Sparkling and fresh, research results on counterfactual thinking are presented in one of the books. Who thinks, a book about doubt - that can only be terrible, depressing, boring and dry, is wrong! Unfortunately, the other two books pretty much disappoint thinking.

Things you can not change - and why O.K. is howling at it

Do you sometimes whine about things that you can not change any more and then listen to your surroundings, how annoying that is? Then this is the right, admittedly a little older, but not outdated book for you:

In “Oh if I had” comes author and universityprofessor for Psychology, Neal Roese on so-called counterfactual thinking. Because that's better than its reputation.

If only I had this or that

If only I had told him that I love him! If only I could Vocational Training would have done! If only I had applied for this job! If only I had spent more time with the kids! You often spend a lot of time thinking about what could have been if... And so it is for many.

These thoughts about missed opportunities and possibly wrong decisions are inevitable, says psychologyprofessor Neal Rose. You will from our Brain spontaneously produced to show us what we can do better next time. He shows how our “psychological immune system” processes them and how we can make them productive for our actions.

Counterfactual thinking: better than his reputation!

The author has me Honestly surprised: Not only with its brisk writing, but also with its content, which really provides many new insights that are also quite reassuring.

Having doubts and crying about spilled milk is by no means always as bad as the truisms make us believe, but helps us to see what we can do better next time. Assuming you do not overdo it. Conclusion: a really great book. And the whole thing is also scientifically proven with many empirical results. Highly recommended!

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Good idea: Simple truths are usually wrong!

At a time when Simplify books are becoming bestsellers, with a veritable streamlining trend in sight, this book was long overdue.

In fact, a lot of things are not as easy as it seems, if too much simplification can lead to big problems.

The problem with the expectation

And there is no doubt that the simple truths in this book are critically, deeply and intelligently illuminated. Only: That was the least I expected. And as is the case with expectations ...

I had promised myself a book from this title that would beat the Simplify trend with its own weapons: Rich of wit and irony, a simple one klare Language – and yet profound.

Dry instead of tangy

Instead, a scientifically-analytically dry one Style, whereby Ms. Gronemeyer hardly provides empirical evidence in the argumentation, but rather gives her personal, purely subjective views for the best.

And they occasionally come across as a bit morally pissed off. In addition, the author herself is not immune to simplifications. Example of her remarks on start-ups: It is undisputed that politicians have recently been trying to get the unemployed into the Business start to push and many fail because of it (incidentally, also because politics at the same time does not improve the framework conditions for very small start-ups).

Moraline Sacrifice

It remains to be seen whether many of these very small founders are willing to be stylized as victims by Ms. Gronemeyer. Because there are numerous micro-self-employed people who work with conviction, drive and Optimism get to work - something that this book unfortunately lacks.

There are just IMMMER such and such and it is just NEVER so simple. After all, it is good that this book was written, even under a title that promises more .. well, it is well meant.

How does our brain work?

Man - a neural machine? ” Asks science journalist Hubert. Neurobiology has recently gained some insights into the age-old question "What is a human being?" delivered.

And these findings have caused quite a stir and apparently not everyone likes it. Ask according to the essence of People get loud.

Are we responsible for our actions?

First of all, this book raises questions and makes you think. For example:

Man guided by neurons - a threatening idea?

Apparently some people, including the author of this book, find the idea threatening that man could only be guided by his neurons.

Why? Because then man would be more than a piece of nature that can steer through his mind - more than the crown of creation?

Subjective overview

Personally, I do not understand these reservations and therefore can not quite follow the line of reasoning of this book:

Actually, the author wants to use many examples and experiments to overview the most recent discussions in neuroscience. But in fact he tries to refute bit by bit the allegedly so terribly reductionist human image of the brain researchers.

Vie noise for nothing

The result was not a scientific analysis, but the pseudo-philosophical representation of one Opinions, namely that man nevertheless has a free will.

For my taste a lot of noise for nothing, this book could have been saved.

Lie support for our brain

We pay attention to what we eat and we go to the gym - or at least we have it. Completely unnoticed, however, we let our brains slumber in front of them and allow our upper room to rust. Now does the ex-memory world champion and TV presenter Christiane Stenger something against it.

