A dual degree program is the combination of university degree and vocational training, from a scientific and practically oriented degree. Time consuming, but with good job prospects. But how is childhood?


Good for the career, bad for the family?

Graduates leave their educational path with a scientific and a rather practical degree, sometimes even go directly to their training company and get there due to their dual way very good jobs in prospect.

But how should this demanding educational path be mastered with a child, be it alone or together with the other parent? With the right one Planning and financial support, a dual study program can actually work with young people.

Studying with child and working

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The aspect of studying with a child is not as difficult in Germany as it is often assumed. Many universities have either KiTas or childcare for the next generation of students; if not, students are entitled to a day mother.

They will need these opportunities for childcare especially for their work, because they have to stick to their training schedule. At some colleges it is even allowed to take the little ones into the lecture hall, provided that they behave quietly there.

Maternity protection and re-entry

The issue of work can become more complicated, since an employer must comply with statutory maternity leave and any occupational bans. As soon as the pregnancy is known, the employer and the University be talked about, since the employer can then advise on how to proceed.

Eight weeks after childbirth, the Mother under no circumstances be employed, six weeks of maternity leave beforehand are also planned. At the express wish of the pregnant woman, maternity leave before childbirth can be omitted until the day of childbirth and she may continue to work.

The re-entry and resumption of studies should be addressed as early as possible so that the Boy Mother doesn't have to fear the end of her career. This article also offers further tips and suggestions for managing dual studies with children.

Studying Abroad

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Somewhat more difficult can be a dual study, if the parents or only one parent abroad. If it is only a semester, one can think about whether the next generation is able to live with the other parent or perhaps the grandparents during this time, while the parents are visited during the semester abroad.

You can also take a child with you, but you must then find out early about child care and financial support for students with children. In the EU at least, however, there are many cultures in which childcare is even better regulated than in Germany, so that there are fewer obstacles in the way of studying and working parents. This article also offers further tips and information about the situation of studying and working parents who are about to spend a semester abroad.

funding opportunities

Students in dual studies who expect a child need one thing above all else: financial security. This depends on whether they complete a distance learning course and work in parallel, or whether they are enrolled in a recognized dual study course. In the case of distance education, the employer regulates the pregnancy and the study remains unaffected as it is subject to management by the parents.

The pregnant woman is entitled to maternity benefit during maternity leave, and she is also entitled to parental leave. The father of the child also has this, in exceptional cases also the partner who takes care of the child while working hours are reduced. A dual study program in which study and Vocational Training are running at the same time, there is the possibility of adjusting the BAföG benefits if they are drawn.

Parental allowance can also be interesting in these cases. In addition, youth welfare offices support the care of a childminder or admission to the KiTa for students at a flat rate Costs even completely waived.

Checklist for a dual study with child

In this checklist I have summarized the most important points for studying with a child:

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