In einer Welt, which is characterized by collaboration and cultural integration, is the management and the Guide crucial in a WE culture Significance. 10 tips.

Changes forced by crises? We need real teamwork!

Breaking out of your comfort zone

Every day we are pushed out of our comfort zone. A phase of forced change. This creates uncertainty – and makes it possible growth. But only if we don't expect everything to work perfectly right away. Because healthy ones Team-Cooperation without a silo mentality offers a way how Companys be able to operate successfully in an increasingly networked and collaborative environment.

Leaving your personal comfort zone is a central part of personal and professional growth. It means venturing into areas that seem unfamiliar, challenging, or even frightening. This step is often necessary to learn new skills, develop undiscovered potential and be innovative Solutions to find. By putting yourself in unfamiliar situations, you develop resilience, adaptability and an increased willingness to try new things ideas and to open perspectives.

Breaking out of your comfort zone requires Courage and the willingness risks enter into. It means facing challenges and being conscious of growth and change zu decide. However, this process can also be extremely rewarding, allowing one to discover new talents, build self-confidence and expand personal boundaries. It opens the door to new opportunities and experiences that would otherwise have remained undiscovered. By encouraging yourself to step out of your comfort zone, you develop an open attitude to change and create the foundation for personal development and success.

Creating stability, recognizing opportunities

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The growing Distance in the home office, the lack of personal exchange - sometimes working together is massively difficult. An ideal field to fall back into a lone wolf mentality or silo thinking. Difficult conditions and crises always give us a gift: They are the impulse for solidarity and a new WE. We just have to take the chance!

The People In crises, it is more important than ever to actively involve people in the assessment of the situation and the search for a solution. Because this is exactly where the potential lies, which helps us in difficult times to create stability, to recognize and seize opportunities or simply to ensure survival.

Challenge or Threat?

The extent to which the situation is perceived as a threat or challenge has a major influence on mental and physical health and thus also on performance. psychologyprofessor Lantermann describes five factors that reinforce the perception of threat:

  1. Uncertainty of action: I am powerless, I cannot do anything.
  2. Knowledge uncertainty: I do not understand what is happening.
  3. Uncertainty about the future: I don't know how things will go on.
  4. Consequences uncertainty: I cannot assess what the consequences of the situation or my possible actions will be.
  5. Insecurity of support: I feel left out or left alone.

Open up new scope

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Himself powerless or at the mercy of feel, has something to do with your own Perspektive to do. The exchange with others and listening to their perspective on our own situation opens up new scope for us. There may also be room for whining. Talking about fears and hearing how others are doing is good for mental hygiene and strengthens cohesion. But then you need to look ahead.

To experience that one's own contributions are viewed as valuable promotes trust in one's own resources. The uncertainty of action decreases, the self-efficacy increases and that means that the situation can be perceived as a challenge.

Create opportunities for encounters

A future café also works in times of physical distance. Here, participants across team and department boundaries exchange ideas on a given question in alternating small groups via video conference. This creates a feeling of connection and belonging and a shared understanding of a situation.

They are also in demand Executives. It's up to you now, the WE feeling in you Everyday life to promote. Even if this process in the current situation clear more effort, it's worth it. Because it offers the opportunity to use valuable thinking and idea capacity and to make better decisions on the basis of shared information.

3 tips for managers to use crises sensibly

Nevertheless, adjustments or complete changes of a decision required, that's easier to convey because the Employees are involved in the process and there is transparency. In order to manage all of this, it is important that managers take good care of themselves and look at what is really important in leadership. Then …

1. managers become collaboration conductors,

the one for variety in Meetings and uses structures that promote exchange and at the same time increase self-efficacy. Methods known as Liberating Structures are particularly suitable for this. They ensure that those involved feel included and involved. Not only can this be done fast new ideas or Strategies are developed, they also promote awareness of one's own ability to act. The methods were compiled by Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz. They are light to learn, just need something exercise.

2. offer managers psychological security,

thereby promoting the belief that one will not be punished or embarrassed for sharing ideas, Ask, concerns, or errors. Communication is a complex matter. We send ours message only a small part about the words. The majority of Information flows over voice and body language. Depending on which communication channel we choose, a larger or smaller part of the information is lost. This can easily lead to misunderstandings. It does Sinnto become aware of the pitfalls of remote communication and to advocate being extra vigilant. The feeling of being ignored is often worse than being criticized.

3. promote information flow and transparency for executives,

because they communicate more instead of less, even if it takes time and effort. Background share, ask questions and pass on information - this is how they promote the active exchange of as many participants as possible. It's good if, as with Slack, comments can be made quickly and directly. You can create transparency by introducing a team Kanban board for task management. OnlineTools for this are, for example, Trello or Factro.

The role of psychology and self-efficacy: I can have an influence!

Let's not let physical distance become social distance. The fact that we can talk to each other – in whatever way – makes us human. Collaborative interlocutors are characterized by the fact that they actively support others Opinions and question ideas, listen carefully and actively share their knowledge.

An appreciative and result-oriented exchange. With regard to the assessment of the situation, the further development and the consequences, we receive different perspectives and new answers through collaboration.

“I can exert influence and I will somehow manage it” - that is the fuel to accept change as a challenge. We produce it in exchange with others. More than ever, the current motto must be: Do it together!

What exactly does the concept of self-efficacy mean?

Self-efficacy refers to the belief in one's own ability to influence one's own life and Tasks to be managed successfully. It is trust in yourself Expertiseto overcome challenges and Set to reach. This belief in one's own effectiveness is crucial because it determines that Behavior, the Motivation and the Endurance influences a person. People with high levels of self-efficacy are more willing to take on difficult tasks, set ambitious goals and are determined to achieve them, even when obstacles arise.

The development of self-efficacy is influenced by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, feedback, supportive relationships, and observing others successfully overcome similar challenges. When someone repeatedly experiences success in certain areas, their belief that they can also succeed in them increases Future can be successful in similar situations. It is a dynamic process that is further strengthened by constantly expanding one's own skills and dealing with different situations and challenges. One positive Self-efficacy can affect personal well-being increase, Stress reduce and help lead a fulfilling and productive life.

Conclusion: Find solutions to crises together

Crises are often the catalyst for change that presents companies and teams with new challenges. But it is the way in which change is imposed that makes the difference. Real Teamwork, based on collaboration, openness and mutual Respect is the key to crisis-induced changes constructive to manage something.

It's not just about adapting to the changes, but also about actively developing solutions together Power every team member can use. This process requires open communication in which different perspectives are heard and respected. True teamwork means not only that everyone plays their role, but that every team member is empowered to take responsibility and contribute to shaping the change.

While forced change may be unavoidable in the midst of crisis, true teamwork creates a space where team members feel supported, motivated to take responsibility, and ultimately develop a sense of belonging and shared goals. The ability to respond to challenges as a team and face changes together is not only crucial for overcoming crises, but also for emerging stronger from them Organization to grow.

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