Zest for life lost because fears and depression are stronger than your daily life Motivation to get up at all? It doesn't have to be, because you can just change your thinking.

Rediscover the joie de vivre, get rid of depression and fears: 4 X 4 tips for self-help with the power of thought

With the power of thoughts and through cognitive therapy for depression

One of the best Methods is cognitive therapy. I would like to use a small example to demonstrate how it can help you. Suppose you come into my office and ask me, "Mr. Merkle, can I use cognitive therapy to really make me depressed?" I'm doing great at the moment. I'm in good spirits and fine, but I want to get over it and get depressed feel. Can you help me with this?” First I would you clear make that it is not easy. It takes hard work to go from one extreme of feeling good to the other extreme of feeling depressed. But it's possible. If you are really serious about being depressed, then you could achieve this.

In all likelihood, you would be skeptical as to whether cognitive therapy can really help you Objective to reach. For example, you might object that you're not convinced that it's possible to get depressed because you're feeling way too good at the moment. I would then explain to you that your belief that you cannot make it is only yours Opinions is. To find out if you're right about that, you'd have to try it first. So I would encourage you to work on this for a while to see if you really can't make yourself depressed. That's the only way you can tell if cognitive therapy is actually effective.

3 steps to the goal: Become depressed thanks to negative thoughts

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Then I would show you how to make yourself depressed. I would recommend that you have very pessimistic thoughts every time you are doing well. I would urge you to always think only of your bad points and flaws. I would encourage you to only see the negative in everything. To whole for sure to go, I would still advise that you just go with People compare those who have achieved more than you and that you should judge and devalue yourself for it. At first it would seem very artificial to you, since you are not convinced that everything is so negative. You would have the impression that this cannot work.

However, if you thought, "Well, I can give it a try, I have nothing to lose" and you tried it for, say, a month, the chances are you would get really depressed. The more important it is to you that you achieve your goal of being depressed, the more successful you will be. It is the same when you want to learn to overcome your depression:

  1. It must be important to you to achieve this goal.
  2. Despite your skepticism about whether you can make it, you have to work at it and use the methods that I will present to you.
  3. You have to be patient. You can't expect to reach your goal in a few days.

How you can help yourself

A depressed mood is a state of greater or lesser sadness. However, that's not the only feeling you get when you're depressed. Contrary to what many people think, depression does not consist of just one feeling. Rather, it is a mixture of different feelings. Anger and feelings of inferiority are almost always present. Play often too guilt play a major role in the onset and maintenance of depressive moods, and eventually can Anxiety and worries make life even more difficult for the depressed person. If you want to conquer your depression, you need to learn how to eliminate these negative feelings from your life. It is most helpful if you view each of these negative feelings as a separate problem that needs to be solved.

In order to do that, you must first know where your feelings are coming from. You need to understand how they arise and how you can influence them. Then you can do this Background use it to better manage your uncomfortable feelings. The more you learn to control your negative feelings and become more satisfaction change, the faster your depressive moods will disappear.

Is it even possible to help yourself?

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Can you help yourself at all? My answer to that is: Yes, it is possible. All people help themselves by always doing what they think is right and proper. However, out of ignorance, people often choose means and waysthat do them more harm than good. They abuse alcohol, medication or drugs to improve their mental well-being, or even take their own lives because they see no other way out of their problems. "Beating Depression" shows you how to safely use cognitive therapy to help your mental health Problems can solve themselves. You can use this program in conjunction with therapy or work with it alone. If you are already in therapy, your therapist may have recommended this book to you. Because he knows that you will make faster progress if you study books of this type in addition to talking to him. It doesn't matter whether you solve your problems alone or with the help of a therapist, in any case you have to do something about it. Only you are able to conquer your depression. All this program or a therapist can do is help you with it.

Can you always be alone with cognitive Technology solve his problems? It would be presumptuous if I said that in all cases reading and working through a short text is enough to solve one's problems. It takes more to help yourself. It takes time and personal commitment. For some people it is easier to do this with the support of a therapist. In the case of very severe and long-lasting depression, the help and support of an experienced therapist is certainly required.

If nothing helps: let us help you!

There are a few therapists whom you can turn to with confidence. These therapists use the same therapy method as me. This is of great benefit to you. If you have worked through this book and then have the feeling that you need the help and support of a specialist, then you will already know from the therapists I have listed what they place special value in therapy. You will then progress faster in therapy because you already have a lot of previous knowledge. If these therapists cannot give you a therapy place because they are full, then they can certainly name another therapist in your area. Or you write to me and I will try to name another therapist for you. You are also welcome to write to me if one thing or the other is not entirely clear to you.

However, please understand if I cannot go into your problem in such detail. A letter is not a substitute for a Conversation with a therapist. If you would like to find out more about how changing your attitudes can change your life, then I would like to recommend the book "Understanding Feelings, Coping with Problems" which I wrote together with my partner Doris Wolf.

Depression: 5 Typical Effects

Depression is a mental disorder. They vary in strength and duration. Mild depression affects the affected person only slightly in his Everyday life. Major depression can be so bad that the depressed person is unable to go about their daily business Tasks and to fulfill obligations. Depressive moods can either occur from time to time or last for months or even years. Signs of depression Thinking, feeling, acting and physical well-being are affected by depressive moods.

