Data is the sword of the 21st century, they say – and it is being collected diligently everywhere. What can we do against it?

big brother

Data protection is an important issue

In today's digital world Welt, where we are constantly online and sharing our personal information, privacy has become an important issue. Companys and organizations collect and analyze data to improve their products and provide personalized services.

The topic of data protection becomes completely confusing when you consider that most websites write in their data protection policies that they never share user data merchandise or rented to third parties.

But how much is our online data really worth? And what impact does this have on ours? Privacy? In this article we will look at the value of our data online and the Significance of data protection in a world where “Big Brother” seems to be everywhere.

Our data on the internet – a valuable resource

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Our data has become a valuable resource used by companies and organizations to gain insights into our preferences, habits and needs to win. The more information they have about us, the better they can provide personalized advertising and tailor their products and services to our individual needs.

However, it is important to note that not all data has the same value. Personal and sensitive information such as our financial data, medical records or location data can be particularly valuable and higher Risks represent for abuse.

Big Brother is everywhere

But Big Brother is everywhere: increasing digitalization has enabled companies and governments to create extensive databases about us. This has raised concerns about data protection and privacy.

The Term “Big Brother” refers to the Idea pervasive surveillance, where our activities and information are constantly monitored and analyzed. Whether it is government surveillance programs, the analysis of our Onlineactivity through social media or the collection of data by companies, it seems as if we are always in the spotlight.

The impact on privacy

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The extensive collection and use of our data can have a significant impact on our privacy. If our personal information falls into the wrong hands, it could be used for identity theft, fraud or other forms of abuse.

In addition, targeted advertising based on our data may influence our decisions and further limit our privacy. It is important that we are aware of what data we share and how it is used.

6 tips: How to protect your data online

As privacy concerns grow, it is critical that we Measures take to protect our data. This can be done by using strong passwords, updating our privacy settings on social media, and avoiding sharing sensitive information in unsafe environments. Additionally, we should learn about the privacy policies of companies and organizations before trusting them with our data.

  1. Use strong passwords: Using strong and unique passwords is a fundamental measure to protect our data. Avoid simple passwords like “123456” or “password” and instead use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Use a separate password for each online service to minimize the risk of data leakage.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication: Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security for our accounts. The combination of password and another factor such as a one-time code sent via SMS or an authenticator app makes it harder for attackers to access our accounts.
  3. Check privacy settings: Many online services and social media offer privacy settings that allow us to control what information we share and who can access it. Please take the time to review and adjust these settings to protect your privacy. For example, limit access to your personal information and ensure that only trusted people or contacts can see your posts.
  4. Be careful when sharing personal information: Be careful when sharing personal information online. Provide only necessary information when registering with websites or services. Avoid sharing sensitive information such as your social security number or credit card information in unsafe environments.
  5. Regular updates and security software: Keep your operating system, apps, and security software up to date. Regular updates often contain important security patches that can close vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of attacks. Also, use reliable antivirus and firewall software to protect your devices from malware and other threats.
  6. Be careful with phishing attacks: Be alert to phishing attacks in which scammers attempt to obtain your personal information by impersonating trustworthy organizations. Do not open suspicious emails or click on suspicious links. Never give out your personal information unless you are sure the request is legitimate.

What exactly do companies promise?

That they don't buy or trade data from third parties
Interestingly, hardly any company promises to be. These
Restriction mostly only applies to "personal information" in the US
or “personal data” in the EU - the sensitive details such as
full name, date of birth or address.

The restriction not to allow user data merchandise or for rent, however, does not apply to the rather poorly defined anonymous data that websites collect and aggregate. They are supposedly anonymized and far removed from the individual user.

Put the puzzle together

But with the right algorithm, these two parts of the
Puzzles put back together in no time and a user
identified retrospectively.

"When it comes to social networks, anonymity is not enough for data protection," is the main conclusion of a pioneering study on the practice of re-identification by Arvind Narayanan and Vitaly Shmatikov.

Companies can find out who you are

In other words, even if you think the anonymity of the crowd is protecting you, companies can find out who you are when they have only enough parts of the data puzzle.

Data cheating is even dependent on your consent. When you launch a new application, such as a game, it usually requires access to very private information such as birthdays, schools attended, your friends' list, and even Article in the news feed - all valuable tips for targeted advertising.

Really private use: Unaffordable?

This means that it is possible to automatically track who is eating in which restaurants or who is watching which films. If a social Network between $5 and $20 annual Turnover pros Customer generated, why not offer you Plan B for the same amount to choose a truly private service?

The Costs would certainly not be prohibitive. technicalebook, for example, says it spends around one dollar per year per user to keep its infrastructure running.

The value of our data online

It is difficult to determine the exact value of our data online as it depends on various factors. Companies and organizations collect data to use it for various purposes, such as targeted advertising or to improve their products and services.

The value of the data depends on its type, scope and quality. Some data may be more valuable than others depending on how personal and sensitive it is. It is important to be careful with our personal information and ensure we protect our privacy.

Models for data protection

Or how about a tiered model where privacy-focused users can choose what they want to reveal about themselves in return for a series of discounts? Cable TV, iTunes and many other services prove that the People are willing to pay to access content that matters to them.

Incidentally, Google Apps, the enterprise version of productivity apps like Gmail and Google Drive, is one Alternatives. Unlike the free consumer variant, the business version has no ads based on scanning the content of every message in the inbox. No business customer would tolerate this type of automated snooping.

Designed to get us into the pan!

The reason the regular consumer becomes the victim is
simple, says the American data protection expert Christopher Soghoian: “Facebook was designed to violate your privacy at every turn.

There is no way of a Facebook- or to buy a Google subscription, which preserves privacy. When these companies present their new product as something apply If they were to place a premium on data protection, they would have to admit that their regular product was no good. By default, these services are there to hit us in the face.”

Conclusion: We need to protect our data better

Our data has value online and it is important that we are aware of how it is used. Protecting our privacy is crucial to prevent abuse and unwanted surveillance.

By being aware of what data we share and how it is used, we can better protect our privacy and the Control about our personal information. In a world where “Big Brother” seems to be everywhere, it is time to protect our data and privacy.

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