The growing complexity and dynamics of changes in the global economic structure are well known as a challenge for companies. The right ones are crucial Executives.


Manager: Up to the level of your own incompetence?

Joachim Sauer, president of the Association of Human Resource Managers, sees the basic problem being that too often pure experts, on the basis of their specialist knowledge, are climbing higher and higher in the hierarchy. Until the level of their incompetence, the so-called Peter principle or as Sauer says. The good expert is not the same as the good manager.

And the pressure is getting bigger, not smaller. Because the right people in top management are crucial for the survival of a company. And that's exactly where management experts warn: “It's the wrong people at the top”.

Leadership Agility

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We see that more differentiated. The expert in his field can be a very good manager if his way of problem solving fits the situation. Conversely, this means that the peak power is aware of their thinking and acting style and in the best case also has other options.

A hitherto unique model of thought focuses on the "agile" power of leaders: on the Leadership agility

What is Leadership Agility?

The procedure is from the US Adviser and book author Bill Joiner were designed and evaluated together with a research team.

For the first time we use this procedure exclusively in Germany and in the German-speaking area of ​​Europe.

Three levels of leadership agility

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Leadership agility distinguishes three “maturity levels” (levels) of leadership agility. Each level of maturity integrates the skills of the previous one and combines them with further knowledge.

  1. The “Expert” leader is a professional who believes in the persuasiveness of the best solutions.
  2. The manager at the “Achiever” level is a strategist who believes in the motivational power of challenging goals and projects.
  3. The executive at the “Catalyst” level is a visionary and transformer who sees himself primarily as a developer and promoter of the skills of his employees and the entire organization.

 When does which level fit?

The type of catalyst, which is equipped with the most comprehensive range of thought and action, employs the two different levels of maturity, depending on the situation:

There are situations in which the “expert” leadership behavior designed for problem solving is optimal or others in which the strategic and goal-oriented thinking of the “Achievers” advances projects.

How well is the company?

Whether digitization, the global intertwining of industries, or generation Y claims, companies are faced with ever more and ever greater challenges. But how well do they do it?

In order to find out, a company must above all answer the following question: How flexibly does top management react without at the same time revealing the identity of the Company The "maturity" of a company is shown by the awareness of its top executives!

The “game” fields of leadership

We have just learned about the 3 levels of maturity of leadership types. Which level the manager corresponds most closely to - whether “Expert”, “Achiever” or “Catalyst” is shown in three large “play” fields or fields of action of Guide:

  1. Changes in organizations
  2. Improve team performance
  3. Conduct important conversations

The consideration of these three fields of action is already part of the Leadership Agility 360 Grad Feedback (LA 360). The software-based LA 360 analysis and development process has been developed on the basis of the Leadership Agility Thinking Model.

Four types of agility in three fields of action

In the LA 360 analysis and development process, after an introductory talk with his advisor, the client seeks his feedback from senior management, employees and other stakeholders.

The feedback providers' assessments are based on a total of four “types of leadership agility”, which are relevant when “exemplifying” the three major fields of action. It's the skills

  1. directional and contextual leadership,
  2. of creative and solution-oriented management,
  3. stakeholder-oriented management leadership; and
  4. the ability to self-leadership and development

The Action Plan

Are these data through the LA 360 degreeSystem been evaluated, the client can draw a comparison between the image of others and his own image. When interpreting the results, the client is accompanied by his advisor

In doing so, a well-founded action plan will be drawn up, which will determine the areas in which the client wants to develop further in the fields of action within the company. An even higher efficiency is achieved when LA360 is used for a complete management team.

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