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Enjoyment at work sounds like a contradiction in terms: we all know that the office can be a stressful place. There are deadlines to meet, projects to complete, bosses and customers to keep happy. And yet: Enjoyment, deceleration and healthy eating are possible and even important.

Did you know, for example, that exercise and a healthy diet are not only important for your body, but also have a huge impact on your mental health and thus directly on your professional success? What you eat or how often you exercise or relax can have a significant impact on your mood and how you feel.

So, if you're looking to lift your spirits and improve your mental health, eating foods good for your brain, exercising regularly, and taking frequent vacations is a good place to start. On the other hand, if you're stressed out and running from one project to the next, you'll become more and more stressed and frustrated as you atrophy physically and mentally.

If you want to change your life towards more enjoyment, the right implementation is crucial - and this is exactly what this magazine wants to support you with. For example, when eating out, it is important that you find foods that you enjoy eating. For example, if you're not a fan of salads, you don't have to force yourself to eat them just because they're good for you. There are many other healthy options that I am sure you will enjoy.

But even when choosing your travel destinations, you should increasingly focus on healthy activities, exercise and slowing down instead of chasing after the next adrenaline rush and the next distraction. And that's exactly where we want to support you with our magazine by offering you extensive tips for a better and more enjoyable life at work and in your free time.