Say goodbye to the idea that talent is learned in the cradle - but also to the idea that it is always to practice bring them further. The solution on the way to world class is: conscious Further Training. These books show how this works.

Successful as Mozart, Einstein and Messi

Even Mozart, Einstein and Messi were not born with success. No, they have worked hard for their virtuosity. As K. Anders Ericsson wrote in “Top – The New Science of Things to Learn” shows, excellence is not innate, it is learned and trained.

For us, this means that we too can constantly improve by learning consciously. K. Anders Ericsson is the founder of conscious learning and in his new book he makes the sensational findings of his research widely known Audience understandable.

The secret of better job and leisure performance

If you look enviously at your colleague who is the complicated one Presentation has mastered first class in front of the management or on the neighbor who is continuously increasing his ranking in tennis, there is now good news:

With his book “Top – The New Science of Conscious Learning”, K. Anders Ericsson provides you with instructions worth reading for a noticeable leap in performance at work or in sports. More convincing at customers appear, Meetings lead more efficiently or assert yourself better in arguments - you can do that with the EricssonMethod also achieve from “conscious learning”.

Constructive criticism is what counts: Demand and implement feedback

First, you get rid of the notion that experience makes perfect (“there are enough people who repeat the same mistake for half a lifetime) and the assumption that talent decides. “The method of conscious learning focuses solely on the actual Performance and how it can be improved,” says Ericsson, USProfessor and “international luminary” in the field of expert research.

His approach: Get feedback on your performance at every opportunity. Ask colleagues and supervisors to be constructive Criticism – for example for a presentation. Then take this Feedback for future lectures. Ideally, keep the same Rede again in front of the same audience a day later and record the progress.

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Increased performance as a result of systematic training

This principle can be applied to numerous Tasks transferred to the job you want to excel at: “Look for opportunities throughout the day to turn your usual work activities into practice sequences. In the end, training simply becomes a natural part of everyday work.

The book "Top - The new science of conscious learning" makes clearthat increases in performance of any kind are the result of systematic training that immediately reveals progress and setbacks in performance. Ericsson wrote the perfect exercise plan for it.

Out of university, into your career: that's guaranteed to work

The transition from university to Job even high potentials do not always fall light. The very useful guide “Karrierestart nach dem Study” by Doris Brenner.

Especially at the beginning of a career, it helps if you can get reliable advice. Because even if you have completed the university degree with very good grades and even the first one job interview passed with flying colors – now they are going Problems just starting for many university graduates.

Many of them would like an (invisible) Trainingwho will help them with induction and social integration. This is exactly the role Doris Brenner takes on. Your book “Karrierestart nach dem Studium” is an everyday preparation course for the first steps in your career. A very helpful book for anyone starting out in their careers!

How asynchronous learning helps

Asynchronous learning is an excellent method to inspire large and heterogeneous groups for learning content and to recognize individual strengths and weaknesses of the participants to be taken into account. Important practical book for seminar leaders and trainers.”

“Today, job descriptions are changing rapidly, sometimes we can see faster. Gunther Dueck's lecture at re: publica made that clear again. Therefore, lifelong learning is no longer an empty phrase - and it shouldn't be for entrepreneurs either. Tips on how to manage it.

Entrepreneurs also have to stay on the ball

Lifelong learning has long been a reality for employees. Hardly anyone is still doing the job at fifty that they learned at twenty. And many have qualifications the half-life is exceeded after just a few years.

What is often overlooked: for Companys and craft businesses is exactly the same. If a bakery used to be handed down from generation to generation, significant innovations and investments are needed today if such a company is not to disappear from the scene.

Change is on the way

No doubt the change comes. It makes no difference whether it is an industrial company, a trade or a service business.

In their new book "Different and not good", the medium-sized business consultant Cay von Fournier and the marketing specialist Silvia Danne show what medium-sized companies have to saddle up with in order to be in Future cut well.

