Due to the shortage of skilled workers IT-Specialists today choose where they want to work. Do you like your current one? Workplace not, they think light a new. But what makes a Companys attractive in the long term? Companies that heed the following five tips can ensure a better working atmosphere in the company and through higher satisfaction keep their employees in the company.

Happy Worldline employees

5 Tips for more employee satisfaction

Money is not everything - flexible working time models and a balanced Work-Life-Balance promote the Motivation of the workforce and increase satisfaction. 5 tips how to do it.

  1. Training for all employees: Companies should offer their employees good, individual training opportunities across all hierarchical levels. In this way, they not only promote their qualifications, but also show appreciation. According to a current study by Oracle, only 19 percent of the non-managerial employees surveyed in Germany found that their further education and training measures are tailored to their development plan - this causes dissatisfaction among the ranks of non-managers. To counteract this, it is important that further training offers are aimed at all levels of the workforce.
  2. Regular exchange: The mutual appreciation is also important for the satisfaction of the workforce. This also includes the exchange with superiors, so 31 percent of employees who have been in continuous dialogue with their manager over the past six months feel more connected to their company, as the study “Gallup Engagement Index” says - an above-average result. Companies should regularly use this opportunity to pay tribute to employees.
  3. Work-life balance: This is how work and private life fit under one roof: Generation Y in particular, today's 18 to 35 year olds, attach great importance to the compatibility of work and private life. These include, for example, flexible working time models and the option of working from home. Childcare options also play an important role. It is doubly worthwhile for companies to pay attention to a good work-life balance. Because it not only contributes to making employees happier, but also keeps them motivated and productive.
  4. Feel good at work: Conversely, even health can suffer if work and private life are not compatible. A lack of balance between work and leisure time can trigger dissatisfaction and strain the psyche of the employees. A lack of attention and recognition from superiors can exacerbate this. This is confirmed by the study “Great Place to Work Health Index 2015”. Companies with a health-promoting workplace culture, on the other hand, have 30 percent fewer sick days than other employers. Even with small actions, companies can create a pleasant working atmosphere in which employees feel comfortable and stay healthy. For example, free fruit and drinks, offers for regenerative sports during the lunch break, prevention courses for coping with stress, back training and project days with lectures on health. Corporate sports teams not only promote health, but also team spirit. Anyone who prefers to train alone or on special equipment is looking forward to a cooperation between the employer and a fitness studio - because a lower membership fee for employees increases the motivation for sports.
  5. Variety offer: Whether different projects or short stays in other departments - variety in the job increases satisfaction, which is also what the “Gallup Engagement Index” means. For international companies, temporary employment in a foreign branch offers an insight into a different work culture. This investment often gives young employees appreciation of the company, which in turn benefits from the experience that the employees gain there. It also helps you to find out which department suits you best, which department you are best suited to, or where the future career path in the company should go. In this way you make the right job within the company for yourself.


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In times of a shortage of skilled workers, an important task of the human resources department is qualified Employees due to positive Incentives to keep and motivate in the company. This succeeds, for example, with good further training opportunities across all hierarchical levels, flexible working time models, offers for a health-promoting workplace culture, open discussions and variety.

In addition to the five aspects mentioned, there are of course many other approaches that contribute to employee satisfaction, such as bonuses for special performance or good career opportunities. It is crucial to create an atmosphere in which employees feel valued and comfortable feel.

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