Negative beliefs are, even with small mishaps, fast for Hand. “It always happens to me” – but it quickly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. What can be done about it?

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Why is the money always gone?

"Not again!" – now I just had a little bit more Money saved up than normal and then the car breaks down. Always the same! Or not?

At least that's how it seems to me: When I've just swum my way financially a little, unforeseen things come along expenditure: Something breaks or something else is absolutely necessary and costs more than expected.

The money disappears, it is hardly there. There seems to be an invisible upper limit that I can not go beyond.

When you're obsessed with perfection, you can see mistakes much better

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"Damn! Another mistake!” – I was so careful and I still didn't do it perfectly. Not again – as always! I concentrate, look through everything again and the moment I send the email, one spelling mistake jumps out at me. Too late!

Do you know that? Something happens over and over again, even though we pay attention, concentrate, want to make it better. Can these recurring scenarios have something to do with our inner attitude and beliefs and what exactly is happening?

The brain is on autopilot

In order to survive, we rely on running some things on autopilot: some by nature - all within the body, like the metabolism - others based on experience and learning processes.

Usually, we only need to touch a hot stovetop once to avoid it for the rest of ours. Our Brain So learns very quickly, from your own experience or by copying from others, and it tends to generalize:

If we are absolutely convinced that this is always the case!

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The stovetop was hot, so all stovetops are hot. – Things went wrong with him, then it always goes wrong. There are children in Age from 0 – 10 years even extremely open to the beliefs of others People (parents, teachers) to take over almost without being asked.

Over time, we sometimes come to believe that something is always like that. "I can't do this!", "I don't like math!" or "Nobody likes me!" are some of the internal beliefs or beliefs that once unconsciously accepted are not easily erased.

Brain in speed noise

Our brain loves speed and therefore also generalizations. They are a time saver and serve as a protective mechanism. If we were to take the hot plate every time, life would be half as fast - and more painful.

Everything that we perceive is “channeled” through our belief filter and only that which is compatible with our beliefs is consciously perceived.

The problem with the perception filter: Nobody likes me?

The sentence “Nobody likes me!” (originated in kindergarten, when you had a suboptimal day and got on the nerves of the educators and other children and actually someone said: "I don't like you!") can haunt you for a lifetime.

Our perception filter then confirms this attitude every day anew - we are oppressed to others, so they have a reason to avoid us or we are simply ignored.

Negative beliefs and their influence on our lives

Negative beliefs are like invisible chains that can influence how we think, feel and act. These inner beliefs often arise early in our lives, based on experiences, Education, and social influences. They manifest as thoughts such as “I am not good enough”, “I will never Success have” or “I don’t deserve happiness”. Such beliefs can lower our self-esteem and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

The effects of negative beliefs

These negative beliefs can affect different areas of life. They influence our decisions, relationships, Career and even ours Health.

People with strong negative beliefs may sabotage themselves by missing opportunities, holding back, or finding themselves in toxic situations that confirm their beliefs.

6 Strategies: Ways to Overcome Negative Beliefs

But how can you now? negative Beliefs and self sabotage overcome?

  1. Be aware: The first step to change is to become aware of your own negative beliefs. These thoughts can be so ingrained that they appear automatic. Write them down as they arise to identify and understand them.
  2. Question beliefs: Question the veracity of these beliefs. Ask yourself if there is any evidence to prove whether they are really true. Often they are based on past experiences or opinions of others that do not necessarily reflect realityspiegeln.
  3. Positive comparisons: Replace negative beliefs with positive affirmations. Rephrase them into constructive sentences such as “I am capable and competent,” “I am worthy of love,” or “I attract success into my life.” Repeat these positive statements regularly to internalize them.
  4. Looking for evidence: Find examples from life that support positive beliefs. Look for moments when you were successful, when you were loved, or when you could be proud of yourself. These examples can serve as counter-evidence to your negative beliefs.
  5. Environment and support: Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. A supportive environment can help overcome negative beliefs by providing alternative perspectives and support.
  6. Professional help: In some cases, negative beliefs can be so deeply rooted that professional support is necessary. A psychologist, therapist or coach can help identify the underlying causes and develop strategies to overcome them.

Conclusion: Become aware of your own negative beliefs

Negative beliefs can have a major impact on our lives, but they are not set in stone. With awareness, determination and positivity Strategies we can overcome this. By reshaping our thoughts and our Perspektive By changing things, we can improve our quality of life and get on the path to a more positive self-image and a more fulfilled one Future . make

Become aware of your own negative beliefs: Know your salary cap; your upper or lower weight limit; Your belief about how a partnership works and how long it lasts? Just question your own beliefs!

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