Im Business like in sport, today it's often about being the first and the best. What is often forgotten in all the competitive thinking: Third place is still very good.

The laws of success from the stretch rod

A fascinating book by Fabian Hambüchen. The artistic gymnast impressively describes the ups and downs of the professional athlete. For those who believe that they have already given so much, very instructive. There's something else going on. But also for all others a captivating biography!

If I put books by athletes in the Hand I immediately think of Nassim Taleb and his black swans. In the book of the same name, he describes how the cemetery is full of nameless daring people. There are thousands of pitifully drowned seafarers for every Columbus. Caution is therefore required if one wants to carve universally valid lessons from his individual success. Especially when, like the author Fabian Hambüchen, he is only thirty.

A good combination between professional athlete and professional author

But the book surprised me positively. This is also because Kai Psotta was a first-class sports journalist at work.

Psotta has structured the life and in part suffering of the “gymnastics flea” Fabian Hambüchen in a great and exciting way. That is why the book “Dare to jump” is much more than what is often offered by “writing” athletes, much more than a moody string of anecdotes and stories.

A hollywood life story

Hambüchen, who is not yet for sure is, in which direction he wants to move in the future, has already tried himself as a lecturer. It is therefore logical that he is now opening up with a success guide.

Indeed, his biography provides very good material to reflect on the conditions of success. His early start as a toddler in the gym, the "Familien-AG", the early successes as a teenager, the hubris after the first major international successes, the "crash" in Beijing in third place, the malice and the envy of colleagues who Crash with the father and finally the gold coronation in Rio.

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Between failure and success

Hambüchen tells this in a team with Psotta so exciting that the book reads like a thriller. As a reader, we can cheer. We experience the seconds of twirling on the horizontal bar like hours. We hope to land safely after the daring turns, screws and somersaults.

Hambüchen allows open insights into his inner life, his sometimes enormous self-doubt, his tormenting sleepless nights. He also shows him which exercises his uncle and mental trainer teaches him ways out of these emotional valleys.

Diligence and mental strength

Absolutely exciting to find out in what condition the athletes move through the competitions. And fascinating to read how much Discipline, diligence and mental strength it takes to come up with a barely a minute lasting exercise to get to the top of the world.

Fabian Hambüchen has achieved everything that can be achieved in his sport. He became an idol for many. Reading how hard the trail was and what techniques and Strategies he has pursued will help everyone who wants to achieve something themselves - no matter in which area.

Also a third place is a good place

This works so well with this book, because Hambüchen and his co-author never pull compulsory parallels, but let the story speak for themselves. This allows readers to get to know some of the key success factors in an exciting way.

And readers can learn even more. You can learn with Hambüchen that a third place can also be a good place. If in the end it is still enough for the top – all the better.”

The start into the new job: joy and self-doubt

Anyone who has successfully applied needs exactly that in the next step: a guide who accompanies them from the first day in the newly landed job to the long-term career strategy.

In the beginning the joy of the new place is still great, but soon uncertainties, self-doubt and fears gain the upper hand. They are a constant companion in the first days and weeks.

With his insightful book “The successful start to a career”, Thomas Bohinc systematically prepares all newcomers for their experiences with new ones Tasks, colleagues and superiors.

From cold start to self marketing

Bohinc has divided his book four: The first part is dedicated to the cold start, the first five working days at the office. Part two deals with the first month, the orientation and familiarization phase.

The third part contains self-location and Networking in the foreground. The conclusion is the "self-marketing" in the third year - for career development or for Reorientation.

All beginning is (not) difficult

Bohinc makes clearthat the beginning does not have to be difficult. Whether the "newcomer" scores with the long-established employees and the superiors depends on his professional skills and soft skills:

Listen and watch

"Listen and watch," advises Bohinc. But of course the novices have to go on stage themselves. Especially during introductory rounds or in Meetings with other departments:

Be open, present yourself - professionally and humanly ”If you want to make a good first impression, you don't get a second chance.

