thesis that this list is important. When Susan and I conducted the surveys from which we developed this list of life motives, we did not ask respondents to tell us what values ​​they shared with animals. We didn't provide any Ask about animals. However, the needs that have emerged from our surveys and research are the same as those observed in animals.

In fact, one could argue that these motives are important for survival in the wild and thus evolutionary Significance are. Although almost everyone has the following 16 life motives, they are differently pronounced in each person. Those differences spiegeln partly reflected the genetic diversity among humans. For example, some people have the innate potential to develop very strong aggression (as an indicator of the need for revenge), while others are born with a less pronounced aggression potential. Some people are born with a potential for a strong curiosity or thirst for knowledge, while others naturally have only a low potential for thirst for knowledge.

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