If you are self-employed, you have to take care of your own security. You are spoiled for choice Choice between the statutory security systems or a private one prevention. How should one look decide?

16 Insurance for start-ups: Protection against risks

Why insurance at all?

Because they are useful. For example, those that minimize your liability risk - or the loss of earnings due to illness. An independent financial adviser can help you find the right insurance for you. Unless he is really independent!

If you've taken care of social security, you're far from covered: There are also a number of company insurances that you should think about if you want to be fully covered. You are spoiled for choice both in the field of Health insurance, as well as in old-age provision and unemployment insurance. An overview:

1. Statutory health insurance

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The self-employed must have health insurance. But you have a choice: You can either take out private insurance or take out voluntary statutory insurance. What is cheaper for you depends, among other things, on Age, gender and family planning.

Anyone who has previously been in the statutory health and long-term care insurance can stay there. He pays a fixed percentage of his income, but has a number of benefits, such as family or sickness benefits for longer illness.

In addition, a reduced contribution payment is possible if you earn below certain income limits or are only self-employed as a self-employed person.

Employees who only work independently on the side are fine: as long as they don't earn more than they do in their main job, you've got it Income no influence on the insurance premiums.

2. Private health insurance

The decision You should think carefully about private health insurance (PKV). Basically, a later change to the statutory health insurance (GKV) is not possible.

As a young entrepreneur you pay in private clear lower premiums with better coverage, but a big one Family can cause considerable additional costs later. Also you should get the refund from Costs consider in the form of sick pay in the event of illness.

Whoever has not been previously insured under statutory health insurance or has never been legally insured, has to insure himself privately.

3. care insurance

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A supplementary component of the social security is the long-term care insurance. If need be, people in need of care are financially supported in home or in-patient care. The long-term care insurance is obligatory, whether you are a voluntary member in the statutory health insurance or have privately insured.

When you look at your situation today, the subject of self-care is still a long way off for most. Self-employed people in particular have so much to consider - that Companys successfully lead, reduce economic dependencies, Work-Life-Balance, clarify your own investments and retirement provisions….

What happens in nursing care?

However, if you have seen in your family or circle of acquaintances what happens when someone is permanently dependent on help, you certainly know what financial consequences a need for care can have. Then you know that Problem, as an adult child, right in the middle of the build-up, having to step in financially in addition to the whole psychological burden when parents become in need of care.

There can fast own plans are involuntarily thrown overboard. To ensure that your children do not suffer from this, timely protection is necessary.

Statutory long-term care insurance

Statutory long-term care insurance is mandatory for both statutory and private health insurance. Money An insured person receives from the long-term care insurance if he has been classified in one of the three care levels.

The classification is made by the medical service and depends on how much help someone needs in performing daily life. It takes into account support for domestic matters and support for basic care. Under basic care is understood to help with dressing and undressing, eating and body care.

By the way, the benefits of long-term care insurance have only been increased once since its introduction in 1995. So you can not speak of inflation.

Private provision

But be careful: the payments of the long-term care insurance are usually not enough if one becomes a nursing accident by illness or accident. Whoever has to protect a family should conclude a private supplementary care insurance.

A further possibility to provide for the care case is the building up of assets. Your company is, for example, a value. No matter how your private assets are invested, whether it is pension insurance, capital life insurance or equity:

If you are in need of care, you can and must liquidate and use up your assets. It may even be so large that you don't have to use it up, but that the income is sufficient, bridging the gap between living expenses in the event of care and the benefits of your statutory pension and the statutory long-term care insurance.

A fortune can be consumed

If so: congratulations, this topic is closed for you. Keep in mind, however, that high levels of liquid wealth also come from special circumstances, such as house renovations, high medical costs to be borne by yourself, etc. could be consumed.

In most cases, sufficient assets are not yet available, especially at a young age. Securing the work force for the company, perhaps owning your own property and starting a family have often tied up your assets completely for a time. You can then only cover the risk of your own need for care, as in the case of disability, by means of a Insurance to secure.

4. pension Insurance

As a self-employed person, you are usually not required to be insured, ie you must take care of your old age provision. However, there are some exceptions for some professional groups.

Everyone else can take out voluntary insurance and choose their own contributions. In the first five years after the foundation, you have the opportunity to acquire Riester funding through compulsory insurance. Of course it can Sinn make voluntary contributions to the statutory security systems, but whether this is really worthwhile must be checked in each individual case.

5. unemployment insurance

You should take the risk of unemployment into account when determining your fee. Recently, however, as entrepreneur the opportunity to voluntarily insure yourself against unemployment, provided you have previously paid into the national unemployment insurance – in the form of a fixed monthly contribution.

