Many graduates have lofty, idealistic plans for their careers Future - and then fail badly fast in the Job Search at reality. It is therefore advisable to approach the job search very pragmatically. Complaining doesn't get you anywhere, action is the order of the day.


Plus work experience

Work experience is a plus in the Application: It usually shows that you are able to use your skills in Companys can also be implemented profitably. Any experience, no matter how insignificant, can qualify further - for example, a waiter job shows that you can work hard, under pressure and in Team work and with customers can handle.

However, it isn't usefulto randomly string together any work experiences; rather, the jobs should have a red line in it Curriculum vitae and show progress, otherwise potential employers quickly get the impression that Candidate be indecisive and unambitious. After graduating, precarious jobs such as unpaid internships and student jobs should come to an end. Because these are also difficult from a social security point of view.

In the right place at the right time

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Luckily, being in the right place at the right time or knowing the right people is often part of the job hunt. Because many companies are looking for their employees at short notice and like to save themselves lengthy ones selection.

Of course, such happy coincidences can not to plan, and yet you can help them systematically by building up a network of good contacts in good time. This means there is a good chance of finding out about vacancies before they are advertised.


There are plenty of opportunities to make such contacts: internships and student jobs, temporary work, trade fairs, recruiting events, round tables or online networks such as our Xing group for humanities and social scientists in the Economy. But Networking doesn't mean making a lot of contacts of any kind.

Many situations require only a few contacts, but exactly the right ones. In order to create this, you have to show initiative and make advance payments. Because it's about Trust build up. A sure instinct is required. On the other hand, those who prematurely express expectations only squander their chances light.

The method: Life Work Planning

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An Method, which is equally suitable for job hunting, application and networking, is the one from the USA Life Work Planning, which takes place in three steps and can be learned in seminars or in self-study with the help of books.

The most important thing is that graduates no longer need to be satisfied with the available vacancies, but can systematically develop their own profile and then look for an employer that suits them. Supposedly, on average, 86% of all participants have a fulfilling job one year after an LWP seminar.

Career finding step by step

  1. In step 1, the job seeker is to be clear about his goals, wishes and abilities, eg by writing them down. Because the more precisely someone knows what he wants, the sooner he finds it.
  2. Step 2 considers how personal interests can be brought into a profession. Who asks himself "What can I do with my subject?" automatically limits the selection. The better question is: What kind of work do I want to do? - because there are more options than many think.
  3. Step 3 is finally the most difficult: now actively looking for contacts, specifically by targeting people who have a place that would interest you. But this phase is not about the actual job search, but about the gathering of information and the comparison between reality and personal ideas. Whoever is open to others without too many hindrances will make the astonishing discovery that most people are looking forward to honest interest in their person or work and are happy to provide information.

Honest interest and self-titled

That's why Life Work Planning is like that successfully, because graduates who know what they want also show genuine interest and initiative when applying. HR decision-makers often determine this from the external form of the application. Therefore, standardized applications are taboo, not to mention masseMails, which give the impression of arbitrariness.

It is better to emphasize that you have dealt intensively with the company and know what to expect there - and that as briefly and succinctly as possible: on average, it makes you feel good HR 30 seconds for an application and immediately sorts out everything that doesn't fit. And: The frequently asked question: "Why do you want to work for us?" aims completely clear depends on what benefit the company could have from the applicant's cooperation - and an applicant should think about this in advance.

Expand competences

When looking for a job, starting with the question of what opportunities a degree in the humanities offers is also short-sighted because existing ones Competencies can be expanded at any time through further training and postgraduateCourses. Here is the Financing not the main problem, since there are scholarships, loans and government subsidies.

It is much more difficult to find the right content and conclusion in the jungle of offers. Because: On the further education market, which is hardly regulated by law, there are numerous internationally recognized offers (e.g. the Master of Business-Administration in various variations) also certificates from individual institutes that are completely unknown on the job market.

Is the degree also recognized?

However, who has time and Money in a Further Training invest should pay close attention to how potential employers accept the degree.

This is guaranteed, for example, when a degree program has been accredited and appears in relevant rankings. And also in terms of content Further Training only something if it also prepares you for a specific job in a concrete and practical way, for example through practical units within the course.

Do not give up!

However, the most important thing seems to me: Despite all the frustrating experiences, keep going and don't give up. Failure is part of life, even if it is in our success-obsessed Society hardly anyone likes to admit.

The Art is to get back up and keep going.

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