Being nice doesn't get you anywhere

decide-on-the-success-of-the-next-years-social-positioning-hierarchical-and-professional-ambitions-beginners-in-your-company-set-very-early-often-through-unconscious-actions- and gestures-author-brenner-creates-awareness-of-the-right-start-in-the-respective-professional-environment-university-graduates-first-learn-to-know-the-differences-of-classic-training-models- Trainee-assistant-volunteer-or-junior-advisor-how-the-young-high-potential-women-then-handle-the-trial-period-with-ease-the-author-explains-using-checklists-exercises-induction-manual- positive-characterism-increase-and-numerous-tips-methodological competence-for-high-flyers-good-brenner-also-explains-the-most-important-management-skills-such-as-presentation-techniques-time-and-project-management-in-the-book. shows-how-young-employees-in-the-company-request-feedback-and-correct-themselves-forms-take advantage of support programs and further training and keep an eye on your energy levels if your workload becomes too much after just a few weeks. Conclusion: a valuable career guide for young people -high-flyer-from-the-university-practical-and-compact-recommendation-stationary learning-has-been-widely-used-as-a-method-in-schools-for-a-long-time-and-is-now-also-invading-the-professional world -continuing education-a-new-book-provides-information-about-from-school-to-vocational-further-training-the-station-learning-method-is-not-only-suitable-for-school-use-but-instead -also-excellent-for-trainings-and-seminars-the-new-book-station-learning-in-trainings-and-seminars-by-dirk-langenkamp-and-annette-malottke-shows-how-to-use-the-method -can-also-be-used-in-vocational-further-training-knowledge-transfer-for-heterogeneous-groups-what-is-the-advantage-of-the-learning-method-above all-it-does-better-suite-different-learning-requirements -and-opens-up-new-possibilities-for-transferring-knowledge-in-heterogeneous-groups-station-learning-in-trainings-and-seminars-now-shows-how-this-method-also-in-seminars-and-workshops -successfully-genutzt-wird-lernen-mit-heterogenen-gruppen-wer-als-trainer-lehrer-oder-seminarleiter-auf-eine-homogene-gruppe-trifft-mit-gleichem-wissensstand-ahnlichen-lernerfahrungen-und-interessen-darf-sich-glucklich-schatzen-der-normalfall-ist-das-nicht-fast-immer-sammeln-sich-im-klassenzimmer-oder-konferenzraum-personen-mit-vollig-unterschiedlichen-voraussetzungen-und-erwartungen-modell-fur-workshops-kurse-und-seminare-das-modell-stationenlernen-bietet-hier-eine-praxiserprobte-methode-um-die-teilnehmer-individuell-dort-abzuholen-wo-sie-zu-beginn-der-veranstaltung-stehen-und-dahin-zu-bringen-wo-sie-ihre-personlichen-lernziele-sehen-die-autoren-dirk-langenkamp-und-annette-malottke-stellen-in-ihrem-praxisbuch-stationenlernen-in-trainings-und-seminaren-die-innovative-methode-ihre-anwendungsmoglichkeiten-und-didaktischen-vorteile-ausfuhrlich-vor-nachster-halt-wissensvorsprung-der-an-einen-u-bahn-plan-erinnernde-titel-ist-dabei-gut-gewahlt-stationenlernen-entspricht-einem-wissens-parcours-die-lernenden-stellen-sich-ihren-eigenen-fahrplan-nach-interessen-und-schwierigkeitsgraden-selber-zusammen-machen-an-bestimmten-bahnhofen-halt-um-ihren-lernerfolg-zu-testen-sich-mit-anderen-teilnehmern-auszutauschen-oder-zu-diskutieren-fazit-grosstmoglicher-freiraum-fur-den-einzelnen-ist-dabei-gewahrleistet-stationenlernen-verspricht-nicht-zuletzt-in-der-erwachsenbildung-grosse-erfolge-das-asynchrone-lernen-ist-eine-hervorragende-methode-um-grosse-und-heterogene-gruppen-fur-lerninhalte-zu-begeistern-und-die-individuellen-