Earning positive points and climbing the career ladders

In his book, Bohinc shows very clearly how new Employees collect the first plus points and then expand them permanently for your own career development.

His guide is far-sighted. social Competencies Appropriate and play openly - that's what it's all about. In addition, the book also offers many "instant tips" that are especially useful for young people Young Professionals prevent unpleasant mistakes.

Instant Tips

One of the most important of them: “Do not resist Criticism. Their effects are all the more negative if you contradict them. Instead, draw your own conclusions from it.”

Thomas Bohinc wrote his clever guide primarily for young professionals who want an imaginary mentor. Older job changers also benefit from this book.

More than 1 Million Twitter Follower

Our next book “Guide to Weightlessness. What we can learn for life in space” comes from Chris Hadfield, the former commander of the ISS. In his book he shares his experiences and insights as an astronaut with us. A book for everyone who would like to know what it's really like "up there" and what is important in life.

“Ground Control to Major Tom…” With his version of the David Bowie classic “Space Oddity” - recorded in weightlessness - the Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield suddenly became known in Germany.

Exciting as a spacewalk

Among the fans of international space travel, the communicative “layman” has long been a star with well over a million followers on Twitter. "Weightless and yet weighty": This is how the insights of the extraordinary astronaut could also be described.

That his current book “Guide to Weightlessness” is right fast expected to climb the bestseller lists. And rightly so:

From childhood to rocket launch

It is exciting like a space walk, at times very funny and has quite philosophical moments. The fact that everyday problems become tiny when viewed from “above”, but the ecological mandate to protect the planet, but all the more important, becomes clear in several places.

In his book, Hadfield chronologically tells the path from a small boy with big dreams of flying to a military career to his ISSProjects with Russian cosmonauts in 2013.

It depends on the point of view

The meticulous training, quarantine and stockpiling before the start, breathtaking moments in the Soyuz, family happiness after landing.

Hadfield turns the reader into a co-pilot with the help of his atmospherically dense descriptions. He describes it insistently Everyday life in weightlessness in the tension between boredom and Stress, fun and asceticism (“once everyone got a whole onion!”).

To fly into space to understand the world

“Basically, life far away from Earth is no different in two respects than on Earth: you can either focus on the surprises and joys or on the disappointments.

And you can count on it decide, enjoying the smallest, the most mundane moments, or valuing only the largest, most moving ones.” Hadfield knows what's at stake up there and down here. That's also what his book is about. “How to Zero Gravity” is an exciting adventure story with thoughtful undertones. Nice book not for Star Trek fans.

From jail to life

Large parts of the working population are in energy-saving mode. Therefore a “book of the week” is fitting, which does not come with too heavy a meal - but rather offers a few suggestions how to extend the condition outside the hamster wheel.

Even though the title “Die Fuck it-Solution” suggests a casually ironic life guide (and that's what it is!), you first have to get a good taste of prison air before you can look forward to breaking out into (new) freedom.

"Fuck it" is a new way of life

Because on the first few pages author John C. Parker visits you in your self-made cell. He will go through the list of “crimes” with you that you have mostly committed against yourself (and rarely against your fellow human beings). And makes escape plans with you: "Fuck it can help us break out." In the middle of life.

"Fuck it" is colloquial (better: derbrhetorisch) an exclamation for "crap" or "don't give a fuck". And that's exactly what the author meant. But he expands the meaning of "fuck-it" to include a holistic attitude to life that is more serene, more Optimism and more self-confidence implied.

Get out of the self-made prison

His diagnosis is blatant - and unfortunately often true: "We bear the burden of the past, worry about the future and miss the present."

the prisonmetaphor is well chosen to vividly show which anklets we drag behind us in everyday life without complaint. Unfounded fears are part of it, as are self-imposed constraints Courage- and lack of imagination.

Walls tearing down with fuck-it solutions

“We spend so much time and Energy with worrying about things that we don't have enough time and energy for things that obviously matter."

Parkin compares these time and energy guzzlers with the units in a prison. A jail we might even be in nice set up, but which remains a prison despite everything. The Objective should be tearing down these walls "and the method of finding freedom is called the fuck it solution."

