Initiation as a growth spurt Serious slumps in your professional career, especially the premature, unplanned, if only temporary, end of a career that is currently being experienced as an absolute, are experienced as "social death" - like the case in a deep hole. But the hole is a well through which you can dive.

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The profession as an identification platform

In a strong on Performance aligned Society Orientation towards one's own doing, performing and successfully competing begins in early childhood.

A large part of the personal identification in adults belongs to the professional: Vocational Training, career steps, position, reputation, Income and Status. If all of this suddenly breaks away, the person concerned seems to be left with nothing.

Unemployment as a lifestyle?

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Even if the end of the career is not really financial due to goods accumulated earlier Problem is suddenly gone everything that those in his own Eyes has agreed. The man who once was seems dead.

He does not rarely experience this break as a dying - extremely painful and accompanied by feelings of shame and guilt. On this topic I was 2010 guest of a talk round the Deutschlandfunks.

The fall of Heide Simonis

Focus of this program was the reflection on professional failure. Guests were among other things, Heide Simonis, who had had an abrupt end of his career as Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein five years previously.

It had her one voice missing from the previously agreed coalition, so to speak from their own ranks, which then triggered the so-called Heidemurder debate in the press and resulted in a deep fall of the hitherto very successful politician.

The hole as a deep well

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Asked about it on the show, spoke Ms. Simonis, among other things, from a large hole in front of which she stood almost in shock at the time and still stands. I replied that this hole was a deep well that it would be very worthwhile to dive into in such a situation.

They fetched from a well People what we need to live for thousands of years: water. In a figurative sense, we can also draw from it what we need in order to Crisis to get back on our feet and realign our lives.

Pass through the well

To climb into this well and dive into its depths requires Courage. And yet it is the path that, not only from my experience, promises the greatest, because sustainable, success.

Carlo Zumstein, a PhD psychologist and one of Europe's leading representatives of core shamanism, speaks in the context of depression, that healing can be triggered just by not shying away from the dark, in which one feels drawn, but dives to find the missing side on the other side.

Depression as a shamanic initiation

The disease becomes, so to speak, a shamanic initiation. And traditionally, as in today's therapeutic situations, this is a matter of dismemberment.

I don't mean that in the physical sense, of course. and yet the dismemberment is frighteningly real for many of those affected. But can be reassembled with far more power and Background than before to start afresh his way of life.

Archetypic basic pattern

In this gap is the almost magical space to develop previously unimaginable. Almost all ancient cultures in human history knew about these connections.

The crises may have shown quite different faces in earlier centuries. But their basic pattern has something archetypical, which also shows itself in nature:

Growth and offense are inseparable

growth and offenses are inseparable. The old and dying prepare the ground for the new – as the journalist Kathrin Wagner writes in this example:

I was used to being able to assess my order situation at least six months in advance. Due to restructuring and austerity measures in public service broadcasting, however, the situation suddenly looked different. That made me Anxiety – existential fear. Sometimes I got panic attacks that I had never experienced before. Out of sheer concern of not making ends meet, I snatched up every order, no matter how small. I got bogged down so much that my Time management - if I had ever owned one - totally collapsed. I knew I couldn't go on like this forever.

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