starken-und-schwachen-der-teilnehmer-zu-berucksichtigen-wichtiges-praxisbuch-fur-seminarleiter-und-trainer-berufsbilder-wandeln-sich-heute-rapide-manchmal-schneller-wir-schauen-konnen-das-hat-gerade-der-vortrag-von-gunther-dueck-auf-der-re-publica-wieder-klar-gemacht-daher-ist-lebenslanges-lernen-keine-floskel-mehr-und-sollte-es-auch-fur-unternehmer-nicht-sein-tipps-wie-sie-das-managen-auch-unternehmer-mussen-am-ball-bleiben-fur-angestellte-ist-lebenslanges-lernen-langst-realitat-kaum-jemand-macht-noch-mit-funfzig-den-job-den-er-mit-zwanzig-gelernt-hat-und-bei-vielen-haben-qualifikationen-die-halbwertszeit-bereits-nach-wenigen-jahren-uberschritten-was-dabei-oft-ubersehen-wird-fur-unternehmen-und-handwerksbetriebe-gilt-genau-das-selbe-konnte-eine-backerei-fruher-noch-von-generation-zu-generation-weitergegebenwerden-so-sind-heute-erhebliche-innovationen-und-investitionen-notig-wenn-so-ein-unternehmen-nicht-von-der-bildflache-verschwinden-soll-die-veranderung-kommt-dabei-macht-es-keinen-unterschied-ob-es-sich-um-einen-industriebetrieb-um-ein-handwerk-oder-ein-dienstleistungsgeschaft-handelt-in-ihrem-neuen-buch-anders-und-nicht-artig-zeigen-der-mittelstandsberater-cay-von-fournier-und-die-marketingspezialistin-silvia-danne-was-mittelstandische-unternehmen-draufsatteln-mussen-um-auch-in-zukunft-gut-abzuschneiden-ein-sack-voller-guter-ideen-in-anders-und-nicht-artig-reissen-die-autoren-alle-wichtigen-unternehmensbereiche-an-vom-produkt-uber-das-pricing-und-das-marketing-bis-zum-kunden-ihr-anliegen-ist-es-durch-viele-sinnvolle-beispiele-aus-der-praxis-zu-zeigen-wohin-der-hase-lauft-das-ganze-ist-also-kein-lehrbuch-im-sinne-von-mach-es-so-sondern-ein-ideengeber-prallvoll-mit-denkanstossen-und-vor-allem-mit-vielen-guten-fragen-denn-als-unternehmer-berater-mit-viel-erfahrung-weiss-fournier-dass-er-letztlich-keine-losungen-anbieten-kann-was-er-als-berater-tun-kann-ist-neue-wege-aufzuzeigen-anregende-beispiele-zu-geben-und-zum-nachdenken-anzuregen-nicht-anders-um-jeden-preis-anders-als-viele-berater-weiss-fournier-auch-dass-es-nicht-darum-geht-um-jeden-preis-anders-oder-auffallend-zu-sein-im-gegenteil-am-beispiel-des-erfolgsmodells-vw-polo-zeigen-die-autoren-wie-useful-it-may-be-to-stay-right-in-the-middle-it-is-important-only-that-you-know-exactly-what-you-are-doing-and-that-you-show-what-you-can-do -The rule is that constantly reinventing yourself, but always remaining true to yourself, is a big task and certainly not an easy program, but also a task -which-needs-to-be-addressed-a-tight-ride-through-the-company-on-the-250-pages-of-the-book-the-authors-are-firing-on-all-barrels-impossible-that -implementing-everything-but-that's-what-it-is-not-different-and-not-good-it's-a-kind-of-tuv-for-self-employed-and-entrepreneurs-it's-excellent-suitable-for-this -tapping the company for rusty spots and adjusting the engine optimally. Conclusion for entrepreneurs and the self-employed - a hard ride through your own business - lots of interesting and -good-ideas-for-every-single-point-of-the-value-added-chain-company-training-is-a-billion-dollar-business-because-it-promises-companies-not-rarely-efficient-yes-completely-new-employees-there-in-two-days-the-gray-mouse-should-become-the-eloquent-charismatic-leader-or-the-chronic-procastinator-will-become-disciplined -well-organized-employees-the-training-myths-supposedly-go-to-learn-and-change-yes-completely-fast-easy-and-without-effort-employees-are-after-a-one-to-two-day-behavioral-training-competently-and-behave-in-the-desired-way-attitudes-can-be-changed-in-a-seminar-and-the-employees-don't-have-to-cram-and-practice-what-they-have-learned -but-it-sticks-by-itself-if-needed-it-is-immediately-accessible-what-further-training-really-brings-because-in-fact-further-training-doesn't-really-bring-what-it-does -in his widely acclaimed book, dr axel koch, under the pseudonym richard gris, promises to dispel the myths and expose the ineffectiveness of them -personnel development-on-its-sometimes-a-bit-polemical-but-extremely-entertaining-report-exposes-the-tactics-of-seminar-providers-and-explains-that-employees-are-only-on-their-own-drive -change-and-why-is-he-in-the-same-sounding-as-armin-surma-what-is-the-point-of-satisfaction-questionnaire-I-particularly-liked-gris's-explanations-to-the -Satisfaction questionnaires-which-have-been-written-for-several-years-at-the-end-of-a-seminar-to-evaluate-a-seminar-success-are-the-reason-that-top-ratings-are-at-the-same-time -learning-success-in-practice-for sure-but-that-is-not-so-trainers-who-come-in-a-humorous-entertaining-competent-and-practical-can-inspire-participants-and-thus-achieve-optimal-scores-in-the-satisfaction-questionnaire -tricks-for-success-sometimes-they-also-use-small-tricks-for-e.g However, it has absolutely nothing to do with implementation success, because the euphoria that was caused by such tricks in the seminar evaporates just as quickly -like-good-resolutions-for-new-years-eve-negative-can-be-positive-conversely,-negative-evaluations-don't-always-mean-that-the-participants-have-learned-nothing-as-I-know-from-my-own-experience-on-both-sides-of-the-lecturer's-lecture -sometimes-participants-have-simply-heard-something-that-they-didn't-like-and-that-of-course-clouds-their-judgment-some-knowledge-first-has-to-mature-and-that-can- -takes months-results-the-satisfaction-sheets-actually-have-hardly-any-meaningful-value-how-but-can-you-do-it-better-actually-that-was-exactly-the-point-that-came-to-me -the book was disturbed when Richard Gris, Axel Koch only complained about the further education industry and told horrendous stories. It was already clear to me beforehand -that-there-is-a-lot-of-problem-in-the-further-education-industry-but-it's-so-bad-but-solutions-were-missing-until-now-but-now-dr-axel-koch-has-added-a-solution-for -the-problems-that-he-addressed-in-the-book-he-has-now-developed-the-gris-concept-according-to-this-concept-not-only-the-correct-content-decides-about-the-problems -effectiveness-of-a-training-but-rather-the-transfer-strength-of-the-participants-the-ability-to-know-sustained-to-transfer-into-everyday-work-to-determine-the-transfer-strong-gris-developed-a-well-founded-questionnaire-nine-factors-thus-determine-the-ability-that-the-author-for-a -stable-personality-trait-the-goal-of-the-concept-is-to-give-managers-the-tool-for-more-effective-employee-development-when-a-whistelblower-comes out -I find it interesting that he is doing this under his real name - because of his widespread insider knowledge in further education, he was right to fear it -the industry can no longer get its footing on the ground-the fact that it is now coming out but also shows that a pseudonym for authors is often used A problem can arise, namely if the author wants to establish his name as a brand, as books are not to be underestimated as a marketing tool for follow-up orders In “Different and not good” the authors touch on all the important areas of the company. From the product to the pricing and that Marketing up to the customer. It is her concern to show where things are headed using many useful practical examples.