Condition: You must also have been in the state unemployment insurance before founding. Private unemployment insurance, on the other hand, is usually not worthwhile. For academics during your Study were not employed subject to social security contributions, this possibility is therefore excluded.

6. The start-up grant

Do you remember the I-AG? It soon fell into disrepute, that the federal government decided to abolish this foundation. Meanwhile, there are new funding instruments instead of I-AG and bridging money.

The start-up grant is an amount equal to your most recently received unemployment benefit I for a living. He is granted for nine months. In addition, during this time, you will receive a supplement of 300 Euro / month for social security. If the Employment Agency renews your application once more after nine months, only the supplement of 300 Euro / month for the social security will be paid for a further six months, but no longer the amount corresponding to the last unemployment benefit I.

7. Einstiegsgeld

Who gets unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) can also be funded - with the entrance fee. The purpose of the entry fee is not, however, to promote self-employment. It is intended to help recipients of ALG II take the step out of long-term unemployment into self-employment. The entry fee is paid in addition to the unemployment benefit II. Crucial for a successful application is to personally convince the case manager that the entry fee will help us to permanently terminate unemployment.

8. Supplementary unemployment benefit II

Anyone who is already self-employed but does not earn enough to live can receive supplementary unemployment benefit II in the amount of the normal ALG II rate. It can only be roughly said how much is “not enough”: the exact value depends, among other things, on the actual rental and heating costs and the personal allowances. As a guideline, the income limit below which self-employed persons can receive supplementary Alg II is around 950 euros for single people in the west, and around 1.600 euros for a couple with a child in the east.

However, applicants may have very little assets in the bank. All income will also be counted towards the unemployment benefit. Even if the life partner earns too much, you usually get nothing. And only those who prove that this money possesses the chance to somehow reap reasonably reasonable self-employment money, are largely exempt from the obligations of normal ALG II recipients.

9. Private retirement provision

Private old-age provision is usually more lucrative than state pension insurance. Private pension insurance promises security, but only yields meager returns and costs high fees.

Experts therefore recommend investing in Funds, preferably in fee-saving mutual fund savings plans. Of course, this is not without risk.

10. Disability insurance

It is considered one of the most sensible hedges. This is because the state's disability pension, which is due when a pensioner can no longer work before the age of retirement, hardly covers the risk.

The amount of contributions varies greatly and depends on the age of the insured and the agreed benefits. Critical in private disability insurance is the abstract reference. If it is in the contract, the insurance company checks whether the employer could not nevertheless perform a related activity in the event of an unfitness to work, regardless of whether there are any corresponding jobs at all.

11. Alternatives to occupational disability insurance

Often the insurance companies also exclude previous illnesses from the insurance.

Those who do not get good disability protection therefore have other options: Dread Disease insurance against individual serious illnesses, basic skills insurance or private disability insurance.

12. accident insurance

On the other hand, private accident insurance only pays for accidents - worldwide and at low premiums - but, statistically speaking, illnesses occur much more often than accidents.

The professional association, in which the self-employed can also voluntarily insure themselves (caution: some are compulsory to be insured!) Pays for occupational diseases, but their catalog is very limited.

13. Liability insurance

Business liability insurance covers damage that occurs to others in the course of business operations - for example, if someone is injured in your own office. For real financial losses (the work is not finished on time and the Customer has financial losses) there is pecuniary loss liability.

In addition to property damage and personal injury caused by defective products, product liability also covers financial losses. In certain professions, such as lawyers or financial advisors, professional liability is even mandatory. And sometimes professional and private liability insurance can be combined cheaply.

14. Legal expenses insurance

Legal protection is relatively dispensable. Namely, he does not assume any claims for damages or preventive legal advice.

For this, expensive and unnecessary services usually have to be paid for. A cheap one Alternatives for self-employed may be legal advice and protection through a professional association.

15. Other insurance companies

Operating cost, business interruption or bad debt insurance is only worthwhile for larger companies. It can make sense to hedge corporate investments.

Expensive special insurance, for example against glass breakage, storm or fire, is usually not profitable. Rather, one should have a total insurance policy of the most likely risks to lock.

16. Advice and assistance in choosing the right insurance

Choosing the right private insurance is complicated. Therefore, it makes sense to seek independent advice. But be careful with free ones Online-Comparisons or advice from a broker: The amount of commission often plays an important role in the recommendations. Independent, neutral insurance advisors are better. They are only allowed to call themselves that if they have appropriate court approval, which prohibits any mediation. Unfortunately, advice is also very expensive. An inexpensive alternative are the paid tables from consumer advice centers or the tests from Stiftung Warentest.

Who in advance about the satisfaction of customers If you want to find out more about your insurance company, you should take a look at the complaint statistics from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). In the event of a dispute with the insurance company, you can also contact an insurance ombudsman. Most insurers accept his arbitration award.

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