For many companies, employer rating portals are a red rag, for some a black hole, for some a closed book and for some already a closed one Recruiting-Tool par excellence. Here's how to get good reviews.

review sites

The prejudices about valuation portals continue to be large

Opinion platforms such as Kununu, Jobvoting, Bizzwatch, MeinChef and MeinPraktikum are only frustrated and vindictive alumni? Not even close! Most portals now have at least the larger ones Companys There are already enough reports from reports that show the current mood - peppered with hints of what the executives could change.

Besides, practiced readers are not stupid. The intention of a reviewer and his seriousness shimmer fast through. In addition, there is Regulate for the choice of words. For example, from a purely legal point of view, specific names may not be mentioned.

Are these just individual opinions? Every Opinions is valuable when it is differentiated and detailed, and when it fully describes the aspects being assessed. Even if the entries are very subjective: potential Candidate can now finally get a first impression of the working atmosphere of a Company make - and get an impression of whether the company suits them or not.

Fake reviews are short-lived

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Many opinions are manipulated? The good portals have security and control software through which all ratings run before the release. Manual checks are then carried out. Finally, there is a reporting function so that unmasked counterfeits can be removed quickly.

“Currently, around 90 percent of the incoming reviews comply with our guidelines. For the rest, we ask users to adapt their testimonials to our guidelines. Also, keep in mind that fake reviews are recent Success are. If a supposed top employer cannot keep what is published, it comes immediately from the disappointed Employees into the light of day,” says Tamara Frast, Social Media Manager at Kununu.

Will the hype surrounding employer rating portals die down soon? I very much doubt that. It is a matter of course for GenY to share their opinions, hints and advice with others on relevant websites. This is her way recognition and build up a reputation in their social environment.

The opinion on portals keep in mind

A representative survey by Bitkom, the association of ITCIndustry, among 778 internet users showed that one in four internet users uses rating portals to find out about potential employers. A total of seventy percent of those who actually intended to change jobs have such assessments in their decision be influenced. Such portals pay off for all those whose ratings are above average.

But the most valuable thing for a company is the unvarnished mood of the employees. A need for improvement that no one might want to address internally can also be identified via such portals. Last but not least are positive Reviews exactly the advertising that makes a company attractive to new talent. And beyond: customers, investors and the media read that too.

Companies should therefore always use the web to form opinions Eye keep. A comment account should also be requested. Thank you for positive comments. On negative reviews should constructive answered and on harsh Criticism be reacted carefully. Everyone knows: nowhere are exclusively enthusiastic employees. Rash acts and the club lawyer often only make clashes worse. Instead of chasing after whoever makes a grievance public, it is better to deal with the grievance.

How to actively invite employees to a review

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When employee loyalty, Motivation and employee engagement are right - and only then - do it Sinnto invite the workforce to rate your company on Kununu and Co. Provide a plausible reason why this is so important, it increases your chances considerably. Our brain loves reasons so that it knows why it should be active at all.

For example, write like this: “We urgently need more talent to complete our existing high-performance team. And because the best are pre-researching the web, a few more stimulating reviews on ... can help all of us a lot. So if you like, then…. ”

Here is a brief description of how everything works, to make it as easy as possible for everyone. But never bid Money or goodies for good ratings. Something like that usually gets to the public very quickly. And then trouble is inevitable. A shitstorm is often the result.

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