Coaches, consultants and therapists love transactional analysis. Because this psychological Concept offers special light understandable and pragmatic methods with which to resolve conflicts or communication disorders clear make and solve effectively. try one Definition.

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Transactional analysis - Definition of the term

In transactional analysis, interpersonal relationships - the transactions - are analyzed. So any form of togetherness like Communication, Behavior and out of transactional analysis with others. Hence the somewhat unwieldy name.

Transactional analysis helps People to recognize and understand themselves in their thinking, feeling and behavior. And she shows psychic Pattern behind it, and how they affect and possibly strengthen relationships with fellow human beings. Transactional analysis also helps to break up these patterns effectively.

Transactional analysis - pragmatic, vivid, understandable

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What makes Transactional Analysis so popular is its pragmatic and easy-to-understand concepts that people use to know themselves and make meaningful changes decide can.

That's why coaches, consultants and therapists like to use them. But even individuals who want to develop themselves with the transaction analysis, are often enthusiastic about their effectiveness.

Ideal method for consultants, coaches and individuals

In my personal experience, Transactional Analysis is the ideal one Method for consultants and coaches who Solutions search for their clients.

But also for every individual who wants to recognize and change his patterns of behavior and seeks suggestions for self-reflection. There are several methods available for this:

How does transactional analysis work?

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But how exactly does transactional analysis work? For example by looking at the impeller. Transactional analysis consulting provides a number of useful concepts for this purpose. A particularly clear one that transaction analysis consultants like to work with is the driver.

This refers to stereotypical behaviors that everyone has learned in his childhood. They usually express what the parents or their caregivers expected of the child.

Typical impellers - examples

  1. Anyone who was often driven to hurry as a child has internalized this request so that he can still say warning sentences years later. "I have to hurry", "I have to be quick" carries within itself.
  2. Another driver that many know: “Be perfect!” With his claim to always give 110%, he creates a lot of dissatisfaction and problems. “You have to deliver perfect results, you mustn't make any mistakes,” says the inner command. Of course, it is also good and beneficial in many areas to have high standards. This driver motivates us to keep getting better. But if it is too pronounced, it is extremely stressful and causes great stress. Because then letting go and enjoying is difficult.

5 Typical drivers

Overall, the transaction analysis distinguishes 5 drivers:

  1. Be strong!
  2. Be perfect!
  3. Make it all right!
  4. Hurry up!
  5. Give your best!

Some transaction analysts still see “Be careful!” the 6th driver.

How people see the world

In transactional analysis there is not only one single method but numerous concepts, models and methods. The Idea The aim is always to help independent ways of behaving, thinking and experiencing a breakthrough and positive promote attitude.

Because nobody sees them Welt neutral, rather each of us interprets our surroundings in relation to the true value he or she believes to have. This results, for example Ask like: “Am I worth/unworthy?”, “Is the world worth/unworthy?”.

Ego state analysis

With the I-state models, transactional analysis represents various aspects of a human being. Personality is considered in two ways:

This ego state model represents the human personality model in three categories:

In the context of transactional analysis, the ego states are now examined with regard to their Structure and the interplay between the different I's interpreted.

The 4 base positions

In the transaction analysis one speaks of “basic attitudes”, “basic positions”, “basic positions” or “existential positions”, which have their roots in early developed beliefs and other pre-forms.

There are four different positions:

The Term “ok” means something like “in Order” and not just in the sense of external well-being, but rather a kind of existential approval or acceptance. You could also say “complete” and “valuable”. “OK” is often abbreviated by a “+” sign and “not ok” by a “” sign.

How can Transactional Analysis Consultants help?

A trained transactional analysis consultant helps the person to get to know the inner impulses that irritate them. Just knowing brings a lot of clarity and relief. On this basis, appropriate permissions can be worked out, which mitigate the urgent impeller.

For example, if you think you always have to be perfect, the permission “I'm good enough!” Helps to defuse your driver. If practical examples from the All Transactional Analysis Act are developed, these permits can effectively make the driver aware and soothe them.

Transactional Analysis: Short History

The transaction analysis (transaction analysis) was in the middle of the 20. Century founded by the American psychiatrist Eric Berne (1910 - 1970). It is enriched, modified and developed worldwide to this day. Already during Bernes' lifetime, various transactional analysts focused on different aspects of their work. Thus, the transactional analysis of these priorities has been further developed.

Important pioneers of recent developments were z. B. Mary and Robert Goulding (New Decisions), Jacqui Lee Schiff (Reappraisal), FaniTransaktionsanalyse English (Replacement Feelings, Episcript), Richard G. Erskine (Integrative Psychotherapy), Charlotte Sills, Helena Hargaden, William F. Cornell (Relationship-Oriented Transactional Analysis), Bernd Schmid (Systemic Transactional Analysis).

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