Each the one Vocational Training or Study begins knows the phase of the actual selection. There are books in front of you, you deal with the potential study content and think about where the “biggest return” will fall. In the end it is mostly a subject that is subject to the "pig cycle". The Head has won.

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What do I really want?

So how do you hold it? Balance between your own wishes, the demands of everyday work and that Stress? Two aspects are important here: Knowing yourself and your own wishes well.

It is important to recognize yourself and to acknowledge where your own physical and mental limits of maximum stress lie. As is well known, they turn out differently in their mid-twenties than later. It is therefore important to be constantly on guard here. The more stressful one Job brings, the faster the batteries tend to be and the performance at the end.

The other thing is the far more difficult task that is given to each individual. It's about becoming aware of what he is and what the real personal ones Set and wishes are prior to the choice of course.

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It's about doing motivational research and thinking about it with friends and acquaintances, but on your own decide, what is what really matters to me Fun does and where others do Eyes see flashing

In this context, actively “managing” oneself means recognizing that the Working world undeniably changed, and much of what is learned today is based on theories from "another time". As a student, everyone should develop a feeling for this and be able to build up a critical distance to what they have learned.

What can the environment do?

That is what the individual can do and where stress and internal batteries are different act, and the effects of stress and "unsuccessfulness" are better coped with. But what can the environment do for the students who have just started?

It's about not just having the students Background to fill. It's also about managing yourself. And that does not mean in this context the ability to do homework according to Subject X Regulate to write.

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The teaching staff here has a share to prepare students for the uncertainties and fast pace of working life - yes, today is studying vocational preparation. Such understanding can help students rationally decide how they want to shape their lives.

And as hard as it may sound, teaching staff can begin to stop “turning students on” wanting more than they can do individually.

Elite or health?

In this sense, it is just as rational to be individual not to be part of the elite or world of excellence as to be part of it. However, they will Costs both decisions are taken individually.

The decision Wanting to belong to the elite has costs that the individual, as seen above, has to bear with himself and his family Health must make out. This clear to say, and not around the bush, that it is what can and must be expected from enlightened, rational teaching staff. The cost of not doing this is too high.

Doubt from the subconscious

Reason for such head decisions: A degree is one Investment, which at some point has to yield an “ROI” – according to the common belief Opinions, but which seems less and less realistic today.

So while the finished student is now "scrubbing his overtime, maybe falling into bed in a foreign hotel room on business trips dead tired, there may be doubts in the subconscious whether all of the things you are doing are correct.

It's nothing concrete. The doubt is quickly wiped aside, pointing to the good salary, the good position, the “look”. But the longer the dead tiredness lasts and becomes a permanent state, and at some point the rewards no longer flow as usual, the doubts increase.

The potential downward spiral

It begins the potential downward spiral in psychological and other health terms. The Brain begins to become self-employed, and when you want to sleep, the thought gets stuck in your head: something doesn't fit.

The more the rational side says, “Everything is great, and if YOU do this, that, and which one tomorrow, then the next reward comes in the job”, the less chance there is of a personal “real border experience”.

The Shinning Happy Person

However, the body and soul have often already switched to the “emergency program” at this point, and much is becoming more difficult. This is how the zipper of a "nervous stomach" begins, and depending on the persistence of the state of inner dissatisfaction and continued stress that cannot be reduced by breaks, a development begins in which the "Shining Happy Person" is represented externally.

Lack of concentration, agitation, moodiness and what else negative Effects of constant stress being on lists can spread. Inside, the actual core of the person concerned is getting smaller and smaller; in the truest sense of the word man withers away.

Burnout and heart attack in the ear

At some point this core is so small that it comes to a health bang. Most of the time, the loud and then very audible, so that the person concerned is forced to the real stop.

The bang can be what is currently being discussed everywhere Burnout, this can be the less prominent depression, the well-known tinnitus, the heart attack in the ear called sudden hearing loss, but also cardiovascular problems and other diseases that modern medicine can clearly attribute to stress.

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