So the whole thing is not a textbook in the sense of “do it like this!” but a source of ideas, chock-full of food for thought. And above all with many good ones Ask. Because as an entrepreneurAdviser with a lot of experience, Fournier knows that ultimately he has no Solutions can offer. What he can do as a consultant is find new ones ways to show, to give stimulating examples and to stimulate thought.

Not at all costs

Unlike many consultants, Fournier also knows that it is not about being different or striking at all costs. On the contrary! Using the example of the successful VW Polo model, the authors show how useful it is to be in the middle of the process.

It is only important that you know exactly what you are doing. And that you show what you can do! The following applies: “Always reinvent yourself, but always stay true to yourself.” A big task and certainly not an easy program. But also a task that absolutely has to be tackled.

A tight ride through the company

The authors shoot from all tubes on the 250 pages of the book. Impossible to do it all. But that's not the point. “Different and not well-behaved” is a kind of TÜV for self-employed and entrepreneurs.

It is excellent for tapping the company for rusty spots and optimally tuning the engine. Conclusion: For entrepreneurs and the self-employed a brisk ride through their own Business. Lots of interesting and good ones ideas for each individual point in the value chain.

The development myths

Operational Further Training is a billion dollar business. Because it often promises companies efficient, even completely new employees: in two days, the gray mouse should become an eloquent, charismatic manager. Or the chronic procastinator becomes a disciplined, well-organized employee.

Because allegedly learning and change go very fast, easily and without effort. Employees are competent after a one- to two-day behavioral training and behave in the desired manner.

Attitudes can change in a seminar. And the employees do not have to cramming and practicing what they have learned, but they will be liable on their own. If necessary, it is immediately available.

What training really brings

Because further training does not really deliver what it promises. In his well-regarded book “Die Lieberbildung lie” Dr. Axel Koch under the pseudonym Richard Gris on with the myths and reveals the inefficiency of personnel development.

His sometimes somewhat polemical but highly entertaining report unmasks the tactics of seminar providers and explains that employees change only on their own initiative and why. With this he hits something in the same horn as Armin Surma.

What is the purpose of satisfaction questionnaires?

Gri's comments on the satisfaction questionnaires, which have been written for several years at the end of a seminar for the evaluation of a seminar success, have particularly pleased me. They are based on the fact that top evaluations simultaneously ensure the success of the learner in practice.

But this is not the case: trainers who are humorous, entertaining, competent and practical in their work can inspire participants and thus achieve optimal scores in satisfaction questionnaires.

Little tricks for success

Sometimes they use small ones for this Tricks for example by quickly giving stock market tips that actually don't fit the content at all.

However, this does not have anything to do with implementation success. Euphoria, which broke out in the seminar due to such tricks, disappears just as quickly as good intentions for New Year's Eve.

Negative can be positive

Conversely, negative evaluations do not always mean that the participants have not learned anything - as I know from my own experience on both sides of the “teacher's desk”:

Sometimes, participants just heard something they did not like - and that of course spoils their judgment. Some insights have to mature - and that can take months. Result: The satisfaction questionnaires are hardly meaningful.

But how can you do it better?

In fact, that was exactly the point that bothered me about the book. As Richard Gris, Axel Koch only lamented about the continuing education industry and told horrendous stories.

Although it was already clear to me that there is a lot going on in the continuing education industry - but that bad?

However: solution approaches were missing! So far.

But now has Dr. Axel Koch added: As a solution to the problems he addressed in the book, he now has the GRISConcept developed. According to this concept, not only the right content determines the effectiveness of a training, but rather the transfer strength of the participants - i.e. the ability Background to be transferred sustainably into everyday working life.

To record the transfer strength, Gris developed a well-founded questionnaire. According to this, nine factors determine the ability, which the author considers to be a stable personality trait. Objective of the concept is to provide managers with the tool for more effective employee development Hand .

If a Whistelblower is oute

I find it interesting that he does it under his real name. Because for his insider knowledge, which had spread widely in the further education lie, he could rightly fear that in the Industry can't get a foot on the ground.

The fact that he is now outing also shows that a pseudonym can often become a problem for authors: namely when the author uses his name as Brand want to establish. After all, books should not be underestimated as a marketing tool for follow-up orders.

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