In her new book, she describes what we can do to have an easier game in many fields with a well-trained brain - from Time management to stress management. How does the brain work, which areas are responsible for processing Background, memories and emotions responsible? Of course, this is also explained in detail in the book “Don't leave your brain unattended”.

Unused potential in the cerebellum

Above all, however, former memory world champion Christiane Stenger is concerned with the slumbering, as yet unused, potentials between the cerebellum and the prefrontal cortex.

For the fact that you could live (and think) more efficiently, more motivated and happier is out of the question for the author. Accordingly, she has put her brain-jogging course through more than a dozen stages.

The brain jogging course

And the following points are on the agenda:

In short: All dimensions of the individual performance, which are elementary of the thinking, feeling and evaluation.

100 billion nerve cells are only waiting to be used

Although provided with references to research results, Stenger writes without any academic style. Neuroscientific laws and results of cognitive psychology become easier Hand introduced and translated into everyday German.

Stenger uses many analogies and methapers (again and again those of the brain as a colorful aquarium full of busy fish) to visualize important processes. Above all, her book is a guide and a collection of clever tips that boost the “work of 100 billion nerve cells” to your advantage.

Sneaky brain tips for everyday life

Stenger knows how to fully utilize or spare your gray cells at work, because your brain needs both: rest breaks and learning phases. In the process, for example, visualization and mental enthusiasm help the fabric.

What you find interesting and can put into pictures will shape you a lot fast . Stress is not per Definition disadvantageous, but initially performance-enhancing.

Stress is positive until control loss

It only becomes a liability when you feel in control verlieren. Ask yourself how to win them back in stages. Nice tip for people who have been with one for a long time decision quarreling and simply not coming to a conclusion: "Just toss a coin and see how you react to this (preliminary) decision". If it doesn't hurt, it can't be wrong.

Don't Leave Your Brain Unattended is a smart book, easy to read and packed with interesting info and tips. If you want to become or stay mentally fit, you will find numerous good suggestions here. Suggestions!

Instruction manual for brain - working

Career to do or successfully working is increasingly a question of having the right tools. And this is where the neurosciences in particular are providing important new impetus. David Rock now shows how time management, project management and also stress management must look neurobiologically sound. Very enlightening!

We know how to use Outlook, how to synchronize mobile phones and manage files. But we do not know how to work so that the brain reaches optimal performance. The neurosciences have made sensational progress in recent years.

The better we understand the brain, the better we can use it

David Rock is one of the first to use these insights in “Brain at work” on a professional level Everyday life at. The result: brain-friendly time management, brain-friendly stress management and brain-friendly project management. His suggestions help us on the one hand not to be constantly overburdened and on the other hand to have great confidence in us.

The advice is well known: no multitasking, the most important thing first, and do not let yourself be put under pressure. The reasons are new. By familiarizing David with how the brain works, it immediately becomes clear why we can not do two things at the same time.

At the cutting edge of research and yet easy to understand

And who knows that great Tasks actually a lot of brainEnergy consume, also understands why this energy is not used for checking the overflow every morning eMail- should waste mailboxes. In this neurological light, “Fist things first” is given a compelling justification.

David Rock says he worked intensively on this book for more than three years. He evaluated the most important studies and held discussions with important neuroscientists. The result is a book of high quality, page after page. The author has also given a lot of thought to the presentation of the highly complex knowledge, and it is convincing Solution found.

Master stress situations brain optimized

He introduces each chapter with the fictional yet highly real story of two people to whom the eMails fly around the ears that are in Meetings have to enforce (and don't always manage to do so) and at the same time they Family not from the Eyes allowed to run.

The stress scenarios that David Rock builds up are from the work life grabbed. All the more surprising when David Rock plays through the same situation again, this time in a “brain-optimized” way.

Escape reflexes during the boss conversation

The topics addressed in “Brain at work” concern the whole range of professional life. The deeply buried patterns of behavior will always cheat us. But at least we now know why!

Also conflicts with employees and superiors. For example, who knows that the brain in a Conversation automatically switches to attack or flight with the superior because this conversation is your own Status threatened, countermeasures can be taken.

For example, reducing one's own status as a supervisor, others positive Feedback give. In “Brain at work” David Rock manages to make the findings of the neurosciences usable for everyday work. It shows how we perceive and act through the brain. And it shows how we can manage our projects and our time more effectively and with less stress.

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