In order to show the benefit of an idea, it must be communicated convincingly. Thinking and communication tools such as the logic of causality from the Theory of Constraints ensure that the Transformation great ideas .

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How often do we not do something because we negative fear consequences? And how often do we regret something we've done? There is probably hardly anyone on this Ask replies with "Never". Some dare a lot and regret a lot, others dare little and also regret it in the end.

All good reasons to take a closer look at how the transformation of great ideas succeeds - from the first flash of inspiration to a strong one Presentation up to successful implementation.

1. causality logic

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We all move in an environment of cause and Effect is determined. Something causes something else. Cause-effect relationships can be very complicated and also seemingly illogical or act, especially in complex systems.

Almost everything we do in Everyday life as "Problem' is actually the effect of another cause. Causality logic means, on the one hand, that the causes are sufficient to achieve the effect. And on the other hand, that if all causes are present, the effect must necessarily occur.

Areas of application of causality logic in the theory of constraints are

Representation of causal relationships in the theory of constraints

A causal relationship is usually presented in the form of a causality diagram and read as "When I fall into the water, dann I'm wet. "To fall into the water is adequatelyso that I get wet, and when I fall into the water, I will compellingly wet. Moment! Is there a situation in which you do not have to get wet, even if you fell into the water?

We recognize that the logic is not yet watertight, because in formulating the example we had information or assumptions that we did not explicitly make. For example, the assumption, "I wear normal street clothes." This missing information is added as "contributing causes" in the diagram and linked to an ellipse indicating a logical "and" connection. If two or more causes without a connecting ellipse point to an effect entity, it means an "or" connection. Both causes can produce the effect independently of each other: When I fall into the water ... or when I run into a lawn sprinkler, dann I'm wet. "

Tips on sound causality logic

To the human Brain There are a few ways to make working with causality logic easier Regulate, how causality logic diagrams should be formulated:

2. Constructive feedback

An important area of ​​application of the logical branch is the constructive one Feedback for ideas of others. On the one hand, we must ensure that Implementation the idea does not lead to deterioration. On the other hand, the inventor of an idea, who often takes a lot of time and Energy invested in development to be commended for it.

On the other hand, he understands the pure enumeration of possible negative effects as Criticism. A sensible approach is therefore to first praise the idea, only then point out possible negative consequences and work on one together Solution to work.

3. Apply reasoning chains in the correct order

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Showing the positive effects is the best way to praise an idea. This means that you can make good use of a positive branch that shows the positive effects of the idea. Afterwards one shows with a negative branch, which negative effects could develop.

Causality logic makes the cause-and-effect relationships between idea and impact obvious. What is the effect of showing the reasoning chain to the inventor in this order? He realizes that he has seriously dealt with his idea and wants to help him with its implementation. He will most likely have his own solution for the negative side effect listed and call - or he will continue to think about it. In any case: a positive outcome of the conversation.

4. Logic and Emotion - The Categories Legitimate Reservations

"People think logically and emotions are also logical.” Is this claim true? Most would probably answer: No! We say yes! Logic means that something follows causal relationships.

When someone is angry, is clearthat this anger is not groundless, but is causally related to a trigger. Triggers are usually made experiences, needs and thought patterns. A logical cause-and-effect chain can show how this necessarily leads to a certain emotion. That is, in exactly the same situation, the same emotion would occur.

5. Identify differences in our thinking

If a person seems to be acting illogically (from my point of view), it's because I don't understand their action from the same Perspektive see like her. So I lack information to see the same logical chain of cause and effect. Instead of the person for their (from my point of view) "illogical" Behavior therefore, to condemn makes it more Sinn, in the Conversation to identify the differences in our thinking that caused this misunderstanding.

Emotions are part of intuition and can therefore provide clues to facts and relationships that we do not consciously perceive. Is an emotional rating sufficient? No, emotions can lead the wrong way and also arise from wrong assumptions. So, like every thesis, they have to be consciously analyzed. The categories legitimate reservations allow to objectify a discussion as a whole - without ignoring the emotions.

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