With fine humor to success

Sometimes in concrete mental tasks, then again with the help of small analogies, the author shows how the dream of happiness can become a viable path. For example, when it comes to goals and desires, it helps to “recognize that you can be happy with what you have, but still want something else.”

In many places flashes finer Humour as when Parkin intersperses his recipes for sadness: “Open up an Excel spreadsheet and play around with it a little. Within a minute the mood will brighten.”

Re-establishing oneself in freedom

I don't think so from experience. But the rest of the book is great - again, I say that from experience! "Fuck it, I bought a Porsche," the book says at one point. This sentence sums up the core of the "fuck-it philosophy" beautifully.

You can open completely new doors in your life - in privacy, in professional life and the Choice of the car anyway. But please not quietly, but with a courageous "Fuck it" on the lips. Parkin wrote the instructions for it.

Do you also ride dead horses?

Imagine the following picture: A horse is dead on the ground. It does not look like it just collapsed; it does not seem to be alive for a while. There is a man sitting on the horse who wants to keep me in the saddle.

Of course not exactly easy if the critter is dead on the ground. This looks absurd, but even more absurd is that the rider does not even find it strange - as if everything was normal. Sounds absurd? Any reasonable person would descend! They think!

Hold on to the custom!

In life, however, the opposite happens all too often, because unfortunately our psyche ticks differently. Because the human Brain is designed in such a way that we like to stick to what is familiar and tried and tested, but what is new to us Anxiety might. And that's why all too often we don't dismount when our horse is already dead on the ground, but cling to the saddle like crazy.

For example at work: We do one Vocational Training or graduate one Study, preferably one that is directly on the Job prepared - and we should then do the corresponding job by the pension exercise At least that's the common way.

Leaning looks and other fears

Anyone who deviates from this ideal must be bad at their job - or they are simply an unreliable employee. And even without the crooked looks, you often prefer to stick to what you are used to, even if you have long since realized that it is actually wrong. Because the new, unknown appears to our brain as incalculable Risks!

So we'd rather keep a secure job than try something new. But that's exactly what author Tom Diesbrock, who dropped out of medical school himself and now works as a psychologist, wants to do just that Training works, his readers bring: “Today the brain is considered to be capable of learning for a lifetime. So if you decide to learn Japanese at 70, you have the hardware to do it. ”

Director or extra

Because you have to decide whether you want to be a director or an extra in your own life: the former are the courageous decision-makers, who set high goals and reach them. On the other hand, extras are those who are helpless in their fate.

Now I believe that one myself positive Basic attitude in life is important to move forward. However, I myself don't think much of NLP methods alla "You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it". It is to Dierbrock's credit that he differentiates this difficult and controversial topic, tackles it with verve and a lot of wit.

Yes, but, right?

He escapes the danger People to put in generalizing drawers and shows that courage to change worthwhile - and with numerous entertaining anecdotes and metaphors Story ever heard of a prince who would rather be bored at the castle pool than slaying dragons or rescuing princesses because he didn't know if it was worth it? Even!

The “yes-but-sayers” who appear in droves with such a book (“I would like to change something, but I need Money/more time/have children etc.”) he unmasks with 10 good reasons to ride a dead horse – none of which he accepts.

In short: an encouraging book with an optimistic image of man, which is also pleasant and entertaining to read and comes along without annoying pointing fingers. On the contrary, Diesbrock definitely doesn't want his readers guilt persuade

Less job hunting, more self-knowledge

We really enjoyed this book, if not from the heart. And everyone knows tons of people who would be willing to give it a try, along the lines of “read that!”. An excellent resource for people who are afraid to try something new.

However, if you have concrete tips for Job Search would like to, searches here in vain: It is primarily about self-knowledge. The author does an excellent job of that. And you shouldn't expect groundbreaking new content here either: rather, well-known things are presented in a new guise. But that makes it all the more entertaining. Perhaps that is what makes the book so interesting.

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