1. Think

Much research has clearly shown that the way you think about yourself and your life plays a crucial role in creating and maintaining your depression.

When you are depressed, you see yourself as a failure or an inferior person. The Welt is threatening to you and you see your life and yours Future in very somber colors. They tend to only see the negative in many things. This negative Your attitude towards life leads to your depressive moods and keeps you trapped in them. The consequences of this are negative feelings and a range of physical discomfort. These, in turn, reinforce your negative thoughts. They feel, "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm good for nothing.” You're in a vicious circle. Negative thoughts lead to negative feelings, which in turn cause you to think even more negatively about yourself. In this way you keep your depression alive or even worsen it. You have difficulty concentrating on what you are doing because of your poor physical and mental health. They remember names and appointments badly or not at all. You have trouble making decisions. You may even consider taking your own life. This is the most dangerous and serious sign of depression.

2. Feel

A feeling of unhappiness is the first sign that you are depressed. You feel sad and depressed and find it difficult to look forward to anything. However, sadness alone does not constitute depression. Many people occasionally feel sad without being depressed. Sadness can even be an appropriate emotion, such as the loss of a loved one. However, does the sadness last for a very long time and is it so great that you have the impression that there is none Control more about your life, then it is certainly inappropriate. She then slipped into depression. They are angry with themselves and have feelings of inferiority. You might also talk yourself into a lot of guilt. You blame yourself for things you have done or said and think you are a bad person. A feeling of loneliness is also a hallmark of depressed people. They feel alone and abandoned by everyone, even when there are other people to take care of them. Various fears often accompany depression. They relate to your partner, your work, your own Health, the future or life in general.

3. Act

When you are depressed you tend to be rather passive. This is because you either don't believe you can do something right, or you don't believe you can Fun to be able to have it. You withdraw from those around you and gradually lose interest in what is going on around you.

4. Physical condition

When you are depressed, you feel energized and limp. You have trouble sleeping, wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, or you sleep more and wake up exhausted in the morning. You have less or no appetite and as a result you lose weight, or you eat more than usual and gain weight. You may also lose interest in sexual contact. Thinking, feeling, acting and physical well-being are interwoven like the web of a spider. So your negative thinking leads to feelings like sadness and unhappiness. These give rise to even more negative thoughts for you, which make your feelings worse. Your unpleasant feelings lead you to withdraw more and more from your environment and life. You don't feel like talking. The less you do, the more sluggish you and your body become and the more you think that you can no longer do anything. You have the impression that you are only a burden to others and thus reinforce your negative image of yourself. Because of your poor mental state, you have a poor appetite, so you eat less and your body is weakened. You become energetic and powerless. You find it more and more difficult to get yourself up to an activity. And again, it is your negative thoughts that paralyze you even more and make you even more depressed. This is a vicious circle that takes you deeper and deeper into your depression.

What types of depressive moods are there?

There are also different types of depressive moods. The most common are reactive and neurotic depression. Depending on their strength, they may require psychotherapeutic treatment. There are good tests for this. With their help, you can reliably determine whether you have just a slight depressive mood or a severe depression. Based on the result, you can see whether it is helpful or important for you to confide in a psychotherapist. One differentiates:

1. Reactive depression

It is in response to events that you cannot cope with. Such events can include: loss of a loved one, loss of job, retirement, rejection by others, or failure to complete a task. It is not the event as such that is responsible for your depressive reaction, but how you experience and process the situation. This form of depressive mood is the most common.

2. Neurotic Depression

Unprocessed problems and conflicts from childhood lead to this form of depression. Most of the time, the parents were very overprotective and protective or very strict and demanding. As a result, their children have not learned how to deal with problems and difficulties in an appropriate and successful way.

3. Exhaustion depression

It develops as a result of long-term mental or physical overload.

4. Endogenous depression

Here chemical or hormonal processes in the body are made responsible for the development. For example, it has been found that some depressed people have reduced serotonin levels. Taking this substance improves the depressive mood. However, whether the low serotonin content is the cause of the depression is still a matter of dispute. In general, it is very difficult to diagnose depression as endogenous depression. What is certain, however, is that endogenous depression is the least common. They are usually only treated with medication. Psychotherapeutic treatment is usually not enough here. However, it is very helpful as a supportive measure.

Is there a depressive disposition?

Many depressed patients who come to my practice report again and again that their doctor told them that they were predisposed to depression and that they had to live with it. The only help there would be for her would be medication. I disagree: I firmly believe that depression is not an inevitable fate. Unless you suffer from endogenous depression, you can always learn to free yourself from your depression without psychotropic drugs. Drugs can be very difficult at the beginning of psychotherapeutic treatment useful be. However, they cannot heal a depressive mood because they do not address the causes. That's why I reject drugs as the only form of therapy for depressive moods. If you are under medical treatment and your doctor only prescribes medication for you, then you also insist on psychotherapeutic treatment.

With the exception of endogenous depression, all other depressions are learned. What I'm trying to say is that we're not born condemned to be depressed. When people are depressed, it's usually because of the way they learned as children to see and judge themselves, the world, and the things in it. Today as an adult you can learn things with others Eyes to see. You can acquire skills that will enable you to improve your mental well-being. The methods I am going to share with you in this book have proven very effective for many people. You too can benefit from them.

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