Working from home is becoming more and more important, and this also applies to Further Training. There are hundreds of distance learning courses and distance learning courses offered through distance learning. Those willing to learn are spoiled for choice Choice.

Distance learning options

What are the goals of continuing education?

Thanks to digitization, it has never been easier to take responsibility for your own further education, also and especially in the home office. On the one hand, distance learning or distance learning offers a lot selection, but on the other hand it can also use the decision make more difficult. The optimal provider is the one that best suits your own specifications.

Before you start choosing the right offer and provider, everyone should clear do what he does with the Further Training want to achieve. The more intensively you deal with these and many more Ask employed in advance, the greater the probability of finding a further training course that exactly suits the individual requirements.

Checklist: Find the right training

Selection of suitable offers

Anyone who has dealt extensively with the questions above should have developed a pretty good idea of ​​what is appropriate for a further education. Now it is important to find offers that meet these requirements.

For this stand in Internet various databases and directories. Some of the criteria can often be entered in a search mask, while others require more research.

Decision for a provider

It is worthwhile to create a table with all possible offers as rows and the various personally important criteria as columns draw up and then fill in. In addition to the formal criteria, softer ones such as ratings and reviews on the Internet, gut feeling or friendliness can also be used Contact be included with the student advisory service.

Possible sources of information are the Internet, information material from the providers and questions to the student advisory service. Of course, this takes a lot of research, but in the end you will be more satisfied with the result.

By KO criterion to the right supplier

When the matrix is ​​completely filled, a good basis for the decision is provided. In the ideal case, there remains only one vendor who best meets the requirements.

Frequently, however, it will be the case that a number of potential remote schools or post-secondary schools are left, each of which satisfies particular requirements particularly well and others less well.

In the end, listen to the belly

Then it should be considered again, which criteria are how important and a list of priorities are set up.

In addition to all purely rational considerations, one should also listen to oneself and consider with what offer one feels most comfortable.