Personal Set can do a lot: they take care of you for a lifetime Orientation, give strength, bestow satisfaction and luck. The main thing is that the sails are set consciously and correctly. 6 important steps help!

Achieving goals, finding direction: 6 steps to personal success

1. Find your own framework and personal direction

Navigation systems in the car are practical companions. around in SALE to kick, however, they need an important one Information: Where exactly is the journey going? The route can only begin once this location has been entered.

The same is true of personal goals. They give life a framework and direction, provide drive and Energy, ideally bring contentment, happiness and a right to exist. If there are no goals, exactly the opposite happens: Without them as orientation, life melts away; the person concerned no longer knows what to do.

2. Heading for stage and long-term goals: the difference makes the difference

Even if it sometimes seems different: at least stage goals are almost always automatically present: first the school and the Vocational Training to create, then find a suitable job and keep it, treat yourself to the next vacation, major purchases or a nice home.

There are also overarching goals that are further away and spanning years or decades like an engine act – for example, to give more space to hobbies that you have come to love, from bookbinding to photography. Spend as much time by the sea as possible. Or volunteering to help others People support.

3. Concrete ideas provide more energy

The more concrete the idea of ​​such goals, the greater the energy and stamina that can be found to achieve them. This includes visualizing all accompanying phenomena and consequences. And to ask yourself whether the necessary basis already exists or has yet to be created or expanded.

Another Success factor are realistic plans: losing 35 kilos of excess weight in twelve months would involve enormous deprivation and a maximum of Discipline tied together. If you allow yourself three years for this project, you reduce the pressure and increase the probability of taking many small steps to achieve the big one you are aiming for.

4. Get helpful outside support

On their own, not everyone is self-confident and focused enough to recognize and tackle their own goals. Outside support can help track them down and find out if they are personal priorities or the expectations of others that you want to meet.

The honest exchange with good friends or professional sparring partners such as a course instructor or Training Also works as a corrective if the timing is wrong or a vague wish instead of a specific goal. A lottery win or an unexpected inheritance may sound tempting, but cannot be actively influenced, but a healthier diet, more exercise and sleep can.

5. Overcoming crises: obstacles or setbacks are part of it

Anyone striving for goals must also expect obstacles or setbacks on their way. Many can be tackled with flexibility and ingenuity. With others, it means pausing, waiting and possibly turning around - as the drastic experience of the corona pandemic shows, for example.

Around the world it has thwarted, thwarted or destroyed countless plans. When, how and whether this can be achieved is unclear. The result is a feeling of deep insecurity. But gradually the hope for a "new" normal is growing like a silver lining. Until they move in, personal goals can be questioned and readjusted if necessary.

6. Setting the sails correctly for personal success

Private this can result in the realization that instead of a trip around the world, you'd rather spend a week crossing the Alps to plan and want to train for it. Or cooking as a change in the home officeEveryday life so much Fun makes that a regular club to refine the knowledge would be obvious.

Professionally, there is a change from previous ones Industry into another one that is more crisis-resistant and independent of political lockdown decisions. All according to the Greek philosopher Aristotle: "We can't change the wind, but we can set the sails right."