Integrity is not a personality style, but an indication of what ultimately we are able to do with our personality and why not. This is shown by the example Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.

Integrity as personality style: Better not like Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg?

What is integrity?

Integrity itself is a combination of different factors. This includes:

It is therefore a psychological dimension that is composed of different psychological aspects.

Whoever lies ...

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What's interesting about this is that it doesn't matter if someone, for example, am Workplace an aggressive one Behavior shows, or whether he is not so precise with the break times - if you show even one such bad behavior pattern, you have one clear more likely to engage in other unethical behaviors.

Apparently hides behind the Term Integrity is the answer to the question of how willing a person is to cross borders – or, on the other hand, how little he cares about the consequences of his actions for others. People so with low integrity it doesn't matter if others get hurt.

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg

A very good example of a person described as an occasional grabber is Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg - the former German defense minister who stumbled upon the plagiarism affair in connection with his doctoral thesis and then lost his office. That Guttenberg had the urge to be something special could already be seen in interviews with him - he did not hide it very discreetly.

There was, for example, a visit to Afghanistan that was staged almost like a television show and which some media consequently called the Guttenberg show. The Freiherr didn't just fly to Afghanistan and talk to the troops. Among those present was TV presenter Johannes B. Kerner, who greeted the minister on a stage specially set up between military helicopters and aircraft Conversation could ask.

The plagiarism scandal as an example of lack of integrity

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Of course, one has to admit that Guttenberg is a very charismatic personality for a politician Appear had. Above all, however, the show at the Hindu Kush made it clear that external impact was very important to Guttenberg.

At the beginning of 2011, when suspicions about his doctoral thesis were publicly discussed, he initially denied everything. In terms of crisis management, this turned out to be simply catastrophic.

Rationalizations as a means of rhetoric

Because his external image was so important to him, he repeatedly expressed himself in the form of rationalizations. This term is in the Psychology for the fact that what appears to be reasonable explanations are attributed to what has been experienced.

In Guttenberg's case, this was expressed in such a way that he explained the plagiarism that he was accused of in such a way that he had used different data carriers in different places and that in the end he simply got confused about which content came from him and which from others.

Rights and rules apply only to others?

Also have his Family put a lot of pressure on him. All together, this is an example of massive attempts at rationalization, which presumably represent an integrity dimension of his personality. At the same time, his conviction was expressed that he was entitled to certain special rights.

The case clearly shows how someone is capable of believing that they are entitled and entitled to everything Regulate only applied to the others – but not to him. The pronounced narcissism alone would not suffice as an explanation in the Guttenberg case. In addition, there were rationalization strategies with regard to one's own actions, such as playing down and justifying.

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