Embarking on a new career path is not easy. Because leaving a steady job (or even a whole Industry) is associated with uncertainty and throws many Ask on. You should pay attention to that!

Career change yes or no? In 6 steps to the right job decision

Decision for or against a job change: Typical questions

Changing jobs can be complicated and stressful. After all, most of them work People years hard for a given Career, for the Trust their superiors or customers and for their financial security. Starting something new is not insignificant risks connected.

Classic questions are, for example: Will I be in the new Job ebenfalls successfully be? I have to with less salary will count? What opportunities for advancement are there? And can be a career changer, perhaps without an adequate one Vocational Training, succeed at all?

A new job can be a great opportunity

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Despite all the hurdles, more and more people are realizing that a new professional field also offers new opportunities and that there are also opportunities elsewhere Money to earn leaves. Because the fact that a career change is usually not the easiest way does not mean that it should not be considered.

The Alternatives would be to stay in the old job without great prospects and thus become quite dissatisfied in the long run. Therefore, anyone who has ever thought about a career change should consider the options available.

Make the right decision in 6 steps

There are a few things that can help you weigh the pros and cons of a new job. If you go through and reflect on the following points step by step, you will be able to decision greatly facilitate.

1. Career Coach when changing jobs

Who not just a small change is looking for, but wants to know and test his perspectives, he should are looking for a career coach. Because the problem with a self-employed career change is that you usually have neither a clear view nor enough time to find an ideal Solution to find. You might not even consider some job options at all, even though they are potentially exactly what you are looking for.

In addition to a 40-hour week, family matters and hobbies, it is now almost impossible to research for hours. At the same time, you have often been in an industry for years and therefore have a very subjective view of the opportunities and limitations. a career Training can offer an outside perspective, has many years of experience to show for it and can cushion part of the workload associated with a career change.

2. Get insights into an industry

Next you should do your research. Find out as much information as you can about them Companysyou are interested in and the types of jobs you are considering. Try talking to people who are already doing the type of work you are interested in. They can give you a glimpse of what the job is really like and whether or not it suits you.

For working people in their twenties, it seems to be a matter of course to gain insights into various professions and sectors through internships and part-time jobs. But the older you get, the less attractive an internship sounds. That's why you shouldn't completely do without practical experience.

Online there are numerous forums for every professional group - there you can get advice on the one hand. On the other hand, you can also see if there isn't someone who works in the target industry and can offer an actual insight into everyday work on site. With the appropriate experience and proof of performance, it may well be that the HR department a potential new employer will make exactly this offer.

3. Set your own goals

Another step is finding out about it clear to become what you want exactly. What kind of work would you like to do? What type of company would you like to work for? What kind of lifestyle do you desire? Once you know exactly what you want, you can search for jobs that match that description.

Some aspects that can help when deciding on a new job are whether the job is viable based on current skills, whether it is a good fit for personality and interests, and whether the job aligns with long-term goals.

4. Qualify in time

Many job changes and career upheavals are so difficult to implement because it is a massive change. Moving within a company, within your own city or within an industry, while exciting, is rarely challenging.

Switching to another industry or choosing a completely new profession, on the other hand, means that you first have to qualify. Unfortunately, many people do not do this until they have already made the decision to quit their current job – or worse, they only do it when their old employment relationship no longer exists.

It is easily possible to educate yourself while you are still thinking about it a career change plays. It won't hurt you and you'll automatically take care of that Future options open. Online coaching and distance learning offers make it possible.

5. Consider the environment

In addition, it is important to consider the work environment, company culture and salary when making a decision about a new professional environment.

It is important to have a work-life balance privacy, the corporate culture and earning potential, especially in the long term Perspektive, to consider when applying for a new job decide. It's also important to make sure the company is reputable and that the position is a good match for your skillset.

6. Define priorities precisely

Changing jobs isn't a big deal. Many, many people play with this idea every day. Unfortunately, their main concern is that they no longer like their current job. A chance at satisfaction and a great career is more likely to be expected if you shift the focus a bit - namely to the fact that you absolutely want to embark on a new career path because it sounds like a great solution.

The defining of priorities is a basic building block of career coaching. You have to first find out why you are dissatisfied in your current job. There's no time for that Family? Is the payment wrong? Are there no opportunities for advancement? These and other questions need to be answered. Otherwise, a career change is made and the old ones Problems just follow into the new job.

This is how you make the right decision

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If you collect information on each of these topics and reflect accordingly, you can selection limit and thus make the decision much easier step by step. And you should trust your building instincts and your instincts, but don't neglect your common sense.

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